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Lincoln Luk
Raffles Junior College


11/01/2003 - 12/01/2003
12/01/2003 - 01/01/2004
01/01/2004 - 02/01/2004
02/01/2004 - 03/01/2004
03/01/2004 - 04/01/2004
04/01/2004 - 05/01/2004
05/01/2004 - 06/01/2004
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08/01/2004 - 09/01/2004
09/01/2004 - 10/01/2004
10/01/2004 - 11/01/2004
11/01/2004 - 12/01/2004
12/01/2004 - 01/01/2005
03/01/2005 - 04/01/2005
04/01/2005 - 05/01/2005
05/01/2005 - 06/01/2005
06/01/2005 - 07/01/2005
07/01/2005 - 08/01/2005
08/01/2005 - 09/01/2005
09/01/2005 - 10/01/2005
10/01/2005 - 11/01/2005
11/01/2005 - 12/01/2005
12/01/2005 - 01/01/2006
01/01/2006 - 02/01/2006
02/01/2006 - 03/01/2006
03/01/2006 - 04/01/2006
04/01/2006 - 05/01/2006
05/01/2006 - 06/01/2006
06/01/2006 - 07/01/2006
09/01/2006 - 10/01/2006
10/01/2006 - 11/01/2006
11/01/2006 - 12/01/2006
12/01/2006 - 01/01/2007
03/01/2007 - 04/01/2007
04/01/2007 - 05/01/2007
08/01/2007 - 09/01/2007


Alvin Nat
Grace Lum
Grace Ow
Hong Rui
Huang Lu
Joseph Firmansyah
Ng Jingwen
Joel Maximillian Lau Shen Rong <3 <3 <3 <3
Kelvin Xu
Kuan Fu
Paul Yap
Rachel Heng
Ryan D
Ruth Ngo
Sarah Ooi
Sarah Hew
Shu Fang
Victoria Chin
Wan Chee Mun Chee
Wang Ting

Sunday, November 26, 2006

I have the biggest headache in the world right now...somebody save me.

1 Year Anniversary at 11:47 PM

Saturday, November 18, 2006

Ok ok i'm updating i'm updating!!! Well it's been incredibly hectic incredibly fun and incredibly choc full of stuff these few months WOW!!! There's so much to blog about i will have to go in chronological order now. Ok ready? Let's go!

Well Promos went pretty well i'm definitely happy with the tremendous improvement in results :D And i'm also very happy that i made a couple of new study buddies, James Cai and Joel Lau, who studied with me almost everyday and definitely livened up the atmosphere with their attempts at learning handstands after i showed them one, their nonsensical jokes and us gossiping like 50 year old aunties whoops! But i could've done with less expletives spewing across the room every 5 minutes though. Paul Yap got turned back to the dark side too, you fags! I also got to know their classmates! Adelyn, Sue-lynn(hmmmm did i spell it correctly?) and Divya who joined us for the mugfest pretty often. Adelyn's this really cute, lovable bundle of smiles who desperately tries to keep Yamies and Poey in line, in vain heheh! Sue-lynn is Xianhui's cousin?!?!!? And they've been talking like twins from the baby cots apparently, and she has many interesting things to tell me about Xianhui nieheheheh *egrin*. And Divya, well Divya made me blush, what more can i say...

But of course how could i forget my faggoty maggots, the Ah Kahn, the Mugger, the Fatanael Kumargay and the Wan Fook. Was good feeling the stress and the screaming and the random whacking each other on the head just to relieve that stress again, and of course how can i EVER EVER forget about the night of discovery! *nudges Alex* my goodness that will definitely be something i'll remember for the rest of my life. Ask me about it and if you're really really nice i might tell you ;) We even wrote a song about it, if he pisses me off enough one day i'll record it and post it up here :p

On a side note, all my faggots are in or falling in love man...GG...they succumb to the darker side...No larh i'm kidding girls pls don't hit me yet hear me out! I'm really fine and glad that they are actually, knowing them for so long it's the first time i've seen most of them even express any liking for members of the opposite sex at all(yes i even suspected they were gay), but now there's like this explosion of hormones and it's really really cute to see them falling head over heels, dang my faggots are growing up. And leaving me all alone :( But never mind it's ok! I have my Ocomm!!!!!!!!!!!

Ahhhh yes, the Ocomm! Orientation kicks ass dudes!!! Being Orientation I/C was really a big challenge when i first started, i've never really been in charge of so many people at once, 159 after selection man that is a crazy number, and to tell the truth i was kinda doubtful of my abilities at first, but the comm has been incredible, absolutely incredible.

Rng, my co I/C! You're such a joy to work with you're always ready to take more from me because you're afraid i have too much to do and you have this innocent child-like happiness and bubbliness that's always surrounding you like an aura, keep shining for God! He'll watch over this Orientation and after all of us :) Slow and Steady! HAHAHAAHHAH!

Zhouyi, the secretary! Zhuoyi is the man. Seriously. He does work at this accelerated time dimensional speed that you wonder if he has 29 hours in a day or something, and all the documents all the powerpoints all the files are always so incredibly neat and in order and so nice to look at that it really amazes you. I'll never forget you sorting through all the application forms for hours in the council room or when you told me "Please give me more work, i have nothing to do." when you had a whole LOT to do! Man things would definitely get a lot more messy without you, God bless you brother :)

Yj, the boss-man, our exco attache! If Yj didn't breathe, you might think he was dead. Dude you are some stone larh! Ocomm would be a lot lot less lively without you around, your comments your ideas and your poem for your presentation, goodness i'll never forget that either and i won't ever forget your "I'm a barbie girl" either hahaha! And i'm not kidding man you're leading the dance for the J1's and you're playing recorder for the song!

Paul Yap Wan Fook and Theresa Le Seux Kharissa Nanetta Wiyono(did i spell that right?), my games I/Cs!! We've had a couple of bumps along the way haven't we? But together we have overcome all of them mwahahah! I was incredibly amazed and impressed by your 45 page long proposal, goodness you did exactly what i told you NOT to do! But i have to say all the work put into that really astounded me, keep up the good work we'll get through this together!

Wong Wan Chee, my song and dance I/C! Hey that rhymes. Everytime i see you i feel like pinching your cheeks or laughing because of your smiley face. I usually do both concurrently. You're a great I/C always looking out for your comm before anything else and you have to handle both the song AND the dance but it's coming along really really well, proud of ya! Learning the dance from you was really really fun and i'll never forget my moment of feminine connection that day *gulp*

Shi xiong ah, wa eh highlights I/C ah!!! You're the most incredibly stupidly funny person i've ever met in my life man, you've got a funny thing to say about everything and anything and i know a lot of the people in your comm joined because they know that and know that they'll definitely have a good time with you as their I/C which i agree 100%. I'll never forget Barbie girl with Yejie, the water fountain video or "The day cat touches my ass is the day i burn it off" hahah!

Catriona, my storyline I/C! Ok i have to say this i just have to, storyline is the most bimbotic comm ever! It's got you and Wang Ting and like Shawn Chua and Ryan D sheesh!!! Ok xiong would probably beg to differ because bimbo would mean that it implied you being pretty BUT! Xiong's not here so that doesn't count larh dee darh *halo* I'm really sorry for the boo boo's here and there, cutting your entire first proposal for LOST :\ but don't worry it probably won't happen again heh...heh...keep working hard i know that storyline will be a blast next year! And thank goodness i'm not L PHEW!

Musfirah Marican, my external activities I/C and my house D hooray! You are so blur it's funny when everyone has stopped laughing and mus suddenly bursts into uncontrollable laughter :P And i still can't believe i put Alvin, Alex and Zhangrui into your comm, seriously man what was i thinking?! Oh well, what's done is done :\ It's really great having you in the house D too you're so easy and nice to work with i don't think things will ever flare in our house D ever. BB ROCKS!

Justina, programmey I/C! Wow it's been a year already i still can't believe it, i still remember what you told me Alvin said about me the first time we met in class, dohhhzzzz...It's really been quite a year knowing you and i can truly say from the bottom of my heart that you're someone i always trust to be there, no matter how bad i am to you you'll always be there if i need help and i know a lot of people say the same thing, wonderful job spreading the love of the Father to the world, God bless you :)

Matthew Loh(Muthu!), muh loggy mun! You look like an Indian. Thankfully you don't sound like one or they would be calling you muthu son of (insert name). But seriously, you're an extremely hard worker too you and Zhuoyi can have a competition. Your briefings are always so great and your material is always neatly in order and the powerpoints! Man i can never forget the powerpoints! The plastic buckets all around Singapore hahaha. Great job so far and your loggys will make or break Orientation remember?! Make me some curry some time ;)

Jinglin, decor woman! You paedophile. Hands off my J1's next year ago, if one of them tells me someone molested them i'll know who it is! You're the cutest thing ever sometimes with your presentations that made EVERYONE sign up for decor and your random bouts of japanese anime spouting. And how could i ever forget the day you owned Yejie with your lemon eating skills. I can't believe you ate the skin! Decor's gonna have some tough times with alll your banner and decoration work, but don't worry the comm is there for you! I'll be there for you...when the rain starts to fall...ok Wan Chee just got that stuck in my head, sorry :
And that, is my Ocomm!!! Really great people i can't believe all the great times we've had after knowing each other for just a few months and working for even less time than that but it's been such a great experience, and we're not even half way done with Orientation there's so much more to go! YAY!!!!! Eh...where did all you guys go...???? Hahah kidding larh i know you won't abandon me. Right. Right...??? Continue with the great work guys and let me know if you need help from your Ocomm dage or dajie and we will be glad to help you guys out! And there's a reward of a banana cream pie for the first comm that submits their proposal on monday warghhh :) And remember to cut your hair if you need to before meeting Mr. Hodge on wednesday please, i don't want any of you to kena white slip during holiday :P and please remember to sleep before dry run 1 i know the schedule is hectic but don't panic! Because if you panic then Rng will panic and then she will call me at 4AM and i will get grumpy and scold all of you. Not that any of you but yes please take care of yourselves this month and a half it's so so important k?

And for my last point of the day. Council retreat to Sofitel Palm Resort! It was really a very well planned retreat kudos to the exco for planning it, you guys kick ass! And i was actually pretty glad to get K. Leong as my roommate, i really didn't know him and it was great rooming with him and laughing at the exco, oh wait oops i wasn't supposed to say that, paiseh :p But i have to say, the hygiene was pretty bad, i got a LOT of mosquito bites....pain.... :( but the firefly watch on the last night, man that was great, it would've been the most romantic thing i did in my life if i wasn't sitting beside two guys...ooh gay. Literally. But it was definitely a nice recharging retreat for me but i almost died after it because i slept 3+ hours on the last night and i only came home yesterday and i didn't sleep at all last night cos' of a whole heck of work to rush, but i'm feeling refreshed after my 2 hour nap! The first one i've taken in about a year, i don't usually nap, and now i'm blogging for the first time in a long time too! And i cleaned my room yesterday it's so spacious now! So many firsts yayyyy :)

Ok that entry was 2000 words that is crazy, but i'm pretty glad i blogged, when i read through my old entries and remember all the times that are past, it's really a nice feeling, i don't want the holidays to ever end...not the way they're going now, it's really the best i've ever felt in my life working with all these people i love and who i know will always be there for me, that's what council's about, we're not an organisation, we're a family. Love you guys.

1 Year Anniversary at 7:19 PM

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