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Lincoln Luk
Raffles Junior College


11/01/2003 - 12/01/2003
12/01/2003 - 01/01/2004
01/01/2004 - 02/01/2004
02/01/2004 - 03/01/2004
03/01/2004 - 04/01/2004
04/01/2004 - 05/01/2004
05/01/2004 - 06/01/2004
06/01/2004 - 07/01/2004
07/01/2004 - 08/01/2004
08/01/2004 - 09/01/2004
09/01/2004 - 10/01/2004
10/01/2004 - 11/01/2004
11/01/2004 - 12/01/2004
12/01/2004 - 01/01/2005
03/01/2005 - 04/01/2005
04/01/2005 - 05/01/2005
05/01/2005 - 06/01/2005
06/01/2005 - 07/01/2005
07/01/2005 - 08/01/2005
08/01/2005 - 09/01/2005
09/01/2005 - 10/01/2005
10/01/2005 - 11/01/2005
11/01/2005 - 12/01/2005
12/01/2005 - 01/01/2006
01/01/2006 - 02/01/2006
02/01/2006 - 03/01/2006
03/01/2006 - 04/01/2006
04/01/2006 - 05/01/2006
05/01/2006 - 06/01/2006
06/01/2006 - 07/01/2006
09/01/2006 - 10/01/2006
10/01/2006 - 11/01/2006
11/01/2006 - 12/01/2006
12/01/2006 - 01/01/2007
03/01/2007 - 04/01/2007
04/01/2007 - 05/01/2007
08/01/2007 - 09/01/2007


Alvin Nat
Grace Lum
Grace Ow
Hong Rui
Huang Lu
Joseph Firmansyah
Ng Jingwen
Joel Maximillian Lau Shen Rong <3 <3 <3 <3
Kelvin Xu
Kuan Fu
Paul Yap
Rachel Heng
Ryan D
Ruth Ngo
Sarah Ooi
Sarah Hew
Shu Fang
Victoria Chin
Wan Chee Mun Chee
Wang Ting

Thursday, March 30, 2006

Been feeling in better spirits these few days, feeling a bit high actually right now i've been laughing at things on TV, laughing with friends, not feeling as stressed out as before, and feeling good about fitness and training, things are looking good for Age Group, really pray i'll do well.

Had my first tuition session with my student for class CIP today, went pretty well, but i think that if i really wanna do something for him i should try to spend more time with him and not just once every two weeks...i mean these kids are gonna be experiencing things like this all their lives, living in a home, and if he thinks that i'm just here for CIP and i don't really care about him he isn't going to care much about me either. I don't wanna do this CIP just for the sake of doing it, i really want to make the most of it and pray i'll be able to make a difference in his life :)

I remember kor told me something a long time ago that really stayed with me till now, he said that it's important how people view you and the impression you make, but what's most important is the man you are behind closed doors, inside your head, when you're alone, when nobody's watching that really matters. I really thank God so much that i haven't been affected by the change of school, i know a lot of people have, i can feel it, i can see it happening all around me, but i'm really really happy that i've been able to remain true to myself, proud to say that i'm the same person whether i'm alone in my room, in class, in school, training, or doing anything else. Not a perfect person that's for sure, lots more to work on, but i'm glad that i'm staying myself and not letting myself be swept up in being "cool" or popular or whatever, i just do what i feel is best for my life and most importantly, glorifies God. And it's a very comforting feeling too to know that my morals and values, the way i think, what's been important to me and my entire purpose in life hasn't changed much for the past 12 months. It tells me that it's something that's concrete, that i'm maturing and i'm strengthening my foundations but most importantly, that my faith will never be shaken and it gives me confidence to reach out into areas, into things that i never had the courage to take up before, because i know that in the end i'll put my priorities right.

I think i can safely say that i have quite a dual personality, there's down to business Lincoln Luk and then there's normal, everyday, kokster Lincoln Luk. Just depends on what situation i'm in at the time. I'm sure you guys who know me better all know that, you've seen me when i'm serious and nobody messes around with me when i'm serious cos' i'll bite your head off if you're doing rubbish, but when i'm being nonsense seriously i'm the most hyper, most airheady person there hahah! But i'll let you in on a little secret ;) , i do things like this at home when i'm alone too! Seriously! Sometimes i can be stoning or concentrating really hard on work or something that requires a lot of mental effort, and i'll be very stone and very unresponsive and basically want the world to just leave me alone so i can work, but at other times, especially after i feel like i've embarrassed myself or done something to make myself look really stupid, usually involving members of the opposite sex :\ , i can seriously be like a Jim Carrey and throw a fit on my bed or scream into my pillow or bang my head against the wall(literally) and say things like "Lincoln Luk you loser, you dumbass you ball-less moron you suck ass." Yeah things along those lines. Yeah believe it! Me! Ego faggot me! I doubt myself sometimes too ok! Well rarely...but...hahahah :p Well nobody's ever gonna see it though, except maybe F4 lah...but other than that really nobody so all you can do imagine you little minions ;)

But gosh i've been sleeping so late these few days i really need to start my 10PM to 6.30AM schedule again, really helps in training, screws things up argh. Ahhhhhh well, today i'll get an early night, and wake up fresh for tomorrow morning when there's SV programme on at the Bible centre somewhere near City Hall to learn more about how SV operates in colleges and to know it's goals. Really hope it turns out well, we'll pray :D

1 Year Anniversary at 9:57 PM

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

My gosh i said more in one day than i usually do for 5. Seriously. First it was Alex's birthday today, and we had quite a fun time in the morning, went on my routine, run, weights and studying till evening, but then we had a little gathering and talked till 9.30 when the rest left, but me and Zhangrui stayed on and talked till like 11.30 again about life in RJ about all the random stuff in the world, but most importantly, about God. Really great chatting again really cleared my head of a lot of doubts, helped me get some worries off my chest and really decide some things i had to decide. But best of all, it put a smile on my face again :)

Then i went home and had a long chat till now with mom about God and about Church, we've been having some hiccups here and there, lots of things to talk about, but i think we got most of it sorted out now and we've strengthened our faith in God because of it. She's given me a lot of great advice about how to deal with my situations, and how to glorify God in many ways. Might be signing up for her Bible Study class that she's in too, i think i really do need a steady class to help me grow in Christ, come to the peak of what i can do by myself so far.

Really really just such a great, God filled day. I know what i need to do now, i can really feel His presence guiding me, and i feel His strength now, and like Romans 8:31 says, If God be for us, who can be against us? Such a verse of strength and faithfulness renewing. Gosh, this is really the first night in a long time i'm going to sleep feeling so happy with a smile on my face. Things are looking up now, i can feel it :)

1 Year Anniversary at 12:32 AM

Sunday, March 26, 2006

PPP yesterday was good, great to see all the people again man i've missed them :)

Anyway today was quite rather uppity downity. Morning was quite a happy time because i got to wake up late after sacking out after PPP and i spent the rest of the morning learning "The Prayer" by Josh Groban and Charlotte Church which wasn't easy cos' it was in spanish mostly and i had to listen to the enunciation and stuff. But i got it now yay :D

I liked the church message today, always like Elder Chew's messages. But after church, ho boy...that was a GG...ah well...what's over is over man i'm not gonna harp on it larh...And i played my first dota game with Alvin in a week!!! How amazing is that man seriously. I think i have overdue homework to hand up tomorrow. But i don't care :P Mwahahahahah i am a bad boy.

I'm feeling slightly deranged and happy right now for some strange reason. I am going to knead chicken breast now bye bye!

1 Year Anniversary at 7:35 PM

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

I'm not dead i'm not dead!!! Hahahah! I'm sorry i haven't updated for so long but it's really been quite the busy month.

Well holidays were really really great and restful, just what i needed after the first term, but they just flew by really quickly :( Training camp was disgusting as usual, but hey Judo wouldn't be Judo without it. But what really sucked was that i had a flu while i was going through it so i basically died halfway through everything and was kinda in a daze till the last day but i pulled through so am proud of myself :)

Week's been packed chok full of work to do, JC life really is pretty hectic academically, but it's been pretty ok lah. Chem test was a killer though. Not just like...killer killer, but more of hang you by your toes and light a slow fire under your head kinda killer. I left 6/35 marks undone and it was just totally horrible man. Really need to buck up on my chem a lot. But i'm glad i have a good chem teacher, she's really hardworking i haven't found many teachers like that in life before, she marks all our work like one or two days after we hand it in, she personally writes and prints model answers and comments for the questions for us and she's always giving you comments and advice at the end of every tutorial or assignment that we hand in really like her a lot. Come to think of it i like most of my tutors now, really happy with the classes and all, and i like the RJ system cos' it doesn't put that strangle hold on you now it lets you really have a lot more freedom to do your work which in turn creates a better learning environment. I really feel that was the downfall of RP, it just doesn't work out when students become so mark-orientated. Every assignment, every worksheet we were asking our teachers "Ma'am is it graded?", "Sir, is it graded?" It just totally defeats the purpose of learning, we're not doing it because we really want to learn and do well but because it's graded and if we don't do it well we're gonna end up screwing up our results for the entire year. If we choose not to do the homework or really have no time to do it, it affects your grade, but worse yet if you choose to copy the work from others just so you'll be able to get the grade. And as for sportsmen, during season we have to train so hard almost every single day and we just can't focus on work that much, we can do the bare minimum yes but what happens when you have a common class test or something? You just end up bombing it because you have to train and that's what's most important now. It's just impossible for a person to maintain his work at the peak of his season and that's why RP isn't working out.

Glad i'm outta there man :p

We had National Schools Individuals today, got 2 golds, 4 silvers and 2 bronzes i think, the JC's really did extremely well we got two double finals for extra light weight and heavy weight so it was really a blessing to see that happen, thank God.

These last few months, maybe even half a year or so, i've really been feeling funny, it's just this nagging emotion that gnaws at your heart when you're alone in your room, nothing but the humming of the computer or the music from the speakers to distract you. And it feels like something is missing from my life something just isn't right. I know i've mentioned this quite often but that's how distracting it's becoming and i really pray that i come up with an answer to it soon because i don't know what it is. Do i not have enough responsibilities in school and i feel that i can do more? Am i not spending enough time with God? Am i not spending enough time with my family and friends? I just can't put my finger on it. And more and more it just feels like i'm losing sight of the path in front of me, i definitely know where i want to go, and i can always see my destination in my mind(that's another story for another day i don't plan on sharing my hopes and dreams in life right now), but sometimes the paths to that destination just seem to diverge, like rain running down the cracks in the stones, some might lead there, but others just take my further and further away. Just lose sight of the purpose and meaning of my life sometimes and worry about it. Feel no drive to do the things that i need to do well, even training, and it just irks me because i've always been the one who pushes himself beyond the limits i've always strived to be the best, but now i'm losing my fighting spirit and i hate that, i hate it that i don't put in my best for my assignments, i hate it that i come out of training not feeling as tired as i should be, but when i try to break through something just seems to pop out of nowhere and says no. When these times come up i just try to distract myself with games, with TV, talking to friends, just something to occupy my mind with so i don't dwell on it. But when my head hits the pillow the thoughts just come swarming back tenfold, whispering in my head and keeping me from sleep. I really need to find out what's wrong and soon.

But well, at least there's some light in the darkness, i'll be going to town for the first time in 3 months tomorrow to catch a movie and there's PPP on saturday and something else before that ;) Good times with friends is definitely one of life's greatest anti-depressants.

Now it's time to get off this fat butt of mine and force myself to finish my maths tutorial or my maths tutor is going to be very upset with me tomorrow. ARGH i hate thursday it's like all the mugging periods, bio, chem, maths, really just kills your brain man. De-stress tomorrow! And maybe pay my brother a visit in Penang one of these weekends :D

1 Year Anniversary at 7:00 PM

Sunday, March 12, 2006

Funny how the little things in life can make you really happy, a new toothbrush, change of razor blade, a new haircut etc. Just a random thought, but really true for me i guess, like whenever i feel frustrated or depressed i'll try to do something new for myself and i'll feel better.

Anyway training camp tomorrow and i'm still feeling sick argh, do pray for me. Might be uncontactable till Tuesday night so if i am i'm not dao'ing you ok. Yeah i'll see you peeps around then, GGXX! :p

1 Year Anniversary at 11:40 PM

Saturday, March 11, 2006

Kor's back kor's back kor's back!!! YAYYY!!!!! *bounce bounce bounce*

1 Year Anniversary at 9:18 PM

Whenever i want to go swim on Saturday it's either -

1.) Cloudy and there's no sun at all


2.) There's this bunch of people making a huge ruckus or little kids running around kajiao'ing me.

And today, it was a bit of both. Sun was on and off but it was cloudy most of the time and there was this group of china people. Yes i'm serious china people. I know because they all had China accents. Having a BBQ. I mean i've got nothing against china people in general even ah kahn's a chinaman but these guys were really really pissing off, they were throwing stuff around the place, screaming and stuff and that's still not so bad if you just leave me alone lah but they kept throwing stuff into the pool etc and i just got really pissed off so i decided to leave bargh. Nvm got the entire hols to get a tan. But hey i'm darker now already everyone's noticed it yay!!! No more white boy for me :p

And. KOR'S COMING BACK IN 3 HOURS!!! We're going to pick him up later. Man haven't seen him for so long i'm really really looking forward to it my kor's coming home!!! :D

Oh and last night four of us got together again but Alvin had to leave early, he was mothered. But Zhang, Alex and I exchanged many many stories about many many things nieheheheheh. I'm going to stick to what i said last night ok you two morons i bet you two will fail before me lah :p

Really looking forward to watching Underworld: Evolution, hopefully it'll be good, but now gotta wait for mugger to get back from malaysia first before we can all go and watch together.

Hmmmm council council council. Well i've already submitted the registration form so there's no pulling out now, just got the interview and campaigning to go, really pray i can get in, and pray even harder that if i do get in i'll be able to manage my time well with Judo and studies...really really important to me...

Oh well that's that, and i'm off now ciao ppl :)

1 Year Anniversary at 4:48 PM

Thursday, March 09, 2006

Good weights session today, mugged in school till 7.45 after that and came home, took my shower, thought i could relax and maybe dota a game or two, and then Pa comes and tells me "My tyre just punctured, help me change it." -.-"

Keep in mind i have no experience doing things like this whatsoever! Well today was quite a learning experience...even though i broke one spannar...but hey we got the job done! The tyre is changed! Yay!!! However i am going to be the first person in the car tomorrow when Pa sends me to school so it better be secure or...ok let's not think about that. I'm sure i did a good job *nod nod*

Let tomorrow's worries be kept aside for tomorrow and enjoy what you have today. Try my best to :)

1 Year Anniversary at 9:28 PM

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Man it's been a really really fast pace term...just a blink of an eye and it's all over already, march hols starting soon, but think i need the break man i've been dying quite horribly will a lot of stuff, glad for the break :D

Ok i shall list possible areas of interest in my life.

1.) I got my ipod nano!!!
2.) Kor is coming back on saturday!!!!
3.) Sunburn and Judo don't mix... :'(

Yes i got my ipod nano yay!!! And bought with my own earned money somemore, truly a satisfying feeling :) Ok fine even though i'm pretty much broke right now but i'm still a happy happy boy! I think i shall name me. Because it is little and white.

But no i am not white anymore! I have sunburn! So i am red! Ghey...and after sunburn i went for training, and during training, Miki decided to rub my gi against my chest. And i decided to make him feel lots of pain. Almost as much as i felt. But in the end i wasn't the one who gheyed him it was Alwyn and Miki just messaged me saying he's got a torn ligament and a dislocation...shit man...really really bad stuff...hang in there Mikster, i'll be praying for you, you'll be fine soon we'll all go visit you in hospital :)

And lastly yes Kor is coming back on saturday!!! *bounce bounce bounce bounce bounce* My gosh i haven't seen him since November really really looking forward to it hooray praise the Lord for bringing my brother back to us safely :)

Ok i am going to dota now because i haven't in a long time and i am having withdrawal symptoms, my right index finger keeps twitching by itself. Ciao!

1 Year Anniversary at 8:08 PM

Monday, March 06, 2006

Ok i'm gonna forget about it i'm gonna get it out of my life right now. Screw you lah mugger, screw you lah Zhang Kahn, you two faggots were the ones that screwed me up in the first place if don't have you all it wouldn't be so bad ARGHHHH!!!

1 Year Anniversary at 8:58 PM

Sunday, March 05, 2006

Chee hong lah damn sick damn sick NARGHHHH!!!!

1 Year Anniversary at 11:32 AM

Thursday, March 02, 2006

Gargh, me hates girls cry... :(

1 Year Anniversary at 10:33 PM

School's been going alright thus far, been catching up with the mountain of schoolwork that i'd swept under the rug for drama feste and things are starting to go like clockwork again. School, train, study, sleep on 1, 3, 5, school, study/gym, gym/study, dota, sleep on 2, 4, and saturday depends on my mood :p

Really thank God for SV though, it's so great that we can worship in school on tuesday and thursday mornings, really does give me strength for the day and just lets me carry on when i'm feeling weary. And now we're starting class cell too! It's really fulfilling feels really great and especially with all my classmates. Anyone out there listening, you're welcome to come if you want, just let me know and i'll tell you where, we usually have it on wednesdays :) gonna be really great if we can get the non-christians in our class to come down, already Fang Kang, Jinwei and Andrew Teh(the church oneayear dude :P) came down for the first time hopefully they'll continue coming :)

Council council council...well i just submitted the self nomination today, so there's no chance of pulling out anymore, i just really pray this was the right thing to do, but deep inside it just feels like it is. I love this school, i love Raffles, i love everything about it, so much that i just don't feel right not doing my utmost for the school. I dunno i guess that's something ma could never understand, she often tells Kor and I off for putting my priorities wrongly and that studies should take priority over commitments to school and people, but i just feel differently. Our responsibilities and commitment to people and to bigger, greater things than ourselves is so much more important than ourselves sometimes. I mean of course there's a season for everything(koped from Mr. Mac), and when the exams are coming up and it's time to study that's all you should do, but sometimes during the year when you're forced to do badly for a test or fall behind on work to organize an event, to plan for something, to participate in something, and it becomes a great success, isn't that worth more in life? When i think of my days in RI, i don't think about the top scores i got in class, i don't think about the times i got full marks for my tests, i don't think about doing well for my assignment. I think about the times i spent with people, the times we laughed, the times we cried, the times where we were powerful, the times when we were powerless, and those times were usually during training, organizing events for RIPB, being CCAL, being PSL, things that required so much time, so much commitment, so many sacrifices, time that could have been spent getting that A+ for another subject. Yet i have no regrets because these are the things that are important, and these are the things that i will cherish all my life. Obviously i'm not saying that studies aren't important, if you don't study hard you won't even be in this school to do these things for these people, so i'm still gonna make sure i study really really hard and when the time is right, just focus all my attention on those 4A's. Learn from Hanrong! Top scorer! 4 A's, 1 A1 for GP, 3 Distinctions for S paper...And a judoka to boot. Siah lah....respect man...

To the guys, i'm sorry if i've been grumpy these few days, but thank you all for being there for me, especially Alex, really thank God so much for him, thanks for the late nights on the phone and the gay messages :P Just had so many things on my mind lately it's been hard trying to keep my spirits up. Just now Xiaoyu told me that she thought i looked very depressed and i should smile more. I was kinda taken aback by that, i'm usually really happy in external appearance, seldom wanna let anything bothering me affect others, dunno, always felt that if i'm unhappy i shouldn't let it show cos' that'd just make others unhappy...but for it to have shown on my face today, guess it's getting pretty bad...feeling a little outta place sometimes i guess, like i'm not sure where i am, not sure where i'm going yet...lots of decisions to make as of late, but really hope that everything will just come through well. Pray God gives me the wisdom to make the right choices. But the worst choices you have to make are the ones that you know aren't right but you want them anyway, those suck the worst. Well gotta discipline myself, some things just aren't meant for me to handle right now and there's only so much i can do as one person, gotta place my priorities right or end up being neither here nor there.

Oh yeah, and the J2's are gonna have common test soon, will be praying for all you guys, hope you all do wonderfully well, God bless you all :)

Alright back to chem now, gotta finish it so i can do some quiet time and sleep early tonight, tomorrow's gonna be a busy busy day *nod*

1 Year Anniversary at 8:12 PM

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