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Judo Raffles Junior College 17/06/1989 F4
Archives 12/01/2003 - 01/01/2004 01/01/2004 - 02/01/2004 02/01/2004 - 03/01/2004 03/01/2004 - 04/01/2004 04/01/2004 - 05/01/2004 05/01/2004 - 06/01/2004 06/01/2004 - 07/01/2004 07/01/2004 - 08/01/2004 08/01/2004 - 09/01/2004 09/01/2004 - 10/01/2004 10/01/2004 - 11/01/2004 11/01/2004 - 12/01/2004 12/01/2004 - 01/01/2005 03/01/2005 - 04/01/2005 04/01/2005 - 05/01/2005 05/01/2005 - 06/01/2005 06/01/2005 - 07/01/2005 07/01/2005 - 08/01/2005 08/01/2005 - 09/01/2005 09/01/2005 - 10/01/2005 10/01/2005 - 11/01/2005 11/01/2005 - 12/01/2005 12/01/2005 - 01/01/2006 01/01/2006 - 02/01/2006 02/01/2006 - 03/01/2006 03/01/2006 - 04/01/2006 04/01/2006 - 05/01/2006 05/01/2006 - 06/01/2006 06/01/2006 - 07/01/2006 09/01/2006 - 10/01/2006 10/01/2006 - 11/01/2006 11/01/2006 - 12/01/2006 12/01/2006 - 01/01/2007 03/01/2007 - 04/01/2007 04/01/2007 - 05/01/2007 08/01/2007 - 09/01/2007 Links Adelyn Alvin Nat Alwyn Benedict Celine Cherie Garry/Ernest/Hongrui Gen Grace Lum Grace Ow Hong Rui Huang Lu Jenny Joseph Firmansyah Ng Jingwen Kaixuan JingZhou Joel Maximillian Lau Shen Rong <3 <3 <3 <3 Kelvin Xu Kuan Fu Justina Lois Lucas(dage) Louisa(dajie) Mitchell Nanett Paul Yap Rachel Heng Ryan D Ruth Ngo Sarah Ooi Sarah Hew Sheralyn Shu Fang Suwan Timo Victoria Chin Wan Chee Mun Chee Wang Ting Xinyang Yongsheng Zhuoyi
Tuesday, November 29, 2005
1 Year Anniversary at 5:23 PM
Saturday, November 26, 2005
1 Year Anniversary at 9:06 AM
Friday, November 25, 2005
1 Year Anniversary at 5:26 PM
Wednesday, November 23, 2005
1 Year Anniversary at 5:12 PM
Sunday, November 20, 2005 Well it's 3 hours to my flight and since i gotta check in 2 hours before i guess this is my last post in Singapore for 2 weeks :D don't miss me too much, and thank all of you for all the nice messages, i will see you all again after Dec 2nd yes? ;) 1 Year Anniversary at 8:47 PM
Saturday, November 19, 2005 Just got back from WCG at Suntec with Nat and man that was really not bad at all, i feel very nubbish obviously, but hey these guys are the best in the world i should :p strongly recommend going to watch the WC3 games though they are really great at micro'ing, it's like on one side of the map they're attacking with a group of units and in their base they're building it up at the same time it's total gayness can?! Oh and another thing, it all started last night after Mitchell's sending off dinner, with me and Zhangrui, and then they came over to my place to lounge, when we suddenly flipped to Jamie Oliver on TV and caught the last few minutes of his show where he cooked this wicked roast chicken with other stuff but we only got like a few of the ingredients needed. I felt challenged. Thus, i decided to build on the ingredients that i heard him say and add my own and try to build around it and this morning i experimented on a roast chicken with potatoes and carrots at the side. And i must say it was extremely heavenly. I was riding blind here experimenting with the ingredients and all, but it turned out wonderful and accompanied with our Chateau Beauregard, me and mom had a great lunch, which of course Zhang Rui came over to kope. And he loved it too. Obviously this being my first experiment i took pictures. And will send them to you if you ask, too lazy to upload :p but seriously it was mmm-mmm good. Man these two weeks have been really loads of fun, going out with so many friends that i haven't seen for so long and haven't had the time to just sit down and chat with, i had a great time yesterday Ms. Ooi! I will be sure to look you up again once i'm back :D And i'm sorry Vicky! Really wanted to see you again for dinner today, but i can't zong nu qing nan you know, and the guys wanted to get together so had to succumb to their demands :p But tell you what i'll make it up to you k, next time we have dinner, i'll do the cooking ;) Hmmmm ok last thing to blog for the night. You know how sometimes the MRT conductor doesn't stop the train properly and the inner and outer doors at the station or the doors of the train and the yellow lines aren't aligned properly? THAT REALLY IRRITATES ME! I mean yes i know it's a small flaw and it's not that big a deal but COME ON that's your JOB at least do it right?! And another thing, if you're one of those people who wants to get off at a station but for some strange reason i cannot fanthom refuses to say a simple "excuse me" but nudge the person in front of you then please CEASE. Especially if you're one of those old tai tais who not only nudges people but after that proceeds to give them dirty looks as if saying "you ought to move without me telling you" then please realise that most normal people are not psychic and when you are standing right behind you people often do not realise that you wish to exit. Kapeesh?! *sigh* there, i got it out of my system. And i think i got taken advantage of in the train...but that's not for a public blog :P Ok i'm leaving tomorrow night for UK till 2nd of December and i will miss all of you, but rest assured your Lincoln Luk will be back soon, and your Lincoln-withdrawal-symptoms will be laid to rest once i am so looking forward to seeing all of you when i'm back! BUT I'LL GET TO PLAY WITH SNOW AND YOU WON'T MWAHAHAHH!!! 1 Year Anniversary at 8:32 PM
Thursday, November 17, 2005 Arghhhhh i got the stupid chicken little "numa numa" song stuck in my head! I hate it when these things happen, and the song gets stuck in your head and you keep thinking about it and mouthing the words when you don't even like the song sometimes! Like Kylie Minogue's "nanana" thingy. Came back from the dentist not too long ago, i really hate any pain that occurs in your mouth, i mean, i've played through a fractured foot, a dislocated shoulder, torn knee ligaments, but i just cannot stand the kind of throbbing pain that happens after a dental op. Seriously sucks. AND YOU CAN'T EAT!!!! That's the wrong part :( i mean...life without food...*gasp* the thought makes my blood turn to ice. But thankfully this time it was just the end of the entire process since August, so i'm quite happy that my teeth are nice and healthy now. 3 more days till i leave for UK! Gonna try to go out these last few days but there'll be more of me to go around once i get back on 2nd Dec. do not worry all you people out there, you'll see me sooner or later ;) 1 Year Anniversary at 6:35 PM
Wednesday, November 16, 2005 I'm aching quite a bit now from training in the morning and a 30 lap swim in the afternoon, my fly is getting better though, but i am satisfied. Because i was just at a wedding dinner and i am very full and very happy with the conversation. Obviously everyone coming up to me and saying "wah yandao/handsome boy/shuaige" helped but no that wasn't the main attraction :p the main thing was really spending time with Yu Jin kor kor that i haven't in...what...my whole life! I mean he's what...10+ years my senior but when we brought in God to the topic everything just clicked so well and he just told me about his experience in the terminal illness wards, how he tries to comfort people and all. And he said one thing that was so true "A doctor should cure some of the time, treat often, but comfort all the time" yet nowadays in our society all we care about is cure cure cure but we heck care the comfort part! He went on to tell me about how most people before they die talk about how they miss their relationships with people, how they wish they could have done this for that person, how they miss their families etc. and quite frankly that's something you hear increasingly often these days. My philosophy. Why the heck do i need to wait till that day to regret what i could have done for my family? No, i'm not gonna regret that, i'm gonna tell my mom i love her and give her hugs and make sure she knows that i do love her, i'm gonna spend more time with my dad and try to form stronger bonds with him and make his life more mine, i'm going to let my brother and sister know that i care about them and never speak ill of them in front of them or behind their backs, i don't want any regrets about this if God decides to take me home this very instant. Yes yes and all you adoring people out there you know that i care about you too :P I always couldn't understand when some people tell me "I hate my family/family members" or things like that, i mean, i always loved my family so much. There's rough patches of course, fights with my brother(I really do mean FIGHTS :D), screaming sessions with my sister(In which she always wins of course :\), getting nagged on by mom, getting scolded by dad, but all in all i know that we're a really close knit family and we all love each other really a lot. Oh hey my bro just called! Shall go talk to him after mom and dad are done. But anyway i pray that any of you guys who are going through this phase or feelings just take a step back and think about how much your parents love you, because they do, and your family is always and always should be, the most important thing in your heart save for God, so do let your family members know that you care :) Anyway, this holiday i really aim to get into top shape, so i shall kope this from Mitchell because when i read it i laughed for 10 minutes non-stop, i am not joking. I am going to run like some man eat like some bomb read like some nerd sing like some hero. HEHEHEH!!! 1 Year Anniversary at 11:32 PM
Tuesday, November 15, 2005 SHEET!!! I wrote this super long entry and then my com restarted and it was ALL GONE!!! NEUUUU!!!! I'm pissed. But i shall re-write it because i have no idea what i'm doing up so early in the morning and i need to digest my food before i can go to the gym narghhhh. Anyway so sorry for the lack of updates but i've been thoroughly addicted to Doom 3, Dawn of War, and Dungeon Siege 2. I feel like getting shocked and having adrenaline rush, Doom 3! I feel like taking tactical command of the battlefield, DOW! I feel like seeing cool magic and spells in a great RPG, DS2!!! I would definitely recommend the last two for any serious gamer they are really great games one of the best i've played in a long long time. Just a few days back i caught exorcism of Emily Rose with Vicky, s'funny, i was supposed to watch it with 3 guys but they all hummed out, maggoty faggots. A girl has more balls than you dudes!!! But i didn't find the show all that scary (which is more than i can say for miss Chin) however i did find it very meaningful and it showed a very thorough test of faith for all the parties involved and an agnostic even beginning to accept God which really made me feel "yay!" but ok shall not divulge the plot too much go watch it yourself! Oh and on Sunday Pastor spoke about "Keeping to the old paths" and the core of the talk was the fact that disagreements on the Bible was causing dissent in the BP churches. I never knew it was such a big problem until he told us how even entire churches split because of it, so was really disheartening to hear about. But i thought it was a wonderful sermon through and through and just wanted to share a couple of the minutes: CORRIGENDUM [to Pastoral letter 6.11.05] As the Chinese would say, “What you feared most, has happened”. Each week as we prepare the church bulletin, we are most careful to abide by God’s Word, not to misquote or mis-interpret. The editorial is first checked for Scriptural and doctrinal content. Grammar, style of writing, layout and illustrations are secondary. The truth is paramount. And yet Pastor slipped up last Saturday in his pastoral letter. Did you notice the error? How often we have blind spots in our proof-reading, and how seldom readers check up to compare with Holy Scripture. We take for granted that the person is writing “the whole truth and nothing but the truth” and accurately. Prov 23:23 reads: “Buy the truth, and sell it not….” (Prov 23:23). However, despite more than ten times of editing, my editorial read: “Buy the truth, and sell it” (Prov 23:23). How embarrassing! This is definitely not what we believe. I hope no one read it and thought of us in very bad light. Hence, this correction and my apologies. Does it not go to show that despite our best efforts, we sometimes still make mistakes, and even misquote Holy Scriptures? VPI OR VPP? Last Sunday, Pastor clarified the differences between Verbal Plenary Inspiration [VPI] and Verbal Plenary Preservation [VPP]. There is clear Scriptural support for VPI. “…holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost” (2 Pet 1:21). “All Scripture is given by inspiration of God” (2 Tim 3:16). As a B-P Church, we have always believed in VPI in the original languages, since the B-P Church began in 1950. Verbal means “every single word”. Plenary means “to the fullest extent, complete”. Inspiration means “God-breathed”. Every word in Scripture when read, is God speaking to us. Inspiration ONLY covers the first and original autographs as written by holy men of God, as they were moved by the Holy Spirit. Inspiration has never covered COPIES made of the original. There is no Scripture to say God moved holy men [or any man] to accurately copy the Holy Scriptures in the original languages. Because if inspired, would not all the copies be the same? But the fact is, there are variant readings in different manuscripts. However, we believe that God’s truth has been communicated to us through the different manuscripts. WHICH EDITION OF KJV IS “INSPIRED”? We do not believe that Inspiration covers any translation. All translations have their weaknesses. Hence, they need to be edited from time to time. The KJV was edited 6 times within the first 100 years, and it also contained the Apocrypha which we do not accept as inspired. So which is the full-proof “Inspired” edition of the KJV? Thereafter, the KJV went through 5 more editions. Beloved, think carefully. Every “scholar” of the Bible is entitled to his own view of Inspiration, but let him be as accurate as possible. WHICH TRANSLATION IS INSPIRED? If some over-zealous Christian from another language claims his version as the only Inspired Word of God, how misguided he must be, to think that the version in his language is the only Inspired one. Yet, the KJV-only people do injustice to those who do not read English, much less KJ English. Non-English Bibles need not be verified with the KJV as the one and only standard. People do not get to Heaven ONLY THROUGH THE KJV. Beloved, enough of this misunderstanding and difference of opinion, etc. Let us obey our Lord: “Go ye into all the world, and preach the Gospel to every creature” (Mk 16:15). 10TH MISSION TRIP TO PAKISTAN God willing, Pastor and team of four leave on 18 Nov [TG 412] to visit and encourage our brethren at Galilee Church Lahore. We have also been requested by Rev (Dr) Quek Kiok Chiang to bring monetary relief on behalf of International Christian Relief [ICR] to the suffering in North Pakistan, affected by the earthquake of Oct 8 and thereafter. Please pray for us as we convey your love-gift and those of several churches. Please read the report of Elder (Dr) Lee Soon Tai who visited N.Pakistan [30 Oct – 7 Nov 2005]. “With deeds of love and mercy, The Heavenly Kingdom comes”…E.W.Shuftleff - Pastor Heng Our beloved Pastor. He's truly a man who was devoted himself mind, body and soul to Christ going on so many mission trips and pressing on with church work even though his health fails him and he's a diabetic with numerous health problems, one time he even had to stay home for about 2 weeks because of all his ailments, but that never stopped his passion for God. The sacrifices he makes and the way he lives his life is just totally consecrated to the Lord. I don't know if i'd be able to ever do that, being a Pastor is definitely one of the hardest jobs in the world, because you've got to always watch yourself and be the best role model, the man after God's own heart, like David, and at the same time help others grow and reach God too. Well i hope God will bless me and in time to come my faith will grow to be as strong as his. I often wonder when the Battle of Armageddon will come, people keep saying that it's coming, with all the natural disasters and the fighting in the world, but the signs haven't been fulfilled yet, the anti-christ is not here, we aren't being prosecuted yet, so the time has not come. But the second coming will indeed be so grand and so incredibly beautiful, the Lord Jesus Christ will come not as a humble baby as he did in the manger, but wearing clothes of fine linen, dipped in the blood of the lamb, he will not come alone with the world against him, but he will come with an army of angels to destroy all who would seek to stand against Heaven. And we will be awed by his beauty, by his perfection. Even as i think about it i feel shivers running down my spine from His might and glory, the second coming will indeed be the most glorious sight the world has ever seen, may we be ready for it. 1 Year Anniversary at 8:25 AM
Wednesday, November 09, 2005 See this is why i don't watch anime or read manga. The guy has a serve in tennis called "the viper"... Sarah. says: and and it's like 'he's using the viper again! be careful!' Sarah. says: 'oh be gentle!' Sarah. says: ahahahahahahahah. Lincoln - Ubin is manly says: O_O?! Sarah. says: now you see why i smile. Lincoln - Ubin is manly says: WTH!!!!! Lincoln - Ubin is manly says: OMG!!!!!! Sarah. says: damn funny! Sarah. says: 'kaido's plan was to use his snake to make echizen run around the court and take his legs away'. Sarah. says: aaa teh subtitles are funneh! Sarah. says: 'that is how he exhausted viper' Sarah. says: wtfff. Lincoln - Ubin is manly says: ...... Lincoln - Ubin is manly says: .............. Lincoln - Ubin is manly says: ...................... 1 Year Anniversary at 9:13 PM
Ubin was man. Very man. Before i get to the terrain though, i have to get to the most important thing of this camp and that was my group. Those guys were special in all ways a Rafflesian can be and that's what sets them apart from the rest. I know how it feels, that huge difference between being in your normal clique with followers and leaders and being in a group made up completely of leaders. And that was what the guys had to experience this time. They were a bit hesitant at the start, mostly due to the fact that most of them hardly even knew each other, but they came through and showed me that each and every one of them is fit to be a Rafflesian leader and a great one at that. That'll do guys, that'll do. We started off on quite a good note, being the second bus to arrive at the jetty to Ubin, but when we got to Ubin, they missed the second and third checkpoints and went on straight to the fourth, at which time me and Shaun were faced with the decision whether or not to let them keep going or to force them to backtrack straightaway. We reached a compromise and they had to trade one of their Precious(Lifelines. The camp was focused around the theme Lord of the Rings and Ubin was middle earth :p My group was Moria!) to let them do checkpoint 4 first before going back to 2 and 3. In the end we finished the last checkpoint of the day at 6.50PM and we had 10 minutes to cover about...what 2km back to the campsite. And this is when i'm proud of myself but even more proud of my group for doing what they did. Me and Shaun pushed ourselves and ran behind them pressing them on, but it was their effort that kept them going. Shaun and I are both fit sportsmen but it was already tough for us to do, i cannot imagine what it was like for those who weren't so athletically inclined. Special tribute to Kenneth Neoh who went on even though his feet were killing him due to flatfoot. I know how it feels dude, my arches are so high i can't wear certain shoes :P good on you for going on! And Kenneth Loo...uhh...ok i shan't say here lest i get lubbed in sch hehehe! But it's quite farnie ask me and i'll tell you. The highlight of the entire camp for me was definitely Nordin beach though. The last time i was at a beach campsite i was so into getting the tents up and cooking food etc. that i didn't have the time to just take a backseat and enjoy what was around me. Two nights ago i got that chance and i wasn't going to let it slip. Caught a few pictures of the sunset with my phone and just sat down on a log and enjoyed watching the sun dip beyond the horizon casting a soothing reddish glow upon the sky and all objects it carressed. Then God truly blessed us that night with a deep clear sky speckled with dozens of stars speckling the heavens and just drawing you in with a hypnotic twinkling. That was just beautiful beyond words it's just such an intangible feeling you really have to be there to see it. But my luck didn't end there, at about 9PM a storm began brewing at the opposite shore, my homeland :\, and there was this huge thunderstorm that ravaged the land there. Streaks of lightning blazing a trail of gold and orange across the night sky casting complex patterns that no artist could ever capture in his life, that was so truly magestic it sends shivers down my spine thinking about it even now. Just sitting there enjoying what my eyes could see and most importantly, what my heart could feel, thanking God for this heavenly blessing and praying for the night and the next day, it was one of the few times in my life were i truly felt utter peace and serenity, i felt so careless and pleasant and if it weren't for the constant harrass of the mosquitos and sandflies i would truly wish for it to last forever. But things just keep getting more and more exciting. Just as i was about to leave the area and spread my stuff in the tent, i realised that Mr. Romi had spread his sleeping bag on the sand. Wait...he's sleeping under the stars?! That madman! He'll die of lack of blood cos' of the mosquitos dammit! But somehow...my heart just said "Man, i wanna do that" even though my brain was saying "SCREW YOU DON'T YOU EVEN THINK ABOUT IT YOU BALL!!!" Well we all know who won :p And even though the night was cold and wet. Due condenses on your sleeping bag by the way. And i probably fed dozens of bloodsuckers, the signs showing on my ankles and legs, it was just a really really great time and when i woke up at about 2AM and couldn't get back to sleep i just got up and sat on the logs for a bit, enjoying the sea breeze and hearing the lack of sound, the dead of night, watching the twinkling of a ship's beacon in the distance, and if it weren't for those idiots in the tent who were up doing who knows what in there i might not have gone back. Dang i hope none of my sec 3's are gay... O_O! Sai mun would be happy though...ok never mind! Anyway that concludes the first day, shall recount the second and today some other time because i'm really getting very tired and i think i shall go get some rest and apply some calamine lotion to my bites before they get infected :p 1 Year Anniversary at 5:22 PM
Sunday, November 06, 2005 Ok dudes, i'm gonna be away on the CCAL. Uh...ok fine no more CCAL it's now called the Pupil Leader's camp...*rolls eyes*. But anyway i'll be away on the whateveryouwannacallit camp from Monday to Wednesday, the name is stupid, but the experience will really be a great one i hope :) And hope the sec 3's will be able to benefit the most out of it. So if there's any pressing need to contact me, just sms i'll get back to you as soon as i can because i won't have my phone on all the time. If really urgent. Call Mr. Lim. If you don't have his number. Ask any prefect. If he refuses to talk to you. Well then that's your problem. Ok bye bye i'll see you guys around after Wednesday. Yes i won't forget you HAPPY?! Lao. 1 Year Anniversary at 10:36 PM
Saturday, November 05, 2005 Man i have missed this feeling so much, the sweetness of muscle aches and just knowing that in the morning you're gonna be that much fitter and look that much better. I am not losing this again for a long long time, i am going to get my abs back!!! WARGH!!! I've missed training :) Yesterday was graduation...man it just seems so surreal, i mean, i'm out of RI already? What the heck man...seems like it was just 5 minutes ago that i was strolling into those gates waiting to go to Sarimbun, but then again, it also feels like a millenium, all the memories, all the joy, all the pain, and all the lessons learnt that makes me the person i am today, so much in so short a time, i really am so grateful to God for blessing me with this great school and with great company, and planning wonderful lessons in my life that left me in tears of pain or joy that shaped and moulded me to the person He has planned for me to be. But i can't say that graduation yesterday was a great milestone that i'll remember though, Headmaster's address was frankly very, very disappointing. I expected something that was going to focus on our batch spirit, all the achievements we've had, all the memories, the orientation, the competitions, the house carns and all, but instead we got a lecture about how China and India were going to be superpowers and we had to be ready for it. Leaves one wondering whether or not he grabbed the right speech that morning :\ really lacked a personal touch, hope it doesn't happen again though, i'd hate for another batch to have their spirits dipped too. The entire ceremony just didn't hold the meaning that it used to though, i mean, we're not going anywhere and it's hardly goodbye, so i guess that it's just like going through the motion and it's lost it's spirit. Kinda sad really, but it's the price we have to pay for not taking O's i guess. Post-graduation was imba fun-ness though. Had nagenokata training which was quite fun and i was laughing my ass off at Alwyn cos' he was psycho-motor'ing all the while screwing up everything, for example stepping in with his left leg and doing all the other body positions that are supposed to be for right stance and just confusing me totally or when i ask him to do something he stands there and stones for 5 seconds and you know he's in deep thought trying to coordinate his movements. Man that was hilarious :P After training went on to Jack's Place and had dinner with the guys, making quite a fair bit these days but pray that God does grant me wisdom to keep the funds and spend them wisely and not splurge them too much. Then went on back to my place for games of Bridge and RISK, which were great old fashioned fun, but during which we found my old riding crop, and there were 4 different events which led to Nat and China getting held down and whipped once each and Mugger getting whipped twice, once by me and once by China. Poor Mugger, he was the only one who kena twice, and even kena'd a nipple cripple lol! But it was all in good fun so no harm done. They still don't dare to try to do it to me though thankfully HEHEHE! Oh yes, and during dinner Alex suddenly brought up that Emily Rose was showing at midnight which is why they didn't wanna watch it, they actually planned to in the afternoon, but then i kinda forced the three of them to watch the midnight one with me, so we left my place at 11.30 and all along the way to J8 the three humjis were arguing over who got to sit in the center and which guy had to sit at the outside. I already volunteered but they needed one more :\ I dunno I haven't been scared of horror flicks like this for a long time, as in, during the thing itself i'll be thrilled and on my toes lah but once i get home i can still sleep at night i don't start thinking about ghosts or anything. But anyway it was quite hilarious watching them freak out on the bus to J8 :D! Unfortunately, when we got there we found out that there were only front row tickets left so we didn't wanna watch. Which caused them to heave a huge sigh of relief and left me pissed off, but then again we had a huge adrenaline rush after that cos' we did something else. Which i cannot say. No it's not anything *adult* you horny faggots. Zhang and Nat had to get back home because they were mothered, but Mugger came to stay over at my place for the first time in 4 years woot, but unfortunately, due to my facilitator briefing in the morning for the CCAL camp we had to get up at like 7.30 which gave us 4 hours of sleep :P We got back to my place around 2.30 but went to bed about 3.30. But all in all that was really great fun, especially the last part with the 4 of us. Man we only started getting really close in sec 3 and have been ever since, dunno what i'd do without those guys, hope it holds on in JC and those horny boys don't go get girlfriends and zong se qing you! We kinda got a bet going on...but shan't elaborate about that nieheheh. Alright, now i just had my bath and i'm sitting in my air-con room content i'm gonna go kick some demon butt in doom 3! Ciaoz! 1 Year Anniversary at 3:03 PM
Wednesday, November 02, 2005 I wanted to post this up a long long time ago but was too lazy too, but here it is! http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-6739710473912337648&pr=goog-sl MUST GO!!! The guy on the right's mouth is so big that it makes him look incredibly comical and don't miss the first part where the guy on the left points to him and he's supposed to solo for a bit but he screws up and forgets and just looks at the left guy perversely LOL!!! 1 Year Anniversary at 7:36 PM
Tuesday, November 01, 2005 I koped this off Sarah's LJ, she always seems to get nice surveys : 1. Sleep with or without clothes on? Uhh... 2. Prefer black or blue pens? Black 3. Dress up on Halloween? Never have...don't think i'd like to either. 4. Like to travel? Definitely, i love seeing beautiful scenery of different countries and cultures 5. Like someone? Does self love count? 6. Do they know? Obviously. 7. Who sleeps with you every night? My elephant bodyguard named Molly 8. Think you're attractive? Well, you know, i don't but it's just the rest of the world that thinks so ;) 9. Want to get married? Yes, and i want to have many many little Lincolns! 10. To? Someone who loves God with all her heart and soul 11. Are you a good student? In certain subjects... 12. Are you currently happy? I'm tired from sleeping for 5 hours, but yes. 13. Have you ever cheated? Not in an exam 14. Birthplace? Malaysia truly Asiaaaaa 15. Christmas or Halloween? Christmas. The day our saviour was born man come on! 16. Colored or black-and-white photo? Coloured. 17. Do long distance relationships work? No. 18. Do you believe in astrology? No. 20. Do you believe in love at first sight? No, because you can't tell a person's personality and inner beauty at first sight, and that's what love is about, not the exterior. 21. Do you consider yourself the life of the party? Haven't really been to a big party so can't say. 22. Do you drink? Occasionally. 23. Do you make fun of people? Doh :p 24. Do you think dreams eventually come true? Yes. :) 25. Favorite fictional character? James of Krondor 26. Go to the movies or rent? Go. 27. Have you ever moved? Never. 28. Have you ever stolen anything? Nope. 29. How's the weather right now? I'm about to faint from the heat *pant pant* 30. Hug or kiss? Kisses. 31. Last person you talked to on the phone? Alvin Nat 32. Last time you showered? 18 hours ago. 33. Loud or Soft Music? Soft 34. McDonalds or Burger King? Burger King. 35. Night or day? Day 36. Number of Pillows? 4 37. Piano or guitar? Piano 38. Future job? Doctor, maybe a paediatrician, i love babies too much. 39. Current job? Errmmmm... 40. Current love: Our Heavenly Father 41. Current longing? Solace. 42. Current disappointment? Leaving RI... 43. Current annoyance? My first batch of friggin brownies got fudging screwed by the nugget pan! ARGH!!!!! *pulls hair out* 44. Last thing you ate? Lunch... 45. Last thing you bought? Levi's Jeans 46. Most recent thing you are looking forward to? Ummmmm, going to the gym!!! 47. What are you wearing right now? Shorts. 48. Plans for this weekend? Go out! 49. What did you do today? I played DotA. Period. 50. Pick a lyric, any lyric: Some say love it is a river that drowns the tender reed Some say love it is a razer that leaves your soul to blead Some say love it is a hunger an endless aching need I say love it is a flower and you it's only seed It's the heart afraid of breaking that never learns to dance It's the dream afraid of wakingthat never takes the chance It's the one who won't be taken who cannot seem to give and the soul afraid of dyingthat never learns to live When the night has been too lonely and the road has been too long and you think that love is only for the lucky and the strong Just remember in the winter far beneath the bitter snows lies the seed that with the sun's love in the spring becomes the rose 1 Year Anniversary at 3:21 PM
DotA spree....4.35AM...GG...GGGGGGGGGGGG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *faints* 1 Year Anniversary at 4:36 AM