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Lincoln Luk
Raffles Junior College


11/01/2003 - 12/01/2003
12/01/2003 - 01/01/2004
01/01/2004 - 02/01/2004
02/01/2004 - 03/01/2004
03/01/2004 - 04/01/2004
04/01/2004 - 05/01/2004
05/01/2004 - 06/01/2004
06/01/2004 - 07/01/2004
07/01/2004 - 08/01/2004
08/01/2004 - 09/01/2004
09/01/2004 - 10/01/2004
10/01/2004 - 11/01/2004
11/01/2004 - 12/01/2004
12/01/2004 - 01/01/2005
03/01/2005 - 04/01/2005
04/01/2005 - 05/01/2005
05/01/2005 - 06/01/2005
06/01/2005 - 07/01/2005
07/01/2005 - 08/01/2005
08/01/2005 - 09/01/2005
09/01/2005 - 10/01/2005
10/01/2005 - 11/01/2005
11/01/2005 - 12/01/2005
12/01/2005 - 01/01/2006
01/01/2006 - 02/01/2006
02/01/2006 - 03/01/2006
03/01/2006 - 04/01/2006
04/01/2006 - 05/01/2006
05/01/2006 - 06/01/2006
06/01/2006 - 07/01/2006
09/01/2006 - 10/01/2006
10/01/2006 - 11/01/2006
11/01/2006 - 12/01/2006
12/01/2006 - 01/01/2007
03/01/2007 - 04/01/2007
04/01/2007 - 05/01/2007
08/01/2007 - 09/01/2007


Alvin Nat
Grace Lum
Grace Ow
Hong Rui
Huang Lu
Joseph Firmansyah
Ng Jingwen
Joel Maximillian Lau Shen Rong <3 <3 <3 <3
Kelvin Xu
Kuan Fu
Paul Yap
Rachel Heng
Ryan D
Ruth Ngo
Sarah Ooi
Sarah Hew
Shu Fang
Victoria Chin
Wan Chee Mun Chee
Wang Ting

Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Wow just got back from eating, lanning, more eating and loads and loads of talking with Kenneth, Jeremy, Junming and Siying, always great hanging out with the seniors, i love Kenneth and Jeremy they always cheer me up when i feel down and make me feel even more happy even if i'm already feeling happy :). They're definitely my best friends after the toushies.

But really had a fun time today, we chatted about anything and everything, cracking jokes everywhere, and we sat down at the...maestro bistro place at cine for almost 2 hours and they were asking about RJC and stuff and telling me lots of things too. And of course how could we ever leave girls out of the conversation huh? Heheheh :P They were telling me a lot of stuff and i was telling a lot of stuff(no i'm not gonna tell you what it is i might get stoned hehehe!) and really feels good to talk to them about these things because they've been through it, they know what it feels like and they really give good advice. Well...most of the time...Kenneth goes nuts sometimes but...anyway. Yeah so had a really good time today!

And class outing tomorrow! I am so incredibly tired...but shall strive on! And gym with seniors tomorrow before class outing somemore woohoo! I was supposed to do homework today i'll have to do it tomorrow instead of resting at night like i was supposed to...Ahhh well, all in good time. But yes shall start mugging incredibly hard now and finish many things ahead of schedule because drama feste really calls for much work to be done and talent time is gonna be pretty taxing too...Stupid z'queen pangseh me...

Ok gonna go sleep soon goodnight people God bless :)

1 Year Anniversary at 12:07 AM

Monday, January 30, 2006

Still addicted to "Far Away"!!! It's the longest time i've been addicted to a single song but seriously can't get it out of my head man i adore it, even running 4.8 this morning i was listening to it. And i broke my 4.8 record yay very very happy!!! And had a very very tiring day today visiting then going to church then continuing visiting but it's my first and only day visiting won't be doing any more so ok lah and pretty happy with the ang paos :P

Oh oh and in the morning all the kids were gathered at "Dua Gu's" house, Giselle, Eriko, Brandon, Ryan and Joel and it was incredibly fun playing with all of them, Brandon's the newest addition to the family and he is so sweet and so cute you just wanna squish him. I have many pictures and videos shall upload soon! But they suck cos' they were taken on my handphone. Oh and Eriko can speak cantonese cos' she's been in HK for so long and it sounds so amazingly cute when a little girl speaks cantonese! "le hai bin to" in a girly sweet voice we kept making her speak cantonese over and over again and we were all going "awwwwwwwww".

Always have good times with the cousins, they're all really nice and especially my Shifu! Hahah he's my eldest cousin who i used to follow around ALL THE TIME when i was growing up, he used to take me everywhere, movies, zoo, fishing etc. on the weekends and i used to stay over at his place really often too. But then he got his own little Giselle and i went into secondary school and we kinda drifted apart only see him at these kinds of gatherings now but always enjoy spending time with him he's hilarious :p

Ok it's been a good chinese new year, and i'm feeling less moody and bogged down by all the stupid things now so it's all good. Tomorrow must piah homework. Then tuesday class outing house...very the outing for me lor...but should be fun lah :D They better not pangseh me again like Friday! Basket.

1 Year Anniversary at 12:16 AM

Saturday, January 28, 2006

Just had reunion dinner! But really felt a bit empty cos' Kor and Jie not around...really missing the two of them right now really looking forward to seeing Kor again in March and Jie in July yay! Love you both so much you're always in my prayers, may the Lord bless and keep you always! Kor good luck for your exams i hope you do great i'll see you soon, miss all the crapping and chatting till the wee hours of the night in the room before we went to bed and Jie, so glad to know that you've found your new apartment and have nice flatmates too don't think i can visit you this year, miss laming you to death with Kor until you walk out the room on the verge of tears heheheh! See you both soon when you get back! *BEEG HUGS*

CNY eve and i still had drama feste rehearsals :\ but don't really mind lah really enjoy spending time with the rest of them had really good vibes when i first saw them too. Wang Ting of course we know i adore worked with him so closely last year, and i was his big brother last year now i'm his father?! It's seriously some gay incentious love stuff man it feels strange :P but ahhh i love working with him. We're the only two guys though the rest are all girls, not that i'm complaining i like them all too! Although Ying Sze sorta scares me sometimes she's the type of person i would never want to piss off, bad things will happen to you. Reminder to self, make her a very happy person *nod nod*.

And i need to start on homework, i'd thought i could leave it till like Monday or Tuesday to finish up but just realised that with the hectic schedule i'll have for the next few weeks, i'm gonna have to do all my homework and more to really keep up with the academic side. *sigh* sometimes miss the old sec 1 and sec 2 days when you really didn't do anything at all heheheh. But oh well those days are gone and it's time to grow up yah?

Yeah...those days really are many things have changed in such a short many dreams fulfilled, so many shattered, and yet more still lingering there waiting to be grabbed, or waiting to be let slip. Because that's what drives us in this life isn't it? Dreams. Dreams of life, dreams of love, dreams of death, dreams of life after death and dreams of that being worth what we do here on earth. Thank the Lord for the comfort, the peace that we have, that we need not fear death for even if i were taken this very instant, i would be by His side in the palace of dreams, the castle of castles, to be with the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords. Truly such a comforting thought. But sometimes i think i'm too pessismistic about some things...and i let some of my dreams go too easily...yet dunno if i should go after them or pursue something else. They say when one door closes, another opens, but which door do i choose? When i am lost and need that direction, which way do i turn? Which path should i tread? Guess they'll always be secrets, secrets that only God knows. "The secret things belong unto the Lord our God: but those things which are revealed belong unto us and to our children for ever, that we may do all the words of this law." Deuteronomy 29:29 Only he knows what's in store for me, but i'll take whatever he goes show me and multiply it to my best ability. Still don't see a very clear path for myself in JC yet, still keeping my options relatively open, but hopefully i will be able to see one soon and be able to steel myself and walk that path along God's side.

Where will you go,
When a choice must be made
Where will you turn,
Which door start to fade?

And which will you choose?
For life is choice,
We are all painters
In our own way,
All needing to create
Something of worth,
Of lasting beauty,
Marking our journey.

Mangled paintings stare
From the cold ground below,
Wondering why I chose
To tear them up so
Each one I rip
Leaves a gash on my heart
Bloody and aching,
With endless sorrow.
But their time has passed,
It is time to move on

I clean my brushes,
Choose my palette
Of vibrant,
living colours,
And begin to fill
Today's blank canvas.

Will it be azure
Like the colour of the sky?
Or will it be golden
Like the warmth of the sun?
Or a filigree of light and shadows
In the swaying of the trees.

What shall it be,
What can be right?
Choices again that
I cannot make with my own might.

But a light shines
From the break in the sky,
The Lord whispers
Words without a lie.
And I know now what I must do,
This brush will paint the colour of his will
Till the day I die.

I felt that mangled paintings were the best way to describe the past, things that you left behind that you can never have again, or just the good memories that you wish you could relive again, or even mistakes that you wish you could erase from your life, for you can do any form of physical damage to a picture or a paintaing, but you can never truly erase it from your life and it will stay with you forever and ever, a blessing and a curse. Don't think it's my best ever, but ahhh i felt a bit moody today so had to let angst out hope it's good enough for now :)

1 Year Anniversary at 7:21 PM

Friday, January 27, 2006

Man today was incredibly fun, i haven't been this high for a long long time the past few weeks have been a little monotonous but today was really one day i felt like going mad man.

Every just fell into place pretty well, training was wonderful really put in 120% today and made sure everyone else did too, then my class pangseh me for outing -.-" make me walk to cine then tell me they changed their minds ask me go Cuppage plaza in the end met them there. But after awhile they say need to zhao already so i also zhao...lucky met up with Gerald Tay's class at cine if not i'd be stuck for like 2+ hours with nothing to do before my OG outing lor. I must say that was the most fun time i've had playing cards other than...ok scratch that but anyway it really was super funny. Gerald Tay is always a kokster who entertains you anytime and anywhere, and i re-met Aisha again today and she was super high and super funny all of us were laughing like crazy at the table at BK and we could take the train back cos' Juee lives at AMK and Aisha at Braddell and we were laughing so hard in the train about so much random stuff that people were just staring at us it was actually a bit embarrassing but still incredibly fun!

Then my OG dinner! And Daniel and Jiayan's belated birthday cake! Really fun again had so many lame jokes and stuff it really cracked me up. And Michelle and I just found out that our taste in food is almost completely alike she'll make one super good eating buddy :D yay! I like my OG i love my OGLs! Oh yah and we broke a STEEL CHAIR at Cafe Cartel cos' we piled on top of Daniel and the chair broke! Hilarious i tell you my gosh today was super super happy i'm a happy boy for now :D

1 Year Anniversary at 9:53 PM

Thursday, January 26, 2006

Yay i'm happy now because i'm eating those little CNY tidbits, you know those little round ones that break apart very easily and taste like peanuts, maybe they're peanut cakes. But they're like so good lah i always loved them yummyyyyyyyy :D

1 Year Anniversary at 9:58 PM

Ok i dunno why maybe it was because of the exhaustion carried on to today or something but i just felt very very strange today...kinda disoriented and misplaced like my body was there and my mind was reacting but i wasn't really focusing on anything that happened and even talking to people etc. i felt like...quite a shell actually. But i think i'm ok now...dunno...still feeling a bit...lost but should be ok soon. I hope. If not tomorrow training i will seriously die a horrible death because i think Tan is gonna whack us for the last training before CNY. Not that i mind i think that it's a good thing really i wanna have a good solid training this time.

Drama feste and talentime coming up soon! And stupid Z'Queen abandons me for Malaysia leave me all alone to fill in forms and think of stuff to do -.-"!!! You owe me one...But i'm really worried about not having enough i'm even beginning to think twice about joining council cos' i'm really afraid i won't have enough time to commit to it with training and all...*sigh* just pray for God's guidance that he'll put me where he thinks i'll be able to do the best for Him. Pray for me :)

And if you need anything just let me know so i can pray for you too! Prayer power ish good stuff :D

1 Year Anniversary at 8:30 PM

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

stiI am utterly exhausted. Been feeling so tired these few days, knee still screwed from monday's training, thighs and hamstrings aching like crazy, my inner thighs feel like they're going to cramp any second, and worst of all i think i bled more than 50ml of blood today cos' i was leading the PT and i had a nosebleed but i couldn't stop so put my gi on the mats and just continued doing all the stuff. In the end my gi was quite bloody...and it probably only caught half the blood...quite bad. I'm feeling super dizzy right now my body just wants to give up and sleep but i have maths tutorial and chem summary to finish...sigh...very very bad...God help me...

1 Year Anniversary at 8:03 PM

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

I'm in love...Chiyo! Sayuri san! My love! You stole my heart! Seriously man i just watched Geisha just now and i thought the storyline wasn't very good it could've been much better organized but the connection i felt with Chiyo...the emotions you feel for and through her...that was just amazing. Her beauty is secondary, i didn't really think she was very pretty in the majority of the scenes, other than the learning to dance part in the white kimono that one was just heavenly. But she was so elegant, so demure, so sweet, so loving, so pure and most importantly, so loyal and committed to the one person she loved that you just can't help but love her. And the life she's forced into, without any free will of her own, painting her face so she can hide her face, living her life just to please others, but worst of all, having to show affection to another in front of the one she truly loves...not being able to tell him her true feelings for fear of the consequences of it and just having to bottle it all up inside for both their sakes, it just moves you so much that you can't help but want to cry for her.

Incredibly incredibly touching. And incredibly memorable. Chiyo........I AM SO GONNA READ THE BOOK NOW! My gosh i cannot sleep tonight already just gonna be thinking about her...seriously a perfect girl...if only she loved God. And weren't in that line of work of course. I would go to the ends of the earth to marry her man. STUPID KEN WATANABE! TAKE SO LONG TO TELL HER HE LOVE HER UNTIL SHE GO AND GIVE HERSELF TO SOME OLD JIKOPEK THEN HAPPY. MORON!

But then hatsumomo, she was the same as Chiyo outside, all elegance and graceful etc. but it was all just a mask. She was forcing herself to become the person that others would like but at home, inside, she was feeling so lonely and so depressed that she couldn't help but try to take it out elsewhere. And the one person she truly loved, she could not ever be with. The person entertaining the patrons at the teahouse, that wasn't really her, it was just a skin she wore when she had to do that. And if the patrons ever saw the real her, they might not like her that much. Which again stresses the important point that you have to love someone for who they are and not try to change them or for what they can be in front of you. But of course if they're all like Chiyo inside then you HAPPY LIKE SOME BOMB lah :p

Chiyooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!! I like zhang ziyi a lot more now man. Darn i'm feeling damn sick now. Lovesick.

1 Year Anniversary at 9:40 PM

Sunday, January 22, 2006

Yesterday was a really fulfilling day, met up with the toushies and we spent like 3+ hours just sitting around talking about all the stuff in school in our lives etc. and it was really really nice sharing all my hopes, fears, worries, likes and dislikes with the guys while they did the same. Some secrets came out from all of us and we kinda took turns telling our stories which was really great cos' we really just connected so much and it just felt totally like family. And we spent a long time talking to Alex about God too, it felt really good just letting him know and we're all praying for him hopefully God will touch his heart and he will get to know the Lord soon :) Man i love my brothers i don't know what i'd do without them. And cheer up lah you two, you both are levelling up well soon you'll be able to tackle Roshan already!!! Ok fine maybe not Roshan but at least the other hero lah! Hahahah!

Today was rather mundane though, especially since i slept at 2AM this morning playing DotA with Nat. But it was worth it we finally got a fun game! Then went to church in the morning all the way till evening cos' i had bible study class today. Don't know if i should go and watch Geisha now...been hearing a lot of mixed comments about it and everyone who's read the book says it's much better.

Only two interesting things that happened today would firstly be me trying to write a letter half an hour ago and taking out my new uni ball silver marker pen and going yay i got new marker then opening it and trying to get the ink out, you know you gotta let it soak through first...then it wasn't coming i shook it very hard...and it still didn't come out. So i basically hammered it. And i saw a bit of silver soaking through then i said yay again. And i shook it damn damn hard. And got silver paint all over my keyboard, CPU and my hands. GREAT. AND IT DOESN'T COME OFF CRAP! Now i'm gonna be looking silver for the rest of the nice -.-" The price i paid for writing a letter...wah lao :(

The other thing was my good deed for the day :D on my way back from church in the evening i was crossing the overhead bridge when i saw this old man lugging two huge sacks of rice and really struggling with it he could barely move. And he didn't seem to have any help so i just went up and asked him if he needed help. Thank the Lord i know a bit of hokkien from talking to ah ma if not it would be quite ggxx but anyway i could understand lah then somehow managed to reason it out with him with my limited hokkien vocalubary that i'd help him carry it. My gosh they were seriously super heavy can?! I think each one was like 10KG i can't imagine how he even made it halfway across the bridge in the first place. But i'm more amazed at how nobody offered to help him either... But that ain't the good part yet. The good part is when we get to the bottom of the overhead bridge and i ask him where he stays. And he says. "ji beng lai" means (follow me here). And. He brings me about 300 metres away to the HDB flats that are beside my condo. Not that bad right? Right. Other than the fact that you have to climb a hill to get there! Ok i took it as my weights training for the day cos' after that my hands were seriously super shaky...but ah well he was very appreciative and kept saying "kam sia" which means thank you and it really made me feel good so it's all worth it. That's one thing i really can't stand to see, old people working jobs like sweeping the roads or taking out garbage, or doing really menial tasks. They're old and have spent more than 4 times my life slogging it out in this world and while i'm enjoying myself in a great, warm family where i have all my neccessities provided for, they have to work a 12 hour job just to keep a roof over their heads and food in their bellies. Really breaks my heart to see things like that...try to smile at them and ask them how their day was sometimes just to give them that little warmth in their day, but it just really gets me down when i see it. I'm never gonna let that happen to my mom and dad when they grow old, i'll make sure they're comfortable and can just sit and grow fat and watch TV. Ok fine i would hope that they would still have active lives and have hobbies and stuff to keep in shape physically and mentally but i'm gonna make sure that they're provided for. And of course i'd try to spend as much time as possible with them because it really seems that a lot of old folks get abandoned in terms of social interaction and it's really really sad to feel so alone with just four walls to stare at all day...i definitely wouldn't be able to stand that and i don't think anyone could. Darn. I never wanna get old...maybe i'll like be one of those guys that can still run 2.4 without fainting when i'm 70! Ok not very realistic i'd probably be fat and old and staring at the TV...or doing whatever people do for entertainment in 53 years time. Crap. 53 years now...not 54 anymore...I'm growing old neuuuuu!!!!!!!!!! :(

Ok enough now i'm dozing off at the com i shall go sleep goodnight!

1 Year Anniversary at 11:07 PM

Friday, January 20, 2006

Ok too bad for all you girls out there i managed to find it myself ;)

Refer to post below for blog for the day and lyrics for the song i really love it a lot especially the ending it's so sweet :)

1 Year Anniversary at 9:45 PM

Oh man since i watched that Music Video yesterday i have been hooked onto this song for the whole day and it's been ringing inside my head i just downloaded it but i can't find the MV! If anyone can help me find. I'll give you one free redeemable anytime date coupon with Lincoln Luk as long as you're a member of the female sex close to the age of 17 ;)

Anyway here it is.

Far Away - Nickelback

This time, This place
Misused, Mistakes
Too long, Too late
Who was I to make you wait
Just one chance
Just one breath
Just in case there's just one left
'Cause you know, you know, you know

I love you
I've loved you all along
And I miss you
Been far away for far too long
I keep dreaming you'll be with me and you'll never go
Stop breathing if I don't see you anymore

On my knees,
I'll ask
Last chance for one last dance
'Cause with you,
I'd withstand
All of hell to hold your hand
I'd give it all
I'd give for us
Give anything but I won't give up
'Cause you know, you know, you know

I love you
I've loved you all along
And I miss you
Been far away for far too long
I keep dreaming
you'll be with me and you'll never go
Stop breathing if I don't see you anymore

So far away (So far away)
Been far away for far too long
So far away (So far away)
Been far away for far too long
But you know, you know, you know

I wanted I wanted you to stay
'Cause I needed
I need to hear you say
I love you I have loved you all along
And I forgive you
For being away for far too long
So keep breathing
'Cause I'm not leaving you any more
Believe it
Hold on to me and never let me go
Keep breathing,
'cause i'm not leaving you any more
Believe it
Hold on to me and never let me go
Keep breathing
Hold on to me and never let me go
Keep breathing
Hold on to me and never let me go

It's such a beautiful song...and the MV is like this firefighter guy who's called away to fight this huge forest fire and he gets stranded there and his wife/girlfriend is at home watching it on the news and she's crying because she doesn't know if he's ok then it's like agony for her because he's so far away and she doesn't know if he's even alive. And i won't give up the ending because it's really too heartwarming go watch it yourself :p

But it's a really great song do download it if you have the time seriously you won't regret it i just love the lyrics so much they're so meaningful and it really put lots of love into my heart. Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww.

Anyway school's been incredibly exhausting this whole week i've just felt so drained and so tired everyday i am so glad the weekend is here and i'm making dinner for the toushies tomorrow so we get to hang out and then after that go watch some scary movie or something. Hopefully it'll all be good :)

No, no girls invited this is a guy's only gathering man, bachelors ONLY! Which pretty much means all four of us lah :p

And what the sheet man there's like damn a lot of weird weird rumours going on about me i'm damn confused by some of them actually. And stupid z'queen says she has 5 things which can kill me?! I can only think of 2! Where did the other 3 come from?! But the worst of all definitely has to be the...7th floor crap...i haven't even been on the 7th floor for goodness sake sheesh!

Ok anyway gonna go dota with the indon boy now i will see you people soon!

1 Year Anniversary at 8:55 PM

Thursday, January 19, 2006

Ahhh feels good to make someone's day :D

And on a side note i just came out of the shower after gym, and when i was coming out, i took out my specs cos' they were wet and i didn't see the shower mat properly and i stepped on the wet floor and tripped and banged my shoulder against the door. Ow....very very pain.

Something weird is happening to me, i dunno if someone is doing it on purpose or it's just a random occurance. First my calculator is stained pink on all sides. Mind you i keep it in my pencil box all the time and i have NO PINK PENS. Then today when i put my water bottle down on my table it stained the table pink and i realised that the bottom was turning pink! Wth?! Where did the pink come from?!

Ok anyway damn damn shag now sleep soon!

1 Year Anniversary at 9:41 PM

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Leg still GG'd from monday's training i can't believe it man, of all the muscles to pull i can pull my ass?! Right. And we ran 2.4 today and halfway through it my left butt went totally numb and i had to hobble a bit on the fourth round before feeling came back toward the fifth which i think kinda screwed up my time quite a bit...but still pretty satisfied with my level of fitness lah, the 3 times a day training during the hols has really helped :)

But i'm really the kind of guy who needs to sleep till at least 9AM the next morning or i won't feel recovered. Like when i train and have to get up at 6.30, i'll just feel so drained and wake up feeling really really tired and achy and it's only on the weekends that i really get to sleep. Which is one reason why school sucks. But i'm quite enjoying it lah, the company, the lessons and i like all of my tutors so far so it's all good :D

I like my class a lot i mean there's no perfect class where you like everyone but there really are quite a few strong Christians inside, i've known Jiahui for the better part of secondary school and he's really devoted to God and now there's Michelle, Gloria, and. Unfortunately. Justina too. Maybe we can have SO3K praise and worship huh? That'd be really cool! :P

And oh what the hell man...i have been GG'd today...just walking innocently back home and out pops stupid Justina(HER AGAIN!!!) who delivers the sucker punch...NEUUUUUUU!!!!!!!! It's not even been one month!!!!!!!!! NEUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SHEET LAH WHY THEY MAKE US PLAY THE STUPID WAR GAMES THAT DAY MAKE US ALL SO SMELLY STUPID PLANNERS WARGHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Narghhh i feel angst. And lots of people feeling moody and down these few days might be getting to me too eep...and there's drama feste auditions on Friday it seems hmmmmmmm hopefully it'll be as good as it was last year yah?:D

Sheet i still feel gg'd. And i still feel angsty. I hate feeling moody but i've been feeling it for the better part of 6 months now...maybe it's moving on in life and growing up and i don't want it yet, as in, i don't mind getting older etc. but i really do miss the days when i didn't have any responsibilities on me and could just do anything and everything i wanted without worrying about my work suffering etc. Oh well, part of growing up and being a good responsible adult i guess.

OH OH I played with babies today!!!!!!!! yay!!!!!!!!! They brighten up my day :D If you haven't guessed already i love babies to bits really i do i would babysit for you if you had a kid if i had the time for free. As long as it ain't an ugly baby :p No lah no baby is ugly they're all cute little things that you love so much and want to hug and never let go of. I definitely wanna have many many kids next time. Imagine, little Lincolns running around everywhere! The world will be such a better place. Heal the worlddddd.....make it a better place......lalala heheheh!

kashiva says:
saturday tan organising some gay internal mini-competition
kashiva says:
6 man team
Lincoln says:
kashiva says:
winner stays
kashiva says:
loser out
Lincoln says:
What gay?!
kashiva says:
max 3 bouts a person
kashiva says:
per match
Lincoln says:
As in
Lincoln says:
Guys and girls
kashiva says:
so basically
Lincoln says:
Or guys only
kashiva says:
no, guys only
kashiva says:
so basically the sec 1-3 are doomed
kashiva says:
Lincoln says:
Lincoln says:
Yeah quite.
Lincoln says:
What time?
kashiva says:
noone team them
kashiva says:
Lincoln says:
Set lah
Lincoln says:
Sec 4 team let's go
Lincoln says:
kashiva says:
kashiva says:
everyone in J1 said
kashiva says:
Lincoln says:
I mean
Lincoln says:
J1 team
kashiva says:
plan: lincoln play 3 bouts
Lincoln says:
I keep thinking i'm still sec 4.
kashiva says:
then the rest of the 5 relac
Lincoln says:
Lincoln says:
kashiva says:
Lincoln says:
Lincoln says:
kashiva says:

So apparently i am GG'd on saturday nice -.-" Just when i thought it would be my one day to relax. NARGHHHHHH!!!!!!

I should be sleeping now. But i don't feel like sleeping. I feel bored. I feel sian. I don't wanna go to school. I don't want to have to see Zhangrui for the whole day again. Ok thank goodness i didn't today, i actually managed not to spend my whole day with members of the same sex today thank the lord for that if not people might seriously start thinking i'm gay man. Especially after...uhh...yeah that...

And Mitch cheer up dude you know she loves youuuuuuuuuu. Don't worry lah you'll keep it at 80% ;)


1 Year Anniversary at 10:10 PM

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Ahhhh finally the stupid thing finished uploading. Thanks Grace for telling me how to stream it :) Anyway i really really like this video a lot it's really nice and i love the part near the end where he finds the piano outside in the dump and it seems to have a connection with him and the keys move to his fingers even then it's nice! I don't think the girl is very chio but well the video is good stuff and the song is nice too even though you can't catch the lyrics without seeing them on paper :p ENJOY!

1 Year Anniversary at 11:03 PM

Monday, January 16, 2006

My playlist is always on shuffle, and it just played 4 Jay Chou songs in a row. The only four on my entire playlist. Mind you my playlist has more than 500 songs. That was really really weird O_O...

Not gonna blog much today, had one helluva training today and i'm really doggone tired right now, just finished some maths and am gonna hit the sack soon but i'm damn bored so i decided to come on and write you people something to occupy your idle minds with :p

Some of my closer friends, especially the girls, guys don't really care much, keep telling me that i need to open up to them more and that i shouldn't keep things inside so much. But...that's the way i handle things i dunno i always feel better keeping it in, thinking it over, and asking God for help and finally dealing with the problem myself than letting it out, especially for really personal things. I know people who are the exact opposite, if it's something really close to their hearts they have to tell someone if not they will gu2 geng3 zai4 hou2, bu2 tu4 bu2 kuai4! Siah lah i still remember :p Anyway but i really don't think i'm that type of person, i find it really hard to share things with people sometimes, and it's hard to for to let people in ever quite some time ago. I haven't gotten a new very close friend for a really long time yeah...but i'm glad i do have the toushies who'll always be there when i need to bitch :P other than China of course...that faggot now whole day pang seh us go and look for his...*cough*. But i'm really quite good at doing that! As in like i might be feeling horrible and really depresssed and down but at school or when i'm out i'll still manage to put on a smiley face and talk to everyone as if everything in the world is going right. Which is kinda funny cos' once last year when i was going through one hell of a time in life everything just seemed to be screwing up, someone came up to me and told me "Wah lao you're the man lah everything's going your way." Which is what most people see me as too, the happy go lucky guy who seems to never have a care in the world, which is a good thing! I don't want people to have an impression that Christians are moody and stern and lao2 tu2 people cos' we're not and i do know how to have fun ;) But at times does feel like i'm wearing a mask, then when i get home i just plop down and sigh and think man life is a bummer...And then i need some big big thing to come by to cheer me up again. Then i'm happy for a few days then it's back to brooding. I've seriously become a very brooding person this past 6 months and i really hate it! I remember a time when i really didn't worry about everything and anything in the world and didn't feel things just putting weight on my heart. But guess that's part of growing up ain't it...having all these things and yet being able to pull through them and give your best. But somehow feel that something is missing sometimes, something i just can't put my finger on, i have a couple of guesses but i'm not really sure of them yet and i don't think i will be in the near future. Do pray for me, pray that God will fill me and fill any and all emptiness within me, and pray that i'll get through anything that lies ahead of me in this road to eternal life :)

1 Year Anniversary at 10:52 PM

Sunday, January 15, 2006

I have been accused of zhong4 se4 qing1 you2 twice this weekend. I have nobody to se4 how to zhong4 se4 qing1 you2 you koksters?!?!?!!?!?!?!? Anyhow one...

But this weekend really has been rather nice, was supposed to study with Alex and Zhangrui yesterday, but we ended up sitting around at Nat's house(mind you Nat wasn't there, don't ask :p) and talking cock for 3 hours and swimming. Which is when i lost my contact lens. So now i'm going to go around in glasses. Sheet. It feels damn uncomfortable.

And today marks the countdown to 20 more days to 100 dollars MWAHAHAHAH die keng die you gonna owe me money man!!!

Been meeting a lot of new people these few days, really glad to meet some of them most of them are really nice and i really enjoy talking to them, especially those who love God too, it's so great to talk to nice Christians :) And they're in my class too! Gloria and Justina are just two of them, hopefully there'll be more! Vicky always said Gloria was really nice and she liked her a lot and hey i like her too! And Nat was like saying Justina is damn farnie and damn nice and i think so too! Yay nice people in my class i like it more now hehehe.

Oh and today got conned by Peishan -.-" go to Orchard for nothing...oh well at least i managed to get my construction paper and those markers at Popular, me and Beedict were like twins today lor both dress the same and both wearing choker somemore i was a bit O_O.

And my OG is a very lucky OG. They get many many chocolate chip brownies tomorrow mwahahah! They are seriously tasting damn damn good man. You lucky people will get them in another uhh...8 hours or so yes! See you tomorrow!

1 Year Anniversary at 10:26 PM

Friday, January 13, 2006

Argh flu really kills your body i can't train without feeling so weird, i hate the feeling :
And orange juice helps when you have it? I don't think so! Not when you put the orange juice in the fridge and take it out a day later only to find that it feels damn weird for some strange reason and the sides are slippery and you drop it on your foot and jump around screaming like you just stepped into a bowl of cockroaches only to realise that the inside had frozen up into a lump of't ask me how that happened i have no answers for you all i know is that my foot hurts like a ggxx. x.

After seeing ky get sabo'd like some gay shit today i will never play uno stacko or jengah with girls in RJC. Never. I do not want to go around wearing a fencing mask all over the canteen really :p

And i really need to stop falling asleep on the lawn chair beside my pool, but it's really comfy! I fell asleep just now in the afternoon to the bright sunlight lighting up my day and awoke to the pitter patter of rain O_O Seriously i hate the weather these few days it's so depressing and the ground is so damn muddy and everyone feels damn down and nobody wants to go out. Not that we could go out anyway because it's raining like some guy with a loose bladder. Owell...

And stupid wah tong killed my wrist on wednesday and i killed it a bit more on thursday so couldn't train today :( Went to the gym with sai mun and worked other parts though, don't wanna slack around at home, it makes my mind feel very very dull. But one thing good about this year is that i'm actually being more conscientious about my work which is really really good, i'm actually making the extra effort to read my notes and do my tutorials before class etc. so i'm proud of myself *big smile*

Ok i shall change my previous report on girls. Not all of them are evil and cunning and scheming. Only about 90%. There's a few nice ones who i've met and really like :) As friends as friends! Don't come and anyhow hor, i've had enough of that already *cough cough*.

And i really need to change my msn...but it's damn troublesome...aiyah...

P.S. Sarah - The Sarah in RJC, the sarah i talked to at noon today, yes you, you can tag my blog stupid girl i won't get scared away geez...

1 Year Anniversary at 9:43 PM

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Mmmmmmm i love cherries *munch munch* Especially the good crispy ones yummehhhhh.

And thank you for the letter and the bear! I can't believe you can sew! You amaze me yet again. Yes yes i miss you too don't worry lah i'll see you soon before you suffer Lincoln withdrawal symptoms ;)

1 Year Anniversary at 8:46 PM

My gosh this has been one of the most embarrassing days of my life BY FAR.

First the rose in the canteen...thanks very much it's very nice but you could've picked a better place y'know! :
Then the ball in my face which i blocked. I mean hey that's reaction right? Ball flying towards your face you block it with your hands lah! Which landed on the place of fried rice...which did many somersaults in the air...which spilled fried rice all over the table...which attracted much attention towards our table.

And finally how can i ever forget...the shoebag from O-nite...Cripes...that was...really really bad...*shudder* and someone just had to come blurt it out right in front of everyone else thank you very much! Wargh... If word ever gets out... my gosh i'm gonna be like...the most infamous person in RJC...AND NOT IN A GOOD WAY.

So it shall never get out mwahahahah.

Aren't you just dying to know what it is with me tempting you now you sneaky little people?:p

1 Year Anniversary at 5:25 PM

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

This is damn damn sad, i seriously don't want to be associated with taekwondo anymore :p

Today was damn sian. And damn painful. I can't even move without feeling muscle strain, owie... someone gimme a massage :(

1 Year Anniversary at 6:33 PM

Monday, January 09, 2006

Man today was an eventful day, our first lectures of the new year! It was pretty good really i quite liked most of them. But only thing was i had a free break from 10AM to 2PM and i had nothing to do so i went to run and do some cardio before my 2PM lecture. Then after that had training. I'm serious when i say that this is the first time i've trained so hard that my legs actually gave way. I did everything and some extra and Mr. Tan was happy with me, yay! But at the end when we closed class i got up and seriously my thighs just gave way and i pretty much crumpled to the floor and lay there till i felt better. Whoah that was an incredibly gay feeling. But one thing i noticed about myself, i can find a void, like when the training gets incredibly tough when we did the 300 pushups, i can just close my eyes, focus on my void and all the pain goes away, that's pretty much how i survive training camp :P

Anyway then i came home and felt incredibly tired again, so just plopped down in front of the TV and hey what you do know! "Laws of attraction" was showing. And i loved the show the first time i watched it and it was kinda fuzzy in my mind now so i decided to watch it again. The storyline really just blew me away i loved the show so so much. And it really holds such a great message behind it, that divorce should always be the very last resort. We fight for everything in life, since the day we were born, we fight dirty, we fight clean, but we fight. Yet so many people nowadays are giving up the fight of marriage WITHOUT a fight. The one thing that is most precious in life, love, and they're willing to give it up just like that...sometimes it really hurts to see it happen. Ok i'm gonna blame all this on the bloody balls going lovesick and feeling girl crazy added on to the show. But. This is one of my most firm morals, if i ever do get married one day, she's my wife for life, that means no matter what happens, even if hell were to roll onto earth, even if the most painful of betrayals were to occur, and she were unfaithful p.s. i would bleed if my girlfriend/wife were ever unfaithful :'( , anyway even if she were, and i could not live with her any longer, and if she wanted a divorce, i would give it to her. Because i believe that loving somebody is being unselfish enough to give them whatever their heart desires. As long as it isn't something that goes against God of course, that's first and foremost. But anyway, even if i did get that it hurts to even say that my heart i would still remain married. Because it is a sacred covenant, vows that you swore with God as your witness, and i will never ever break them, my wife is my wife for life no matter what anyone in this world says, because my God says so. And i will cherish her and love her for all my life no matter what may befall.

But think about it...a wife would only do something to hurt you if you as a husband do not give her the love and the respect she deserves. The Lord says that the wife should obey the husband in all things, BUT that a man as a husband must treat a wife with all the love and all the respect in the world. And isn't that the main cause of problems in married couples nowadays? Where is the love? What happened to the flowers "just because"? What happened to the kiss good morning? What happened to the love notes stuck to the bed just so you could see the smile on her face. I would give the girl i love all the love my heart could give and she would be second only to my heavenly father. I would do anything in my power to make her happy, to see joy light up her face and hear her squeal with glee. And not a day would go by that i wouldn't remind her that i love her, that i love her now and forever, and that i will see her in her beauty forever, as i do now. Sometimes i think that's what really affecting older married couples, they don't tell each other they love each other anymore, not even with body language. I don't think i've ever heard my mom and dad tell each other they love each other, and sometimes i wish i could, i wish they'd show more love to each other instead of always to us, their kids, all the time. I mean, nothing's wrong with their relationship man don't get me wrong, but i just wish that they'd be more open with their affection sometimes. Then maybe everything would fall into place :)

Hear about people in relationships still looking at other people and having crushes or just saying "wow that girl's damn hot i wish i had her man" or being comfortable with going out with members of the other sex alone, as in...not their own partners lah doh! But like you're in a relationship but you still go out with another girl alone. And you say the person's just a friend, and i guess that can be true definitely, but the former two...i dunno, i mean some people say that it's nothing and it's normal to feel this way even though you're in a relationship and it's ok as long as you don't take any action, but isn't feeling this way already a step on the road to temptation? I dunno for me when i'm in a relationship i want my girl to know that she's the only one that i love and will ever love, and i love her entirely and would never do anything like that to make her doubt otherwise. You get bad thoughts when you look at other girls sometimes, but all of us have the discipline in us to block that out and just ignore it, of that i am SURE, so it's definitely possible not to give in to the temptation. I mean think about it lah guys, how would you feel if your girlfriend told you she had a crush on someone but it was nothing and she still loves you. Well personally i would be destroyed!!! Lol!!! Nahhh, my girl would forever know that i'm hers and hers alone for eternity.

Buttttttttttttt if i ever do have someone i love with mind, body and soul, i don't ever want to be shy of concealing it and i want to be proud to tell the whole world that she is the queen of my heart. And i'll just have to think about this situation - "Would i tell my mom about her?" Hmmmmmm :p Right now? Maybe not. Because i don't think mom approves of me being in any relationship right now, and God says obey thy mother and father. You notice he put mom in front. Because it's usually mom doing the nagging :P But i don't think God's ready to give me this person to love just yet, God says "You be good boy and mug like dog and train like bomb and glorify my name in everything you do!" And i say "Yes God..." So till that day comes that i meet that person, and God nods His head and says "Go on" i guess i'll just keep waiting.

Which brings me to my most sad conclusion. WE ARE DAMN LOSER BOYS! Me and China were hanging together all day today because we had the same lecture timetables and all around RJC we see guys hanging out with zhar bors, girlfriends with their boyfriends. And who do i have? Zhangrui... Lao... It was damn saddening. And we looked damn gay! It's like...10 o'clock see two of us together, 2 o'clock STILL see two of us together. It was damn sadddd... China i'm telling you you better go and do what needs to be done ok. You know what i'm talking about. You better go do it. And don't come and give me any crap about leaving me alone i can find my own chiobus better without you loitering and giving off your repulse aura ok. GO NOW!

Ok enough lovesickness for tonight, my eye hurts and my entire body is exhausted. SLEEP!

1 Year Anniversary at 10:41 PM

Sunday, January 08, 2006

Pic from O-nite after the whole thing was over! And they told us that z'king and z'queen was being postponed -.-". But. Like i said, consolation. I'll get to do it all over again!!! :D Looking forward to that! Getting silver body paint all over myself again(I'm shining!), wearing the toga and getting my hair sprayed!!! But not looking forward to performing i be hum. But do enjoy the picture :P

1 Year Anniversary at 10:32 PM

Wah lao can you two balls please stop it?! Tmd go into mixed school only then both come and lovesick lovesick lovesick me then whine whine whine until i ok also become damn sad now ah!!! WHAT'S YOUR DAI?!?!?!?!?You two faggots, go get girlfriends and be done with it lah!

But come to think of it, i rather miss that feeling sometimes actually. Haven't had it in a longggggg time...but it really was a very nice feeling to have a crush on someone. It's really a damn overwhelming feeling, like you'd do anything for the person and you don't know why! Being around girls 24/7 really affected the male population man, like everywhere you look, everyone you talk to is just going "Oh my god she's wonderfulllll....." or "I don't know why i like her so much, i just do!" or "I think of her all the time...i dunno how or why, but she's just in my mind all the time!" But it seriously does happen like that doesn't it? Once that person leaves an impression on your mind, no matter what you try to do, it'll just keep coming back to haunt you and you will think of her no matter what you're doing. Oh the worst thing! Just before you go to sleep! And you're lying in your bed wrapped up nice and snug in your covers then she comes to mind...and you start day dreaming about how nice it would be to sit at the edge of a cliff with her, holding hands and watching the sunset...or dancing under the moonlight. And then just as your heart swells with joy and maybe the beginning of love for the person! You realise that there is a 99% probability that you will never get her or that it's just a crush and she's not a person you would last long with. Yet you can't get her out of her head. And then you feel like shit. And you take damn long to get to sleep. Or you spasm in your bed and throw a physical tantrum kicking and punching in all directions and screaming into your pillow until you exhaust yourself. I'm serious. I did that before. Stop laughing. And you wake up feeling even more shitty. And you spend the whole day feeling shitty. And in the long term you either forget the person or you jio her and get her! Or maybe you jio her and fail...that would be quite sad i don't even wanna think about that! :P

In a way i'm glad i haven't felt that way in a long time, don't think i wanna be infatuated over a girl at this point of my life...yet at the same time, there's a little remorse at having that feeling leave y'know, like...something to spice up the mundaneness of a life of training and studies. Seriously that's my life now! It's damn meaningless! I feel damn sad... :'( Wayne Rooney played for the best club in the world when he was 18...when i'm 18...i will be mugging for A' levels...wah life is GGXX lol!

Lucky i have God in my life man...or i'd seriously feel damn lost and downtrodden. Like...i study damn hard...i train like a mad dog...i put in extra effort for everything in school and out of school, for what? I've got the answer to that question now, but if i didnt' have it man it'd seriously feel like all this was for nothing. I can really see why some people don't try hard in life or don't see any purpose to it, it's really easy to lose your way when every path is shrouded in darkness...but Thank God for His light and you can always follow that will forever be in sight :)

I love my God...and that's enough. For now ;)

1 Year Anniversary at 1:01 PM

Saturday, January 07, 2006

Ok orientation was really great i liked it a lot but i'll just blog about the most bittersweet day of all, the final day of orientation.

Well i was having bloody food poisoning all the way from monday night till yesterday it was seriously horrible i felt bloated and like puking every 5 minutes and i had very bad diarrhoea so my entire orientation was not very comfortable but i strived on! Anyway so on the last day the wargames were damn fun! The first one was the one at the field, the Isabella game i think it was, and i was paired up with Joy from my OG and in the end we were like ah heck care throwing balls lah we just ran around bursting people's balloons and we burst 11 of Moor/Tarbet's before we had to go back thanks to me Judo lol! I was seriously blocking and tripping guys and then squeezing their balloons. Of course i stayed away from the girl in the pair because it's not nice to injure girls. Because then they come and kick you in sensitive areas. Yes.

The whole day really built up really really well and then we went to shop for our costumes for the night, and my OG helped me get green cloth for my toga, green spray paint for my hair and silver body paint and Sarah's OG made me a crown of leaves and when we got back to school i got into my costume. I honestly thought i would look stupid. But it turned out really really good and the silver body paint was woohoo good because Peishan helped me do the spraying on(THANKS PEISHAN YOU ROCK MY SOCKS!!!) and Adam and Rusydi helped me with the toga. You two dudes kick ass man. Respect. I had to wear it in skirt fashion...toga...and it didn't help that my P.E. shorts were too muddy to wear...but thank goodness, nice good thick cloth and no strong wind. *nods*. But man i really looked like a Greek God after it was all done man! *gloat gloat gloat* Heheheh.

But...sadly it was damn anticlimax at the end because the O-nite got dragged on for too long and they had to cancel the z'king z'queen part...damn gay...i was damn damn disappointed. Especially since i had to sit there for close to 3 hours in a toga and with silver body paint on me! Eh seriously i respect girls a lot more now, i'm telling you it is not easy to sit in a legs almost cramped by the end of the night. So really sad... :( But at least i got to take a few great pictures with Sarah and my OG! I was lying on the ground surrounded by the girls woohoo lol! Yeah it was really great fun. Well the z'king z'queen is gonna be postponed to 21st Jan, saturday, so hopefully everything will go good too and the mood will be as good as it was on O-nite. PRAY PRAY!!! PRAY HARD!!!!!!!!!! But my one consolation to postponing is...i get to do this all over again! It really was great great fun :D

On a side note, my timetable for the first week is pretty screwed up...monday is like...lecture from 8 - 10 then free time till 2...then another lecture till 3...oh but Wednesday is even worse! Come to school at 7.45 but my first and only lecture is at 12! Woohoo!'s gonna be damn sian... :(

Oh well, i guess things were turn out alright, at most just stay in library watch movie/read book/sleep/all of the above. Ok DotA beckons, goodnight folks!

1 Year Anniversary at 8:52 PM


Seriously it was so so good i was really having a great time and letting loose enjoying myself, but definitely most fun part was the LETTING LOOSE and doing stupid stuff to get z'king and then today's prep for z'king and z'queen!!! I was in a green Greek toga thingy with nothing else inside ;) oh yeah heheheh. And then i was spray painted silver all over and silver and green streaks in my hair, i seriously did look pretty good man :p Got a couple of pictures to show for it, but in the end me and Sarah(my z'queen) were really disappointed cos' they postponed the thing cos' not enough we gotta redo everything on 21st Jan urgh...

I'll blog more about orientation once i get up in like...err 10 hours or so yah? But right now i have quite a...strange task at hand...seriously i feel damn damn weird...but thanks to my z'queen i have to do it so off i go then bath and bed so will blog more soon yes!:)

1 Year Anniversary at 1:26 AM

Monday, January 02, 2006

My last day of the holiday. Onto JC tomorrow. One big step in life. *breathe breathe breathe* Ok i'm ready. SLEEP SLEEP SLEEP! And tomorrow, God willing, everything will turn out great and i will be a happeh happeh boy. Will be good to see some of the guys again though, looking forward to seeing what happens when A**** meets *****e. That'll be real funny to watch! NIEHEHEHEH :p

1 Year Anniversary at 11:06 PM

Sunday, January 01, 2006

Great times shopping around town, fantastic meal at night, best dota game of my life and then countdown at Esplanade with the beautiful fireworks flying all around and then spending some time at Starbucks talking cock and enjoying ourselves, walking an hour in the general direction of my home till we got a cab and then watching Southpark at my place till we fell asleep. That was a good way to end the new year :D

And we saw a chiobu!!! And i know someone you don't know mwahahahah!!!

*dance dance*

Ok spasm over. Now i'm just feeling incredibly drained from many many late nights i'm gonna take some time to lean back and relax before school starts man...

And wth. RJC insurance policy, if i die my family only gets 15k... I'M ONLY WORTH 15K!?!?!?!? WHAT CRAP IS THAT??!?!?!?!?!?! I feel insulted... -.-"

1 Year Anniversary at 6:23 PM

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