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Judo Raffles Junior College 17/06/1989 F4
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Sunday, April 30, 2006 On a lighter note, here's a presentation from one of the groups in my class for GP. But before you read it please note the following. 1.) I take no responsibility for the document 2.) If you seek to object to any points made in the document, especially violently, please look for the authors 3.) I never said i agreed with the document. Do not stone me. "Achievements" of Women in the Political Field Proudly presented by: Benjamin Jin Han Andrew Jin Wei Jun Xian Introduction The field of politics has traditionally been dominated by men, with a very good reason to it. Pat Schroeder, in response to a question about being both a mother and a congresswoman, once said “I have a brain and a uterus, and I use both”. But what she failed to realize is that women’s brains are significantly smaller than men’s. Be it brains or brawn, men are bigger, better and stronger. Therefore, men are destined to lead. Their bodies are a symbol of strength, of utopia, a role model which women can try to be but can never hope to achieve. Their minds encompass vast possibilities of ways to lead the country, synthesizing solutions through a vast sea of information. Men are strong in their words, decisive in their actions…as opposed to women. Meanwhile, women are but that… just women. ONLY women. Weak-bodied endowed with a lesser mind, they make their way around the world masking their mindlessness with sweet smiles and fluttering eyelashes. Emotional and high-strung, they are simply not suited for great tasks. Men have long been frustrated at dealing with their lesser peers. Therefore, in a bid to engage more women in intellectual discussion, men have finally decided to extend their generosity to previously out-of-bound areas, pushing women into positions of power, all the while hoping chaos will not ensue in the next decade or so. Naturally, strict rules have to be adhered regarding this, but nonetheless, it is simply astounding what havoc a woman can wreck with such little power. One of the ways in which men had granted power to the women would be to graciously extend suffrage, which is the right to vote, to women. Suffrage has been granted and revoked at various times in various countries throughout history. The first unrestricted women’s suffrage in terms of voting rights was first granted in New Zealand in 1893, and in 1894, South Australia became the first country to grant universal suffrage and allow women to stand for parliament. Prior to World War II, most major powers extended this generosity to women, such that now, only a few countries do not enjoy suffrage, usually because of certain interpretations from the Koran. Countries without suffrage for women at all would include Brunei and Saudi Arabia. Bhutan and Lebanon enjoy partial suffrage. In Bhutan, each household is only restricted to one vote, and this in turn prevents a large number of women from voting. In Lebanon, women need to attain a certain level of education before being able to vote, while all men are eligible to vote. Naturally, some would think that extension of the franchise is a birth right and serves to elevate women to the same status as men. They feel that the right to vote is the defining feature of a full citizenship and thus made the fight for suffrage their most fundamental concern. This fight took up decades, NOT because men were not receptive, but because men care too deeply about women. Women were simply not suited by circumstance or temperament to vote. Voters had to be independent, unswayed by appeals from employers or the educated elite. Women, with their weak minds, are only suited to be at homes, caring for their husbands and children. Entry of women in politics might well disrupt the natural order of things. However, men finally got tired of the blank looks of incomprehension women gave whenever they want to have intellectual discussion, hence they allowed themselves to be “persuaded” to grant the vote to the inferior fairer sex. So, after having forced some responsibility on women, women, as men had hoped, began to develop intelligence (albeit slowly, of course, since nothing seeps through solid stone fast). Female politicians are on the rise, and they are not just some minor functionaries but actually do occupy positions of authority, make contributions to the society and make good use of their power to lead the masses. One of the current female politicians would be Dr. Condoleezza Rice. She is the current (66th) Secretary of State for the United States of America and is the second African American as well as the second woman to take on the role as Secretary of State. One of her contributions include playing an essential role in making the case for a pre-emptive war against Iraq, convincing many parties to aid America’s cause. She is also responsible for the implementation of “Transformational Diplomacy”, a plan for the makeover of the State Department so as to “lay new diplomatic foundations to secure a future of freedom for all people”. This plan involves relocating of hundreds of American diplomats where they are most needed, building and training relations with countries especially in areas such as India and South-East Asia which have been previously neglected, as well as training American diplomats to equip them with skills to handle diplomatic relations better. Dr. Condoleeza Rice came into power through hard work and determination and has since risen to be one of the most powerful female politicians in America history. In fact, many Americans are supporting her to run for presidency in the 2008 elections. Another current female politician would be Senator Hillary Clinton. She is married to former US president Bill Clinton and is the United States Senator of New York. Her contributions include coming up with the Adoption and Safe Families Act (1997), which helps to improve children’s welfare by emphasizing the importance of their safety and health in determining what is considered reasonable for them, promoting adoption of orphans and supporting families with financial problems. She also initiated the State Children’s Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) which provided insurance coverage for children whose families are in the middle-income group and thus do not qualify for low–income group insurance programs(Medicaid), and also do not have enough money to buy private insurance. Studies have found that it has significantly reduced the number of uninsured children. SCHIP and Medicaid have together reduced the number of uninsured children to levels not seen since the late 1970s. Hillary Clinton was a prominent lawyer before her marriage to Bill Clinton, and gained support through the many achievements she made as the First Lady. First Lady Laura Bush is also one of the leading female politicians in the world today. She is married to President of the United States of America, George W. Bush. Laura Bush has been actively involved in issues regarding the nation, especially regarding issues on education, healthcare and human rights. Laura Bush is the leader of President Bush’s Helping America’s Youth initiative and is concerned about the needs of the children, coming up with programmes to help children avoid risky behaviours such as drug use and violence. She is also the Honorary Ambassador for the Decade of Literacy of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), and serves as an international spokesperson for UNESCO in efforts to help educate people throughout the world. Apart from UNESCO, Laura Bush also speaks on behalf of partnerships between the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and other health care organizations, and she is in support of the initiative to build a children’s hospital in Iraq to serve the children there. Not only does she support the children, she is also concerned about diseases amongst the women. Being a partner with the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute, she lends her support for educational campaigns for breast and heart diseases. Another contribution of Laura Bush was that she initiated National Preserve, a national initiative to preserve cultural and heritage sites in America. Laura Bush has been at the forefront of many initiatives and continue to contribute to the American society. Conclusion Other than being celebrated for their roles as housewives and slaves of the sex trade, women’s achievements in politics are also one of their better known contributions to society. In retrospect, women have certainly come a long way along the path of politics, no matter how small the achievement. Unlike men, who have been the supreme rulers of the earth since god knows when, women have been struggling for centuries to put themselves in positions of power, thus achievements like these in the political world of today is much of a commendable effort. Of course, some might argue that women cause more trouble than what they contribute, such as leading people down the path of war in search of imaginary weapons of mass destruction. However, one must always take into account the fact that these “powerful” politicians are but ONLY women. There is only so much space, or should I perhaps say, only so much substance, in their minds. The tendency to wreak havoc is but one of the many traits of the female, and no one has ever accused a woman of being smart anyway. Coincidentally (very much), it is during these recent times that the world has seen a sharp decrease in the male population around the world. Could this have posed as an opportunity for women to rise into positions of greater power? Well, one thing for sure is that, exactly just like how in today’s world, where global warming and an abnormally high increase in natural disasters threaten to destroy the human race, women are rising in power. Disclaimer Data and information is provided for informational purposes only, and is not intended for trading purposes. Neither we nor any of our data or content providers shall be liable for any errors or delays in the content, or for any actions taken in reliance thereon. By reading our work, a reader agrees not to redistribute the information found therein. We shall not be liable for any damages or costs of any type arising out of or in any way connected with our work. Basically, we imply, YOU infer. http://www.etownian.com/060323/features-rice_sets_bar.asp http://www.cwla.org/advocacy/asfa.htm http://www.diabetesincontrol.com/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=3322 http://www.wikipedia.org http://www.whitehouse.gov/firstlady/flbio.html 1 Year Anniversary at 12:16 AM
Saturday, April 29, 2006 Man it's been a long long week...i knew what i was getting myself into, i knew that i'd be under a lot of stress and pressure juggling all my activities, but i guess you can never really prepare yourself for the mental strain, you just throw in your best and pray it all comes together. But really got so much to do, so many different things to worry about each day that it really feels i'm working more than 24 hours a day. But God does send his blessings in ways both seen and unseen. And it's by His encouragement you get through these times. Been really blessed with positions of leadership in the school, and i'll seek to truly glorify Him through all these avenues. Was at Sentosa the whole day today for Judo "orientation" where we got to know the new J1's, and it was a really fun day with soccer, frisbee, swimming etc. but one thing that really struck me was nearing the end of the day when Garry and I went to sit at one of the rocky ledges overlooking the sea and the serenity of the vision just struck us really hard that we pretty much sat there till it was time to leave. It really made me wonder...how many times am i going to be able to do this again in the year to come? How much time will i have to live life for myself and not for anything or anyone else? But then again i know that this is my calling, and it is God's will for me to be here now, and it will be part of parcel of my training to become a better person for Him. It's true that i want to serve the school, i really do love Raffles so much, I can't understand how people can't. And I want to make a contribution to my beloved institution and make a difference in the lives of every single Rafflesian out there. But behind all that, at the core of my being, i know that i'm doing all this for God, not only to prepare myself better for anything He calls me to do in the future, but also to glorify His name and what better way to do that than by following Paul's instructions to Titus, that a young man should be a show of good works in every single thing that he does. Not an easy burden to bear, but life isn't a bed of roses is it? :) I've definitely been tested hard this year, both morally and spiritually, i've had to make decisions that weren't what i wanted, but rather what was best for others and for God, and it ended up in disappointing, heart-wrenching moments for me, but I know that i made the right choice in these issues and i'm very proud of myself for being able to stick to God's word and be a responsible leader for anyone and everyone who was counting on me. It's going to be a long, tiring term in studies, in Judo, in council, in RJC, but trust God, have faith that He'll always see me though as long as I put Him first and things will all turn out great :) Pray for me and let me know if there's anything you need me to pray for you. Goodnight peeps :) 1 Year Anniversary at 10:09 PM
Sunday, April 23, 2006 Woohoo just came back from Council Camp that was from Friday night to this morning and i am as red as a lobster from a variety of activities! Really really was a great camp, physically and mentally i guess i'm quite used to these things by now, but the emotion of one of the nights and the feeling of the council coming together as a whole was really really something special and unique, it'll definitely be something i'll remember for a long time :) But seriously dudes, it feels like my skin is made of sand paper now IT IS MOTHER MOTHER PAIN i can't smile without feeling pain on my face and the back of my neck and my arms are just...gheyed...sigh the consequences of being white... Seriously man, respect to all the girls that went through it, i was feeling the strain of it at the end already i can only imagine how tough it was for all of them. But all of them went through it and didn't give up, how some of them held push up position longer than some guys, ho ho ho ;). Well i think i did well enough, and really got the fire lit again during the camp, feeling the drive to do well in school again and the lackluster attitude is fading away which is a good thing :D Set some new goals for myself this year and really hoping i can achieve them and not look back with any regrets. Mental and physical goals. I realised something recently...things have become more stressful in life because my parents have been letting go and i have been making decisions for myself more. It's been a steady process for a few years, but i think now ma and pa trust me to handle my life in a good, Godly way, so they've been laying off and letting me decide things for myself, even like...joining council and judo at the same time while managing studies...Ma said that she would much rather i just focus on one, but that she couldn't understand how i felt about some things, but just to remember that she'll always love me and support me through it. That was really such an encouragement even if i didn't show it to her face, it really lifted my spirits a lot. But back to the point...when things go wrong now, there's nobody else to blame but yourself, when there's roadblocks in your life, you're the one who chooses which way to go now and the consequences become more and more apparent. Everything was a lot easier when you just followed what people told you, but sooner or later everyone has to grow up...And especially being in positions of leadership, the decisions you make affect a lot more people...gotta learn to make the right ones *nod* Oh and by the way, someone took my favourite pair of underwear in camp during the speed packing/unpacking of our bags for bag check. And i took someone's size 40 shirt by mistake instead of my own 46...and i ran out of shirts...so i had to wear it for the last day...i felt like i was wearing a corset seriously. Thank God for Adnaan who had a spare Z'kardia shirt man, if not i would have had to wear it for more than those few hours. PHEW! Ok larh, better get started on my PI now, it's due on Wednesday, must do a good job with this one. Night people. 1 Year Anniversary at 7:47 PM
Monday, April 17, 2006 Hi i am in com lab 3 now i have just finished voting for the 26th council elections and i am now going to proceed to chemistry class because i have to. I wish i could show you some of the pictures of the council nominees because they are incredibly funny-looking. But they disabled the right click so i cannot :( By the way the school coms are quite cool the other com lab has tft so we can actually LAN dota in it. And Andrew Teh is now looking over my shoulder and reading my blog. He is not asleep! Oh my goodness! A miracle! Andrew Teh do you want to help me blog? Ok he says no. Justina is here too. Justina do you want to help me blog? Ok. =) oh what a lack of an honour to blog is my fatties' blog. he is so fat he takes up so much space i have no space =( okay just kidding. anyway what can i say i've nvr blogged in someone else's blog and ummmmmmm ummmmmmmm (sheesh lost e touch of writing!!!) there's bio prac later..i hope we know how to callibrate the scale :S anyway lincoln is back and he is staring at the screen. he says i cant type for nuts =( horrible. err walnuts? no way! i can type. unlike.......hmm.....most guys lah. excluding lincoln cos he types too much to his multitudes of bfs. hhohohohoohohoho. i can type :D and oh yes he's not gay lah. just quite chio :D his eye lashes are about the same length as mine O.O okie i dono what else to say...urmm..NOOOO SIOK JUST SAID I TYPE VERY SLOW :(:(:(:( [how can..] now jiahui my sister is here too. btw, jiahui is a guy. but he's just very sisterly =) lincoln also lah. except he just let out a manly shriek. oh not shriek, GROWL. i think lincoln has bear blood. beary beary beary bear. hmm okay its time to go for chem cos we are all good kids =) we <3 chem! (esp lincoln) hope we all get in council hurrrr. mwahaha. byebyebyeeeeee =) 1 Year Anniversary at 12:39 PM
Sunday, April 16, 2006 3 fags just went home. My gosh so so stupid i can't believe some of the things we did even i think it's hilarious man. Well this week has been quite an emotional rollercoaster, lots of ups and downs, but the highlight was definitely talking to bro on the phone last night, so many questions helped answered, so many decisions strengthened, so much confidence refortified, really glad i spent that time talking, should make more time for it, really helps me put things back to perspective when we talk. Sunrise service is in 6 hours, will be watching the sun rise over Macritchie reservoir while listening to Pastor Heng's sermon. Really hope that it will be a glad time of worship for everyone there, and really do pray that God will re-affirm His touch on all of us and remind us once again that He's there, that He'll never leave us and He'll always walk by our side every step of the way no matter how bleak it seems. I still remember Mr. Eng saying that April and May are the worst months of the year and that things always seem to get stagnant then and everyone gets a lackluster attitude, but come June the drive and passion to train, to study, and basically to live, all comes back to you. Really pray that that's true, gonna train super hard this these few months and make sure we win that A' boys title. We're not gonna settle for 2nd place this year. Speaking of training, ran and did cardio with Alvin just now before coming to my place, but here's the nice thing. It rained. Like crazy. On the way to school. So i was stuck at the bus stop for the better part of an hour till the rain cleared, lucky i brought my econs notes to mug a bit or the time would really have been wasted. Did a 9.48 time for 2.4 just now, not as good as sec 4...but quite ok with it lah, still sub 10. But really pray that i'll be able to maintain on Wednesday for NAPFA though, and i should! Because half way through my run, while i was listening to my mp3(hey it really helps take your mind off the strain), Josh Groban started playing with his incredibly smooth voice and slow lyrics. And my mind seriously started dozing! I realised that my footsteps were becoming slower and more heavy and that my body was starting to relax and i probably wasted 10 or 20 seconds on that round alone cos' of stupid Josh Groban. All his fault. NO! Must get 30 points for NAPFA or i will be damn damn sad and i will seriously feel damn screwed up. CANNOT LOSE TO THAT PERSON NARGHHH!!!! K lah gotta go sleep now dudes, or Lincoln will be a gg for service tmr, blog some other day, ciao ;) 1 Year Anniversary at 12:19 AM
Thursday, April 13, 2006 My gosh i am seriously exhausted from all this man but thank God the campaigning is over and i think we really did a great job on it :D Lungs are getting better now, fitness is coming back albeit slowly, but it's all good. Studies have been picking up slightly since i've started studying again and things are clicking into place. Of course things still pecking at the back of my mind, especially after stupid miss Ung's doings -.-" but they're all getting better! Really getting into the college mood now i guess, feeling more at place in school, not looking over my shoulder so much anymore, although i still will because there are females around :p but ahhh getting used to their presence around class ;) Was just talking to the guys about thinking with our hearts instead of our heads and how it gets us into trouble sometimes. Oh yeah, lots of times heheheh. But really when i think about it i realise that i've been thinking with my head more than my heart recently...and it's kept me out of trouble that's for sure, but somehow...going with what my heart said when my head violently objected just made life seem a lot more exciting and a lot more meaningful. Even when i got into trouble :p Ah well guess that little bad boy streak is still there, doubt it'll ever go away ;) But sometimes do regret that i'm growing up and thinking more "maturely"...things just seemed so much more simple and so much more...fun...when you just did whatever your heart desired, said whatever came to mind...Oh well i guess that's the price we pay for living in the modern world. So many things i want to say, so many things i want to do, but can't because they aren't "good" for me in the long run and it wouldn't be responsible of me, so many things i don't wanna say and i don't wanna do but i have to because it's the "right" thing to do that any "mature, sensible" person would do. Growing up does suck sometimes...Talked to the faggots, Paul and some other people about life in RJ, and there really are a lot of mixed comments. Paul and another 2 of my friends said that they found it a lot more relaxing and not as stressful as RI, but all the faggots including myself agreed that it's a lot more tiring, feels like you're tired everyday and the only time we can really let go is when the 4 of us are together. Seriously know, so many people came to tell me that i've grown more serious and that i'm very stone and scary now, but once you see me with those 3 faggots that image is totally destroyed man all of us really act like we're 3 years old again :P Which is a good thing lah, to be so totally comfortable with them that i can just let go and say anything i feel with no fear of any repurcussions. I better never let any of my juniors see me with them man...instead of making them cry during training they'll all be laughing at me and nobody will respect me anymore seriously. Wth just feeling a bit sappy and Air Supply - All Out of Love just started playing on my i-tunes -.-" ok.....this is probably time for me to sleep too because in 10 hours time it's GOOD FRIDAY SERVICE. Which also means. NO SCHOOL! HAHAHAHAHA! Yay really need a break :) Night peeps! 1 Year Anniversary at 11:51 PM
Wednesday, April 12, 2006 Man looooooooong time since i've updated. Council elections have been a huge GG, especially with training and competition on Sunday. But thank God He provides in time for need, got gold in competition, thanks ys ;) council campaigning has been going great even though we're all exhausted from the lack of sleep but it'll all be over soon and we'll be able to get a good night's rest for once :) And besides that really thank the Lord for helping me get that huge weight off my chest, it was really really messing with my head but now that it's all out, everything's good and i can finally think straight again :D Man going through all this with council has really brought me a lot closer to the faggot boys...really pray desperately to God that all of us will be able to get into council, i mean...things really wouldn't be the same without the guys around, pray so hard that we will all get in, pray for us too :) Remember to vote for Z'LAK! We will not slack! HAHAHAH! 1 Year Anniversary at 8:57 PM
Thursday, April 06, 2006 I thought i would grow smarter as i grew older, coming into JC and all. But no, i seem to be getting stupider by the day. SERIOUSLY DAMN STUPID. DAMN DAMN STUPID. ARGHHHH!!!!!! Someone please just dig a hole for me to crawl in please i feel like a ggxxxxxxxxxxxxxx........ 1 Year Anniversary at 7:29 PM
Monday, April 03, 2006 Today was like the most unglam day of my life man seriously. Well firstly i woke up late because i was up mugging for bio and then i didn't have time to shave, which left me looking like a cactus in the morning, then after bio test i tripped on the way out of the door in the mass of people, knocking a couple over...*blush* and then on my way to RI for training, it bloody flooded! Seriously it was alright one second and the next the rain was pouring down like God dumped the red sea on our heads! If you ever wondered where all the water from him parting it went, wonder no more :\. So went to training all soaked and feeling headachy cos' of the rain, and THEN Mitchell decided today would be a good day to punch me in the nose and i had a nosebleed. And to top it off, Mr. Tan decided to do spring cleaning today! You won't believe the amount of dirt, dust and hair there was trapped under the mats pls...and we TRAIN there. My gosh it was thoroughly disgusting. So after all this i slogged home feeling filthy and demoralised. Thankfully i'm happy and clean now and i'm going for my first BSF(Bible Study Fellowship) tomorrow! Pray God will truly let me learn the most from it :) Alright now my headache is still here and i shall retire now. Hugs and kisses of comfort are much appreciated. 1 Year Anniversary at 10:03 PM
Sunday, April 02, 2006 The definition of "Faith" : Belief that does not rest on and usually contradicts logical proof or material evidence I have faith in my bio test. 1 Year Anniversary at 6:24 PM
Saturday, April 01, 2006 HAHAHAHAHA I WIN MITCHELL YEO!!!!!!! 1 Year Anniversary at 11:04 PM
Screw your balls Mitchell Yeo Jianhao. 1 Year Anniversary at 10:39 PM
Go away! Study for your bio test! Memorise your notes that officially weigh 367 grams(that's a heck of a lot of paper) And if you don't take bio. I despise you. I dowant to study... :'( 1 Year Anniversary at 9:57 PM
Whoah Natasha Bedingfield is good! Single This is my current single status My declaration of independence There's no way I'm tradin' places Right now a star's in the ascendant I'm single (Right now) That's how I wanna be I'm single (Right now) That's how I wanna be Hey hey i like this song! :D But this one is even better it's really catchy! Unwritten Reaching for something in the distance So close you can almost taste it Release your innovations Feel the rain on your skin No one else can feel it for you Only you can let it in No one else, no one else Can speak the words on your lips Drench yourself in words unspoken Live your life with arms wide open Today is where your book begins The rest is still unwritten Go listen if you're bored one day. Today has been one incredibly crazy day man so much great stuff happened i'll blog about it tomorrow cos' i gotta go sleep now there's training tomorrow. Today was such a great day for God really felt Him with me everywhere i went and it felt really really great :) Nothing's perfect, but today sure did come close :D 1 Year Anniversary at 12:18 AM