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Judo Raffles Junior College 17/06/1989 F4
Archives 12/01/2003 - 01/01/2004 01/01/2004 - 02/01/2004 02/01/2004 - 03/01/2004 03/01/2004 - 04/01/2004 04/01/2004 - 05/01/2004 05/01/2004 - 06/01/2004 06/01/2004 - 07/01/2004 07/01/2004 - 08/01/2004 08/01/2004 - 09/01/2004 09/01/2004 - 10/01/2004 10/01/2004 - 11/01/2004 11/01/2004 - 12/01/2004 12/01/2004 - 01/01/2005 03/01/2005 - 04/01/2005 04/01/2005 - 05/01/2005 05/01/2005 - 06/01/2005 06/01/2005 - 07/01/2005 07/01/2005 - 08/01/2005 08/01/2005 - 09/01/2005 09/01/2005 - 10/01/2005 10/01/2005 - 11/01/2005 11/01/2005 - 12/01/2005 12/01/2005 - 01/01/2006 01/01/2006 - 02/01/2006 02/01/2006 - 03/01/2006 03/01/2006 - 04/01/2006 04/01/2006 - 05/01/2006 05/01/2006 - 06/01/2006 06/01/2006 - 07/01/2006 09/01/2006 - 10/01/2006 10/01/2006 - 11/01/2006 11/01/2006 - 12/01/2006 12/01/2006 - 01/01/2007 03/01/2007 - 04/01/2007 04/01/2007 - 05/01/2007 08/01/2007 - 09/01/2007 Links Adelyn Alvin Nat Alwyn Benedict Celine Cherie Garry/Ernest/Hongrui Gen Grace Lum Grace Ow Hong Rui Huang Lu Jenny Joseph Firmansyah Ng Jingwen Kaixuan JingZhou Joel Maximillian Lau Shen Rong <3 <3 <3 <3 Kelvin Xu Kuan Fu Justina Lois Lucas(dage) Louisa(dajie) Mitchell Nanett Paul Yap Rachel Heng Ryan D Ruth Ngo Sarah Ooi Sarah Hew Sheralyn Shu Fang Suwan Timo Victoria Chin Wan Chee Mun Chee Wang Ting Xinyang Yongsheng Zhuoyi
Tuesday, September 27, 2005 It's that time again, time for sweat to begin streaming down my body, splattering the ground with evidence of my passing. Time to feel my muscles screaming from the exertion, burning from the toil, begging for release. Time for my lungs to work overtime, expanding and contracting with the greatest urgency i'll ever feel, gasping for air, the life giving oxygen. Time to hear the rhythm of my heartbeat at my temples, the endless pulsations sustaining the life-force of my body. At that moment, it's always so easy to stop, to tell myself it's enough, to give in to the rest that beckons with it's soothing carress, yet somehow the muscles continue to contract and relax with the rhythm that i've come to know so well, and my mind wanders, seeking to find an escape from the torment. Images of the grass and flowers with their scents that linger like the aroma of the sweetest perfumes, images of the sea and white sand beaches, the waves lapping at the rocks engraved in it's foundations, an endless tide of beauty and solace. Broken. At the slip of a foot, and the stumble of the body. And the cycle repeats itself again. Give in. Give up. No. Rest. Relax. Return home. No. Break. Stumble. Fall. Remain. No. Survive.......yes. Then it's all over; all over. Even as the rush of adrenaline subsides and the body threatens to be overwhelmed by the thorough assault of fatigue, the ecstacy and the pride set in and beat back the waves of darkness that seem to be everywhere. It isn't over, not by far. Another time will come when when the mind and the body is put to the test yet again, for that's something for another day and another time. For now, i win. Always a satisfying feeling :) Anyway the sai mun and the ming mugger man came over to the gym today. Ming mugger man and the gym! WOW! I've heard so much about you! :p Sai mun seriously seemed to be out to kill himself. After our individual warm ups i was talking to mugger about something that i can't quite recall now during a break between my ab excercises, then suddenly we heard an "ackkkk... urghhh... arghhh...." from behind mugger, and i look over his shoulder to see the bench press bar lying flat against sai mun's chest and him struggling to hold it in place and prevent it from compressing his lungs somewhat. We rushed to help him, but now that i think about it i wonder if it might have been a bit more fun to let him remain in that position for awhile :P nieheheh. Then while i'm doing shoulders at the other end of the room, i hear an "ow!" from across and what do you know, sai mun just managed to hit himself in the head while doing bicep curls with a dumb bell. Who the heck hits himself in the head with a dumb bell?! Geez!!! I was seriously laughing quite hard. Reminds me of the time David Chan tried to do some "jedi sword tricks" with our makeshift "lightsabre"(a wooden pole) and hit himself on the forehead while spinning it. The mac user strikes again...himself this time... *shakes head* tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk. There was also a girl with a very nice tanned figure in a bikini at the pool. She had a boyfriend, but hey we don't wanna jio her, we just want the eye candy :P so i wasn't surprised when sai mun commented on her. I WAS surprised when Ming Mugger Man's head went from left to right in her passing though :D!!! OHOHOHOHOOHOH first our dear mugger says vulgarities for the first time and then he starts looking at zhar bors? Wow. Alex and Paul are seriously corrupting him in boarding man...sheesh...soon he's gonna be like...spiking his hair and wearing contacts. Hmmmm...actually come to think of it he might O_O anyway rest of the day will be taken up by philo journal entry and then some chemistry cos' i have no idea what the heck is going on in class so i'd better catch up. Ciao. 1 Year Anniversary at 7:23 PM
Friday, September 23, 2005 As much as i hate to leave RI, as much as i wish i had another 4 more years to relive the great times i've had in this institution, i can't deny that i'm looking forward to the end of the year. Man, no more responsibilities, no more caring about work or anything in school, NOTHING! Just plain rest and relaxation, and damn i need it. Let's see...will be visiting Sis on November 22nd, learning to scuba, going to JB for much missed horse riding, maybe going to India on the mission trip and maybe going somewhere else in Malaysia with some of the guys, i dunno. And of course there'll be lots and lots of R&R and going out to have fun with all the friends that i haven't seen for oh man so long. Remember to book me in advance or i might not be free ;) Hmmmm and when i went to buy a new badge from Mr. Lim cos' mine broke, he indirectly said he reads my blog O_O. GG. No more flaming teachers already. Sad. Ah heck it lah, i'll still flame Mr. Lim!!! Mr. Paul Lim deserves to be flamed because: 1.) He makes fun of my surname and calls me LUcKy 2.) He cracks jokes about my being a judoka 3.) That somehow leads to jokes about me being gay 4.) Or weird 5.) He makes use of my leg hair for items in a scavenger hunt - that was painful. 6.) He refuses to lend me his Star Wars trilogy and now i'm skywalker-starved 7.) Basically, he bullies me. And i can't fight back because much as i'd like to, i still have 2 months left in RI and he would make them miserable. No no. I'm sorry Mitchell. 1 Year Anniversary at 10:19 PM
Sunday, September 18, 2005 Right, sorry i can't write much, i still have my bio reflective writing to do and if i blog too long i won't have time for quiet time tonight. Anyway, went for the Terry Fox run this morning, well, wanted to. When i woke up in the morning the wind was literally howling in the doorway, the rain was splashing in through the open window in the toilet and the bamboo blinds in the balcony were flapping like the wings on a butterfly when you pin it down by it's antennae. It was quite freaky. Met with Mingloong and Alvin Tan at City Hall and then we began our long episode of going in the wrong direction 2 times in a day. First we wanted to take the train to Harbourfront then when we got in, the next stop was Bugis. Nobody said anything. Then it was Lavender. I got suspicious and checked the train stop map and ok...realised we were going in the wrong direction. We all ran out and got into the opposite direction and wasted 10 mins. Then when we finally got to harbourfront, we walked the wrong way and had to turn around and walk all the way to the other side to sit the bus to Sentosa. Anyway the 8KM was cancelled. How stupid was that?! In the end we had to run the 4KM one...damn gay lah...i was a bit peeved because i woke up so early and ended up crappy liddat. Then there was nothing to do after that. The sea was really dirty, we walked around a lot, wanted to do something but couldn't think of anything to do. Ended up going home and reaching home about 11.30. Man i woke up 5.45 for nothing. I felt quite sad. Oh well at least Church was very good today, pastor spoke about "The Perils of The Internet" and it was a really really great service, i'll put up some of the notes on tuesday if i have the time to, it was really good. Oh and i'm likely to be going to India on a mission trip at the end of the year. How exciting, Lincoln Luk as a missionary. Hmmmmmmm....can you imagine?:P Maybe i should get Anirrudh to guide us along. Heheheh. Ok i'm very tired and drained, back to bio now :( 1 Year Anniversary at 9:06 PM
Wednesday, September 14, 2005 Chinese. No more. No more. Relief. Much. Much much. It's really like a huge burden off your chest. My gosh i haven't felt so responsibility-less for a long long time. Now i get to pass off everything to the sec 3's, Judo and Prefect duties, man i really feel...FREEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm going to have my first holiday in 4 years come the end of the year. I am so looking forward to it, i've been NEEDING it for 4 years man. And once my common tests are over in a month i shall be on the prowl for people to go out with regularly so beware, you might be the next one *points* Mwahahhahahaha. Ok fine not scary. Guoren says "Hey i can see your 6-pack now." Me says: "Oh. Ok." Me thinks: "OHOHOHOHOHOHOHO!!!! WAHAHAHAH!!!! YESSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!" 1 Year Anniversary at 7:38 PM
Saturday, September 10, 2005 Ok, 50 laps have been wasted. Because i just ate half a dozen escargot, 3 oysters, a baked potato and steak for dinner at Jack's place. The escargot, steak and potato were wonderful, as usual, and i never really liked oysters they always gave me a bad taste in my mouth but man this time they were really good, they had some special price, oysters with soy and wasabi, added some lemon juice and lots of tobasco sauce, and the oysters were really huge and really fresh they had almost no "fishy" taste to them and they were so big they practically exploded in your mouth with err...oyster cream...yah. Anyway. It was a really good meal, Jack's place is deh bomb. I like it lots. But very ex. Can only go with parents, heheheh :p Dad liked it though, so will be able to go more yay :D 1 Year Anniversary at 9:34 PM
Whoah...i just swam 50 laps...i feel like a gg... And i just saw the light. No not literally. Not that GG. But i mean, i just realised what studying chinese is really all about. Just mugging your butt off for those 35 marks in the front section won't gaurantee you'll do well in the exams, you'll do better, sure, but even if you don't do well, it's the process that really counts. The determination and perseverance to sit your butt down for 10 straight hours cramming things into your head. It's teaching you moral values! Man chinese is sneaky. 1 Year Anniversary at 1:58 PM
Friday, September 09, 2005 Sigh...i'm irritable, depressed, bored and feeling so damn sian...and it's all thanks to stupid chinese. It's damn gay lah...it's the only subject where there is no brains involved at all, you're just cramming stuff into your head, you don't even need to understand anything. Like, i don't mind all the tests about books and stuff where you have to read and understand the story, but all the memorising ci yu and stuff for exams is just pure memory work it's incredibly irritating. Thank goodness this will be my last year. If i had to take it again in JC i'd just die screaming. 1 Year Anniversary at 12:16 PM
Thursday, September 08, 2005 Random comment of the day : Jolin is damn pretty...*sigh*... Damn damn sian of mugging chinese anymore. 18 ke left to go but i can't bring myself to do them...sigh shall try to force myself to do it tonight. In the meantime: koped this from wangting 7 things I plan to do before I die: 1) Learn how to speak fuchow properly 2) Have a white christmas 3) Go to the top of a mountain and watch a sunset/sunrise (maybe both!) 4) Get an Alaskan Malamute 5) Have many kids 6) Take them fishing 7) Pass that 80kg bench press barrier 7 things I can do: 1) Sms very fast 2) Write well 3) Run 2.4 in less than 10 mins 4) Judo your ass :p 5) Sing in chinese 6) Take care of babies 7) Dislocate my left shoulder on purpose 7 things I cannot do: 1) Swear without feeling bad anymore 2) Understand girls. fullstop. 3) Beat Mr. Tan :( Teh imba... 4) Score above 80 for chinese. Darn. 5) Assemble my own CPU 6) Hit a girl 7) Not think i'm handsome (a) 7 things that attract me to the opposite sex: 1) Immense love for God 2) Elegant and feminine 3) Sense of humour 4) Share the same interests as i do 5) Not having a strange family 6) Sensitive, but not overly sensitive. 7) Doh, pretty lah!!! 7 things that I say most often: 1) Damn funny 2) Neuuuuuu 3) What the hell? 4) Eh 5) Please 6) Thank you 7) si liao loh... 7 people who suck(rephrase): 1) Jay Chou 2) Terrorists! -agrees with wang ting 3) Backstabbers 4) Cowards 5) Alanis Morrisette (except for hands clean, rest of her songs are really bad) 6) F4 7) Jap boy bands 7 people who I actually think are cool: 1) Andy Lau - he just exudes this aura of coolness 2) Jolin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 3) Brad Pitt / Tom Cruise 4) Ethan Hawke - after seeing his performance in Gattaca 5) The philo teacher with the motorcycle 6) Ou de yang 7) Me ;) 1 Year Anniversary at 5:41 PM
Tuesday, September 06, 2005 Strawberries blended in milk. Yummmmmmm. 1 Year Anniversary at 11:02 AM
Monday, September 05, 2005 Unfortunately i won't be excused from chinese prelims because of two dislodged teeth so...PIAH PIAH PIAH CHINA AHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!! Anyway here's one of my brother's entries depicting him and my sister: Monday, August 29, 2005 In glasgow with my sis now. It's been a blast the last 4 days here...will be here til tuesday and it's back to dublin for another term of lectures and clinicals! Yizhe was here with his bro, douglas too for a couple of days..we've been touring glasgow and taken a trip to endibrugh too...really enjoying myself here. Been eating 1 buffet a day since i got here. Really so much more variety and incredible deals on offer here as compared to dublin - shopping and clothes alike. Will be in loch lomond tmrw. Nice to finally be visiting a place i've envisioned only but umpteen times in folksong... Getting late...we've been walking so much this wk 'im absolutely zonked out..KO..Mind's switching off..in fact, been rather 'off' the last couple of days. It isn't uncommon for me to be nutty around jie and wen, but e conversations we've been having over e last few days really just hit new highs..or lows =p Shall leave u with a couple of the warped exchanges we've been involved in: 1)Deciding whether to head to loch ness or loch lomond.... Me: Jie, do you think i'll see the loch ness monster if we go to loch ness? Jie: *stares at me* M: Ok, why dun you dress up in a costume of the loch ness monster and float around loch ness just to humour me? Jie: *Stares* (at this point, i'm expecting her to go..'crazy' or the like. INstead..) NOOO! (here's e best part) 'wad IF e REAL Loch Ness Monster comes out and attacks me??!!??' *At this point we just looked at each other and burst into uncrontrollable tears.* 2) We were talking about Yizhe and Douglas who had jus left: M: How'd you find Y n D? J: They're real nice...think they enjoyed it here the last couple of days huh? M: yea...Kelvin especially J: looks up at me blankly (at this point, she's abt to pose a qn) M: (I appear even more bewildered than her AND before she can even attempt to mouth a word...) WAIT, who's Kelvin?? *Another Kodak Moment, as we stare at one another and laugh uncontrollably down the streets of glasgow* (CRAZY ASIANS!! =b) Real crappy..jie's gonna be hoping so hard none of her frens stumble upon my blog. BUT me? U ALL know my skin's thicker than a rhino's hide. CHeers! Sometimes it really scared me how stupid my brother is. Then at the same time i realised that it sounds almost exactly like myself. So i cannot say that it is stupid or in turn i will be stupid. So. Err. I have nothing to say. But seriously, when my brother and I come together, we usually leave me sister sitting stunned beyond contemplation trying to make sense of the crap that's flying out of our mouths and usually she just ends up laughing hysterically 5 mins after the joke is over because she isn't as in tuned with the crapiness as we are heheheh! 1 Year Anniversary at 9:40 PM
Friday, September 02, 2005 I am never playing rugby again. Scored a try. Turned around. Hullet guy kicked me in the face. Two front teeth bent in. Pushed them out. Bled like gay. Spat blood. Hurt like crap. Went to dentist. Feared i would lose front teeth. Took x-ray. Dislodged teeth. Dentist put wires around them like a cast. Said they had a chance of healing and luckily they weren't broken so even if the nerve died it would be fine he could just take it out. I will not be bogay. I am not that pissed. It hurts like mad. I am in a lot of pain. A lot of pain. I am not going to try to find out who kicked me. If i do i might wanna kick him. So i shall not. Ignorance is bliss. Very very pain. Porridge for next 8 weeks. Hope it will heal well. If i keep my mouth shut, i'm handsome. I open it. Not so handsome. Darn. 1 Year Anniversary at 5:34 PM
Thursday, September 01, 2005 Oh i forgot to mention that i watched Gattaca last night on HBO, and i thought it was really really wonderful, it was so meaningful and so inspiring, you really felt the pain and emotions of the character. Here's a brief synopsis i koped from a website: New Zealand screenwriter Andrew Niccol (The Truman Show) made his feature directorial debut with this science fiction drama, set in a future when one's life is determined by genetic engineering rather than education or experience. The wealthy can choose the genetic makeup of their descendants. People are designed to fit into whatever role is decided before birth. But what happens when someone desires another way of life? Citizens in this impersonal future-world are fashioned as perfect specimens, so those in the natural-born minority are viewed as inferior to the pre-planned perfect specimens (aka "Valids") who dominate. One of the natural-borns (aka "In-Valids"), Vincent Freeman (Ethan Hawke), has several defects (poor vision, emotional problems, and short 30-year life expectancy), but he also develops a different outlook on his pre-ordained fate. He yearns to break free from society's constraints, and he dreams of a journey into space as a Gattaca Corp. navigator. To accomplish his goal, he enlists the aid of DNA broker German (Tony Shalhoub) and makes contact with Jerome Morrow (Jude Law), who was paralyzed in an accident and is willing to sell his superior genetic materials. Vincent assumes Jerome's identity and is scheduled for a flying mission. However, a week before his flight, a Gattaca mission director is murdered, and all members of the program are the suspects. Meanwhile, he develops a romantic interest in a beautiful Valid, Irene (Uma Thurman), prevented from going into space because of her heart defect. Tracked by a relentless investigator who is methodically jigsawing all the pieces together, Jerome finds his aspirations dissolving into stardust. ~ Bhob Stewart, All Movie Guide Ok so now that you know a bit about it, i shall go on. It was really really such an inpsiring film about Vincent Freeman being more than a man, and even though the "valids" were genetically modified to be smarter and fitter than everyone else, he pushed himself beyond his physical and mental limits to keep up with them and put himself through all sorts of torture just to achieve his dream. Dreams. They're the one thing that nobody can take away from us, and that everyone can have. Whether you're the smartest most powerful man on earth or the most insignificant beggar on the street, you can dream, and there's always the possibility of achieving your dreams, and that's just what Vincent Freeman did, he achieved his dream of travelling into space with Gattaca. It was really such a good movie, i'm thoroughly impressed by it seriously, and if you have the time you should really catch it to know what i mean. The man's heart was supposed to have stopped ten thousand beats before or something and yet he defied science and didn't let the rules society had stop him. Of course, i can't say i approve of him going against the law and fraud and everything, that's just plain wrong nothing right about it at all, but what i took away from it was really his steel determination and incredible courage and strength. I quote the character when he was racing with his brother through the sea and his brother wanted to turn back because he couldn't see the shore anymore. "This is how i made it this far Anton, because i saved nothing for the swim back." Wonderful film that i will always remember, please catch it if you can. 1 Year Anniversary at 11:56 AM