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Lincoln Luk
Raffles Junior College


11/01/2003 - 12/01/2003
12/01/2003 - 01/01/2004
01/01/2004 - 02/01/2004
02/01/2004 - 03/01/2004
03/01/2004 - 04/01/2004
04/01/2004 - 05/01/2004
05/01/2004 - 06/01/2004
06/01/2004 - 07/01/2004
07/01/2004 - 08/01/2004
08/01/2004 - 09/01/2004
09/01/2004 - 10/01/2004
10/01/2004 - 11/01/2004
11/01/2004 - 12/01/2004
12/01/2004 - 01/01/2005
03/01/2005 - 04/01/2005
04/01/2005 - 05/01/2005
05/01/2005 - 06/01/2005
06/01/2005 - 07/01/2005
07/01/2005 - 08/01/2005
08/01/2005 - 09/01/2005
09/01/2005 - 10/01/2005
10/01/2005 - 11/01/2005
11/01/2005 - 12/01/2005
12/01/2005 - 01/01/2006
01/01/2006 - 02/01/2006
02/01/2006 - 03/01/2006
03/01/2006 - 04/01/2006
04/01/2006 - 05/01/2006
05/01/2006 - 06/01/2006
06/01/2006 - 07/01/2006
09/01/2006 - 10/01/2006
10/01/2006 - 11/01/2006
11/01/2006 - 12/01/2006
12/01/2006 - 01/01/2007
03/01/2007 - 04/01/2007
04/01/2007 - 05/01/2007
08/01/2007 - 09/01/2007


Alvin Nat
Grace Lum
Grace Ow
Hong Rui
Huang Lu
Joseph Firmansyah
Ng Jingwen
Joel Maximillian Lau Shen Rong <3 <3 <3 <3
Kelvin Xu
Kuan Fu
Paul Yap
Rachel Heng
Ryan D
Ruth Ngo
Sarah Ooi
Sarah Hew
Shu Fang
Victoria Chin
Wan Chee Mun Chee
Wang Ting

Thursday, December 29, 2005

Wah first time i dressed up well in like...months. Dinner with my uncle Kenneth who i did not know existed until today, at Goodwood Hotel, and man was the food good, especially the beijing duck yum yum. But had to limit food intake still got training tmr :( And must train like a bomb last few days of hol bah.

Training tmr should be fun, Emerson's coming down haven't seen him in damn damn long maybe can randori him and see how much i've improved over the years :P or how much he's Set lah we should be manning it on Saturday for new year's eve, hope the boarders can get their leave form and that Sai Mun and Ming mugger man don't manage to get a third kayaking partner CURSE YOU CURSE YOU!

Oh i had a 38 degree fever yesterday and combine that with a flu and post training and you get me aching from my neck down, but when i woke up this morning it was total gayness i was so full of pain from the waist down that i could barely walk, i'm telling you my ass felt like it got run over by a truck. Repeatedly.

Whoah only a few more days till the start of school, feeling...slightly lukewarm about it, but hopefully it'll all turn out good, i'll pray hard and things will turn out well :D

1 Year Anniversary at 10:55 PM

Wednesday, December 28, 2005

1 Year Anniversary at 10:07 PM

Ow. First Judo training in a few weeks and Tingyong is so right's 50% pain :\ my knees hurt, my skins in sore with abrasion and i've got calluses and tears on fingers and palms that'll probably turn girls off, ok i think i'd be more upset it they turned them on...but anyway, so why do i put myself through this? Hmmmm. Good question. I dunno it's just something about it that just makes you wanna keep going, because it's really fulfilling and it's one of the only things in life i have ever thrown myself in and given more than a hundred percent, will never surpass commmitment to God, but it does come close sometimes :P

Was supposed to go for class chalet, but i just realised that i am burning hot, ok well...metaphorically i realised that a long time ago but physically only right now :P so fever's coming on pretty strong...i blame it on Christmas celebrations *glances at Mitchell* well, so not going to the chalet now i'm gonna stay home and sponge myself. Unless a young, hot girl who lives notsofaraway would like to offer to do it?:D Ok fine didn't think so :( I'm on meh own. And no if you're a guy you cannot apply for the job.

Man...year's really coming to an end soon...funny how so many things have changed inside me...yet stranger still is how others have stayed the same, how i've held on to some unshakable values that just shape who i am. Kinda cool to watch yourself grow sometimes if you have to time to sit back and check it out. And from time to time it's nice to take a little check on yourself so you know you're heading in the right direction :) But then again, there's only one direction isn't there? The path toward the light of God, for all other paths merely lead into darkness. No two paths to God are the same, each different for each different individual, but as long as you stay on it and your Faith remains on this path, you'll do alright ;)

1 Year Anniversary at 5:37 PM

Monday, December 26, 2005

Oh man baptism was so incredible i was really really tingling all over walking up to the pulpit and having the baptism was great. Testimony was good too the church loved it and i got a good video of it, thanks Mitch :)

Thanks you guys for coming down for it, really appreciate it.

Christmas dinner was mmm-mmm good and i'm sure all of you will agree with me right? Oh yeah turkey, cranberry sauce, ham, roast duck, potatoes, carrots, spaghetti and of course chocolates mwahahahah it was really a dinner to remember, and who made all the food? I wonder :P hehehe

The night was...well...very memorable one...albeit a very stomach churning one too. Mitchell i have videos wahahahahah!!! Anyone wants to see them come over to my place and i'll show you but i promised him i wouldn't give em out :D

1 Year Anniversary at 6:08 PM

Sunday, December 25, 2005

Why today. Why of all days today?! Why did you have to decide to stay up and watch some old drama mama china movie pa?! WHY?!?!!?! And he only went to sleep half an hour ago and i only just managed to tiptoe in and hide the presents where i wanted them to be hidden. And now i am about to pass out with exhaustion i am now going to sleep goodnight. *faints*

1 Year Anniversary at 2:58 AM

14 hours to baptism!!! I'm too excited to sleep wargh!!! And i just pasted post-its all over the house hahahah! It's a game i made for my folks who are in dreamland now, the instructions and first clue is on their door hopefully they'll see it when they get up. It says to follow the clue to get to the next clue and the next etc. etc. etc. the clues are descriptions or hints of places where the next clue is pasted and when they manage to get through all of them(hopefully they will :P) they will find two nicely gift-wrapped presents sitting there waiting for them with a great big christmas card with lots of love for both of them :)

I think they'll love their gifts i hope they do heh heh heh! Oh man i can't wait for them to get up!!! Time goes slowly...

Ok sorry there's a post under this i just got too excited and had to post a new one heheheh!

1 Year Anniversary at 12:34 AM

Saturday, December 24, 2005

Oh man i just got back home from carolling, it was so fun we had really great events planned out for us and it was just great worshipping God and having so much fun at the same time.

The first part was hilarious, Uncle Chee Seng and Lam Seng, the two church deacons, were heads of two groups and each group had to guess the title of a christmas carol using hints and then the first group had to grab a baton out of Pastor Heng's hand and then sing the carol to earn points. It was just incredibly funny watching the two of them rush for the baton at the same time and Uncle Lam Seng snatching it out of Pastor's hand and raising his hands in triumph, i mean, two grown men! HAHAH! Wonderful singing too, christmas songs always just make your heart glow with love. Last year i was at orchard and esplanade walking around enjoying the festive mood with a throng of people, and that was fun too, but just came home exhausted and didn't have much meaning. But this year man, it was great, the worship, the games, the message from Pastor about God being the light, just gives a whole new meaning to your life and i've come home smiling and with a heart glowing with love.

Man baptism tomorrow, i'm really feeling a bit jittery over it now, i mean, it's something i've been looking forward to for such a long time and i really wanna do it, i'm just grinning like an idiot here thinking about it, but whoo, i hope i don't screw up my speech after or something, but trust God, and everything will come out great :)

Accepting Christ means being born again, born as a Christian, i really have been born again, changed a lot since i truly accepted God into my life and let him take over everything in my being; and man i'm gonna be born again on the day that Jesus Christ was born, couldn't have picked a better occasion :D Just hope i can follow in his footsteps and mould myself in his likeness.

Just thank God for all the good times along with the bad, the good times with all the love and care and joy that are his blessings, and the bad where we learn our lessons on what we shouldn't do in the future and re-affirming our faith in Christ at the same time, because it's during these powerless times where you feel that there's nothing you can do that God just lifts you up and tells you through his word "I'll see you through this", such a comfort, it just makes you wanna break down and cry as your heart swells with love for your heavenly Father, his love for you, his faithfulness that will never fail you.

I thank God for guiding my life, and putting me through all these tough times where i've been tested, and definitely for putting me in this great school that i spent the best 4 years of my life.
I certainly do take away so many memories from many things i've learnt...from being punished by the former discipline mistress and Mr. Wong for fighting in school in sec 1 till i was crying my eyes out...the first and last time i'll ever do something that stupid...Getting 1 vote for U-14 captain in Judo(thanks Xinyang :P) and spending the whole night feeling like my guts got ripped out from inside me and wondering what i did wrong, pondering over Mr.Eng's words: "Lincoln, you know why you're not captain? Because you talk too much rubbish." Oh and how can i forget, how Mr. Wong(yet again heheh), made me feel so miserable because i was being a brat and wanted to quit squash but just wasn't doing it the right way, disrespecting all authority, and i'm telling you guys man, don't ever piss off Mr. Wong, because no matter how hard you think you are, ooh yeah he'll break you. Man i seriously was one spoilt little fat irritating dipshit in sec 1, i look back and just wince at how much of a pest i was. Seriously i feel like murdering my past self. Ah yes but the hardest and most deeply etched memory will definitely be how i was made to miss the Sec 1 Orientation because of a choice i made. Now it seems like a wrong choice definitely...but if you gave me the same choice ten thousand times in that same time, i would probably still have made the same decision, not a good one man...oh yeah, that still stays really really deep inside. But still, i thank Mr. Lim and Mrs. Lim for what they taught me, get your priorities right or you are in for a world of pain...Come to think of it...Mr. Lim really has brought much pain into my life. It's all his fault that even on my bloody graduation ceremony stupid Walter Wong pronounces my surname wrongly!!! THANKS A LOT MR. LIM!!! Narghhh...

But there were of course, lots of great memories too, and times where it's just God's blessing tha sees you through. Becoming U-17 Captain for Judo, oh man, i'll remember that day for the rest of my life, it was something i knew i wanted so bad and fought for so hard every single day in RI, if i didn't get it i really wouldn't have counted my Rafflesian life as complete, but i did. And i'll always remember what happened after that too... -.- " Bloody wah tong...much masking tape. Many markers. Much deep heat. Many cameras. Sheet.

Becoming prefect, getting to know Mr. Lim a lot better...having him pick on me every single time he saw me...getting my surname massacred...getting lubbed by gosh my prefectorial career seems to be full of pain and misery :P No lah definitely not, the times we worked on all the major events and just stayed back so late to make sure everything went well, and seeing everything come together, the feeling is just so enormous you wanna leap and scream with joy because seeing something you threw sweat blood and tears in succeed is just immense.

Of course, wining the U-17 Gold for THE FIRST TIME IN TEN YEARS BABY WOOHOO!!!! That is the first time i ever saw Mr. Eng that elated and when i came out of my bout he was just bounding towards us jumping with joy, literally, such a great day it really felt like what we worked 4 years for came together. To all my sec 4 Judokas out there, we are the best batch that RI has seen in a long long time man and we wouldn't be where we are without any one of you, even if you weren't in the team, you came down every training and all 13 of us were constantly there pushing each other on, and only 1 of us quit? Man...we kick ass :P You guys better continue training hard in JC ok or i promise i will something very don't wanna know what.

And how could i ever forget all my friends and all my classmates, the strippings, the corny jokes, the crazy class incidents, the flipping of Mr. Gregory Goh's pencil box in sec 2, throwing a paper ball out of the window that landed on Mr. Mac's car that caused him to swerve and almost crash(oh yeah i'm not kidding) the...zhangrui part 1 AHHAHA!! Narpal running out of class half naked with Daniel chasing him and running into Mrs. Albar(that was bloody hilarious), Zhanyuan getting abused almost every day. Alvin Tan and his scandalous scandals heheh! Alvin sits beside me in class and he's a damn nice guy always willing to help in anything at all, i have never seen him get pissed off before in 2 years ok. But when we found out about "cough cough" we just couldn't stop teasing him man, i mean he's just such a good boy it is so hilarious.

*sigh* I'm glad i still have my close bunch of sec 1/2 friends though, Alex, Alvin, Zhangrui, and none of us are Singaporean HAHAHAH!! Man hope it continues through to JC, i would hate to lose any one of these guys they just play a really integral part of my social life.

Anyway enough with the nostalgia, go and watch Daniel Powter's "Free Loop" video!!! It is such a great video with the piano and everything, i don't even know most of the words but the video is wonderful go watch it i love it, and if you're into something with a lot of soul that's pretty easy on the ears try listening to "No worries" by Simon Webbe i like that too.

Well Christmas is in an hour, time to have the phonelines spammed through millions of messages going out in Singapore. But let's not forget the gravity of this day, the birth of our Lord and saviour. Merry Christmas you guys :)

1 Year Anniversary at 10:33 PM

Thursday, December 22, 2005

Ok ok i get the picture T.T. Durai is a big bad bastard boy who should have every hair on his body slowly torn out by fire ants. Geez, haven't we heard enough about him already?! I mean, that's the kind of thing that the papers just love to harp on. People die like chickens in Pakistan because of the earthquake but it only gets front page for a day, William Tan breaks the world record for a charity event and he gets one paragraph -.-", but T.T. Durai comes and kopes all the money we put into the little cans that the siao zhar bors at orchard who harrass you hold and he gets front page for countless days. Why? Cos' PAP says "O_O! NKF government organisation! We got bad image now that money go missing, ok, we get the media to own Durai and then everyone in Singapore hate his ass then we as government go and own him some more then people happy, yay..."

Man give it a break, i don't wanna know whether his house has underfloor aircon or whether his poodle eats out a golden doggy bowl sheesh...

Damn man...that monsoon is just screwing up all my plans now :\ can't go to the beach, can't fish, can't go out to sea, darn... :(

Christmas party christmas party!:D

1 Year Anniversary at 9:51 PM

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

I just read this book called "The curious incident of the dog in the night-time" and i must say it is one of the most disturbing yet intriguing books i have ever read in my life. It's about this boy who's "special" and it's a first person narration so the way he goes about all the incidents in the book and all the things he thinks about, man it's just totally strange how he thinks that way and his obsessive compulsive habits. If you like something that gets you out of your comfort zone, now that's the book to read man.

12 more days to RJC man...and then we'll see how people change ;) Heard lots of things about it, but now i get to see for myself heheheh. The 2c's better not change though! I tell you if mugger tan suddenly becomes a paikia, i will just lose my mind, mugger tan?! No way man... I'd better not change too much either, i am not losing that wager man! You hear that you indonesian bomber faggot? You are buying me that sakae sushi buffet! WARGHH!!!!

Man i just spent 15 mins trying to remember some people in my msn and then deleting the ones i can't remember. I really look at some of the names or emails and just go "who the heck is this?!" i can't even remember anymore and we haven't talked in, off you go! Yay only 120 people now it feels so much neater :D

And you, i don't know what i'm gonna do if that's happens ok, but if it happens...hoo boy IF it happens, you better not pang seh me ok!

1 Year Anniversary at 10:27 PM

Monday, December 19, 2005

Oh i can't believe that i forgot to blog about this. I'm geting baptised this Christmas :D!!! I'm really looking forward to it, really a symbol of giving my life to God, all the cat classes are done and i'm ready ready ready for it!!! My church is at Kalidasa Avenue near Yio Chu Kang, Lentor, near Mitchell's house lah, if you wanna come it's at 2.30PM and just let me know and i'll get back to you and tell you more info :)

1 Year Anniversary at 12:56 PM

Sunday, December 18, 2005

It's all getting good now, i really like Zion BP's service it's really nice and different from Emmanuel's, but i think it'd be best for me to just attend both. Zion is really heartwarming and the worship just makes you feel like crying and laughing at the same time, crying because you know how much the Lord had to suffer for our sins, how incredible that Grace was that saved us...and laughing at the same time because his love is just so great, he'll love you no matter who you are, no matter what you did, even if you do not believe in him, even if you were to hate him with every bone in your body, he would still love you, because he created you and he wants you to love him back.

Great day spent at church today :) Christmas messages were so good, and fellowship and bible study was great too, got to see Longkuan for the first time in a long time too, man you change your hp and don't tell me then i call and call even call your place and your sister says you'll call back but you never do? I was starting to worry about you dude! Well at least i know you're alright now :p

Oh and yesterday i went to Mitchell's house and made lunch for his family, i must say i outdid myself i didn't think everything'd be as good as it was. But it was. Ooh yeah it was :D Just ask Mitchell ;) Oh and his dad let me try some of their choya plum liquor that was goood sheett, but the best was still that cocktail man, it was some vodka+cognac+lots of exotic fruit juices thingy and it was light blue! Can you imagine a light blue alcohol?!Heheheh. But it was heavenly and swirling it around your mouth just made it explode with flavour with the fruits, mmm mmm good.

Oh by the way if anyone wants to go to the beach at Sentosa tell me soon because. Well, just tell me then maybe you'll know. ;)

1 Year Anniversary at 8:54 PM

Friday, December 16, 2005

I got taken advantage of while i was feeling hyper O_O not in the physical way mind you know. Lucky my alcohol tolerance high, if i was as drunk as Alvin was...wah lao i dunno what deep dark dirty little secrets would have come out (6) (6) (6)!!!! Evil people who take advantage of other people. But was quite fun lah so i don't mind, but i learnt my lesson though. Get your friends drunk before you get druk :p

Today was just full of work to do though, very very tiring work and in the morning i went gym somemore. Gayeeedddd. Ma says i look like ke-ling kia... :( my own mother...sad...very sad... maybe i was adopted.

And i'm very addicted to pussycat dolls - stickwitu now. I don't really like their name it's so slutty...but this song is really really nice especially the chorus, with the 6 of them singing at the same time it's really melodious and very touching sounds great i like :D

1 Year Anniversary at 10:13 PM

I have discovered the evil imps who would rouse you from your deep slumber at 3AM because of their alcoholic inclinations!!! Evil little things!!! Ranging from those that are close to me to names that the wind had not carried to me before! Indeed that is deceit of the lowest, attacking a man when he is semi-conscious and just having a bad dream! No fair!

Ok i'm a bit high now Alvin just drank 10 shots of whiskey i thank goodness i am not him. He and Zhangrui were almost limping out of the door. Woooooooooo boy. Ok. Time to. Pass out.

1 Year Anniversary at 12:57 AM

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Man my calluses are killing me i somehow managed to rip one right out during training and it's hurting like crap now. And i went to swim in the afternoon and went to lie down on the lawn chair for 5 minutes. Or so i thought. When i woke up i realised i was there for an hour! And now i think i'm a bit sun burnt my skin feels slightly sensitive. Crappp :(

Ahhh well at least get a bit blacker, i do not want the nickname my brother had in JC man. NO NO NO!!!!Quite a few amusing things happened today, Vincent Wu gaying Jingwen in the shower, shall not elaborate lest my blog become M18, walking home from school today and bought a whole watermelon from the fruit stall that i frequent, it's got damn nice fruit juice, and lugged it home, oh and i felt like kicking my bloody phone just now when i was in the prone position for abs holding there for 2 minutes, with my phone radio on, and then halfway through the song "so slowly" starts playing. You know the one...time goes slowly...and i was like "OH YEAH MAN!!!" Stupid phone. Stupid radio. Stupid 98.7 DJ's. And Tingyong gave me nipple abrasion today. Seriously why the hell do guys have nipples they're bloody useless and just cause us tremendous pain!

Eh hey hey abs are almost fully out now, i am going to get those washboard abs before the new year and earn that moneh man!!! WARGHHH!!! Sheet i'm eating like a zhar bor though...feels damn gay. Ah heck lah it's worth it.

Seperate issue. Is it just me or is like half the teen population lovesick right now?! I log on MSN and half the people there have lovesick nicks, the internationales are feeling lonely, every 5 minutes there's a guy/girl dedicating an "I miss you so much" or "We had good times" on the radio and quite a few blogs seem to be so sad :( Now nothing against being lovesick, being lovesick is a normal reaction to relationships which are ever-present in our stage of hormonal rage, but you need to find new love people, you need to be showered with love by hot guys! Which is why if you're a young, single chiobu who's above the age of 14, but not by too much obviously :P, and you need some love, hey, there's a young, single, handsome, charming, dashing, athletic, kind, caring, sweet, loving, lovable, guy just waiting for you. Somewhere. I'm not going to say where. But. Somewhere. Right. Heh heheheheheh.

Hmmm and i just ate half a pack of mentos. My tadpoles aren't gonna be able to turn into frogs O_O ahhhh heck lah, DotA time :D

1 Year Anniversary at 10:51 PM

Monday, December 12, 2005

Well my life has once again begun concentrating on training. It's quite amazing though, i hadn't been training much the past couple of months and i felt sluggish but my fitness is still there. Maybe even better. I've surpassed all the max weight limits i used to have on all my exercises, 2.4 went down to 9.23, and i compared my body fat to 6 months ago and there's a 2.5% decrease O_O I was quite amazed. I thought i was fatter! But there's still a lot more to go though, damn those chicken wings when i was 5! I should show you guys a picture of how big i was last time and then an after picture. That'd be quite hilarious :p

Ah yes back to training, well training has been good, it always is when Tan is around, and i feel all my timing getting sharper and my movement has definitely improved a lot, quite happy with my improvement, but have to keep training hard, still don't feel as comfortable in the dojo as i once did. Going to the gym in about an hour to get in some night training then tmr morning Judo training again woohoo :D

Well i'm gonna have to step it up though, i have till christmas eve to get myself as toned and tanned as possible for. For reasons that you'll know if you know ;) I am not ever gonna train as hard as those guys do for SEA games or anything though. It's crazy! I'm already starting to feel a bit stupid this holiday with no brainwork at all but those guys train 24/7. When Emerson came back from it he was saying that he felt damn stupid too cos' you don't do anything with your brain. GAH!

I really don't want to go to RJ you know...i really don't fancy being in the same school with members of the opposite sex. Now don't get me wrong i like girls as much as any other straight guy does but it's gonna be REALLY weird having girls in the class man. I've become so used to just having guys where you could just say whatever crap you want in class or insult his ass off without fear of making the person cry :\, stripping guys in class on their birthdays(aahhh good times, good times HEHEHEH!) or just talking "guy talk" anywhere in school you know. Really don't know what it's gonna be like at all. Guess i'll adapt to it fine know, i would really prefer to be in an all-boys school if given a choice, i just feel is mainly a place for academic studies and i would definitely concentrate better with only guys in school. Unless of course all the girls in school were dead ugly. But obviously that won't happen. ... ... Right? God that better be right!!! Hmmmm but then again i guess we're gonna be mingling with women when we go out to society...we have to learn how to interact with them in school? Seems like a fair argument. But man girls are scary...around guys things are so straightforward, you say whatever you want to say, and if you piss the guy off he just gives you a punch in the...well, wherever. And you punch him back and then you're good friends again. But you say something that pisses off a girl...ohhhhh boy, you are in a deep hole full of trouble dude. I'm not even gonna describe it lest i piss a female off when she reads it. Then i will be more gg than Barathrum vs. KOTL. No. Make that more gg than level 25 Barathrum vs. level 10 KOTL. As wu lao shi said, "liang zhong ren bu neng de zui, nu ren he xiao ren" Oh yeah, believe it brother.

In other news, the Southpark R-kelly singing when John Travolta and Tom Cruise locked themselves in the closet is still sticking in my head and it's hilarious i keep singing it and people look at me like i'm insane.
R-kelly: "I asked why don't you come out the closet. And they said."
T and J: "We're not coming out the closet, so you can just go away"
R-kelly: "But everyone wants you out the closet"
T & J: "That doesn't matter cos' we're gonna stay"
etc. etc.
And then he manages to convince them to open the door for him, with the help of a firearm, then he goes in and sings.
R-kelly "Now i'm in the closet, now i'm in the closet too."

GO DOWNLOAD!! Episode 912 - Trapped in the closet! Me, nat, zhang and wah tong were replaying that part over and over again at night and laughing. Oh yeah they came over and we ate till we almost puked. Then we ate some more. Eet was really quite gay, but hey they loved my cooking can't help it ;) Man i can do everything good, name me something i can't do good! Ok fine no don't answer that i can already think of ten million, all around the lines of childbirth and such :
Ok last thing to post about for today. DotA. DAMMIT YOU PEOPLE WHY CAN'T YOU READ. I SAY SGHOST AP AND YOU HAVE TO JOIN MY FAGGOTY GAME AND ASK " you from SG?" or "Can we play AR please?" CAN'T YOU PEOPLE READ?! ARE YOU ILLITERATE?! SGHOST. AP. NO AR. NO I AM NOT A MALAYSIAN HOST EVEN THOUGH I WAS BORN THERE. GET IT?!?!?!?!??! *pant pant pant* Ok there rant over. I'm happy again. Alright, gym in half an hour i'm gonna go, take care now.

1 Year Anniversary at 6:55 PM

Friday, December 09, 2005

Ok it's time to do more work because anything other than going out with friends or training just becomes DAMN SIANNNNNNNN! Occupying myself for 8 hours a day shouldn't be too hard. Darn. Sometimes wish mine was a 9-5 job like Zhang Rui's. Ok fine but i don't envy his pay. $4 an hour...students really are cheap labour man.

Feeling a bit kooky since i got back from Glasgow...dunno maybe i haven't completely adjusted back yet or something...or maybe it's deeper than that, still some stuff i gotta settle, hmmm easier said than done though :\ Ahhh, just trust God to handle it and He'll get me through. One thing i definitely haven't adjusted back yet though. Walking. I just loved those long walks with Jie back home after a long day of touring or dancing at the...however you spell it. Thingy. 45 minute walks that just seems to pass so quickly. I've become quite addicted to it actually, i've actually been wanting to walk more on the way home, i mean, as long as it isn't when i'm going TO a place because we all know i don't sweat. I rain. So meeting people definitely can't. But like even today after eating at J8 i just decided not to take the bus and took the 25 minute walk back home, stopping by for two cups of good fruit juice at the stall Mr. Lam showed us that time as a treat :D Their fruit juice is really good stuff man, i can see why he visits it everyday. I'm not joking. Every single day. He's their VVVVVIP.

Hmmmm unfortunately most of the interesting things that have happened to me recently are not fit for posting on my blog (no not in that way you horny shits) so you'll just have to bear with boredom ;) Well tomorrow should be...quite an eye-opener. Two crazy events happening....hmmm...ahhhh heck lah just go! Be a man! I won't be affected i won't be affected i won't be affected. Right. As long as i keep telling myself that i'll be fine.

1 Year Anniversary at 11:55 PM

Thursday, December 08, 2005

Argh got a huge scratch on my chest all the way across by stupid Huang Lu. That faggot. He's jealous of my good looks, i bet he was aiming for my face but missed! Stupid chinaman. But i took a pic just to remember it by i hope it doesn't scar.

Ok fine Suwan i will humour you but i'm not gonna make 5 other people do it that's just. Boliao.

1.) I've got a birthmark that starts from my neck and goes halfway down my chest.
2.) I have an interesting holiday job
3.) I'm scared of cockroaches
4.) I perform better in physical activities when i'm very stressed/angry/frustrated/depressed
5.) If i stay up past midnight i usually feel like i'm the only person in the world and there's nobody to talk to and start feeling lonely

And since it's 12.45AM now...damn. :(

But now it's 7.24AM and i always feel a lot better in the mornings! I think it's got something to do with sunlight O_O

1 Year Anniversary at 12:38 AM

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Whoever you are, let me just tell you it is not funny to call me at 2.37AM, one hour after i got to sleep, with your friends screaming around the phone and telling me to "Guess who i am!" Obviously you're a girl. Obviously there were a few girls around you. And i said the names of two girls i thought were crazy enough to do something like this when i was still not entirely conscious and then you giggle and hang up. And you used your home number so i have no idea who the heck you are and i'm not about to call that number and disturb your family but please do not do that again. If you want to, at least do it at a bloody more earthly hour and actually tell me who you are.

1 Year Anniversary at 1:24 PM

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Well just got back on Saturday afternoon, the flight was all good, except for the descent where i had this intense pain in my left ear all the way down to the bottom left side of my face, maybe cos' of the pressure i dunno but it hurt like crap. Anyway then on Sunday night i realised that oohlala i have jetlag! Slept at 4.30AM today and then woke up at 7.30 for training. Oh's Tuesday now yah so must say Monday already...yes i'm still jetlagged. Darn. Then at night got nothing to do then everyone all sleeping already then feel DAMN SIAN!!! Sheet you aeroplanes.

Oh well pics are up at least just follow the link!

1 Year Anniversary at 12:59 AM

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