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Lincoln Luk
Raffles Junior College


11/01/2003 - 12/01/2003
12/01/2003 - 01/01/2004
01/01/2004 - 02/01/2004
02/01/2004 - 03/01/2004
03/01/2004 - 04/01/2004
04/01/2004 - 05/01/2004
05/01/2004 - 06/01/2004
06/01/2004 - 07/01/2004
07/01/2004 - 08/01/2004
08/01/2004 - 09/01/2004
09/01/2004 - 10/01/2004
10/01/2004 - 11/01/2004
11/01/2004 - 12/01/2004
12/01/2004 - 01/01/2005
03/01/2005 - 04/01/2005
04/01/2005 - 05/01/2005
05/01/2005 - 06/01/2005
06/01/2005 - 07/01/2005
07/01/2005 - 08/01/2005
08/01/2005 - 09/01/2005
09/01/2005 - 10/01/2005
10/01/2005 - 11/01/2005
11/01/2005 - 12/01/2005
12/01/2005 - 01/01/2006
01/01/2006 - 02/01/2006
02/01/2006 - 03/01/2006
03/01/2006 - 04/01/2006
04/01/2006 - 05/01/2006
05/01/2006 - 06/01/2006
06/01/2006 - 07/01/2006
09/01/2006 - 10/01/2006
10/01/2006 - 11/01/2006
11/01/2006 - 12/01/2006
12/01/2006 - 01/01/2007
03/01/2007 - 04/01/2007
04/01/2007 - 05/01/2007
08/01/2007 - 09/01/2007


Alvin Nat
Grace Lum
Grace Ow
Hong Rui
Huang Lu
Joseph Firmansyah
Ng Jingwen
Joel Maximillian Lau Shen Rong <3 <3 <3 <3
Kelvin Xu
Kuan Fu
Paul Yap
Rachel Heng
Ryan D
Ruth Ngo
Sarah Ooi
Sarah Hew
Shu Fang
Victoria Chin
Wan Chee Mun Chee
Wang Ting

Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Wah siao liao lah!!!!! Teacher's day rehearsals, Pesta Sukan, Jap people coming over to train with us, triple science test, truck load of homework to do for chinese it was SOOOOO GG!!!! But i have to admit it was fulfilling, it always is.

Teacher's day rehearsals really went so far into the night, we were doing a skit that was based on a parody for star wars and we had to rehearse and rehearse and rehearse some more to get it all right, and i had a horrible flu and fever for the past 10 days or so, even during Pesta Sukan, but i think the school liked it today and it was really quite funny so it all pays off :). Pesta Sukan was good too, i was feeling really horrible and because i stepped up my weights routine a bit and i was eating a lot more i gained too much weight and i was 76KG when i was supposed to be playing -73! So it led to 24 hours of fasting before competition. No food and no water from 7.30am on saturday to 8.30am on Sunday morning and i lost 3KG at least i qualified for it, but man i seriously felt very very faint. Felt a bit better after gorging myself on a huge bowl of porridge, two char siew paos and 2 siew mais though! And i managed to get silver and theoratically beat 1 japanese guy on my side but lost to another one in the finals. The finals was really buay sai, the guy i played in the semi's was called Chong Cheng Kiat and he was a pretty elderly man but he was SUPER strong, he was the only one the whole competition i couldn't control which was very very gay. And in the end it came to a han-te when the referees decide who wins after playing for 6 minutes with no score and i won 2-1 which was VERY VERY close. But still, very happy with my performance, thought i could do better with my finals, but ah well i'll just try harder next time :) National colours wheeeee!!!

The jap guys who took part in the competition also came over to RI to train and it was pretty good training with them cos' they're all really friendly and i got to know quite a few of their names. Jingwen thought one of the girls was pretty. But then again Jingwen's GEP so i can't trust him :P heheheh.

Oh oh! And the teacher's day video that they made in tribute of the teachers was wicked funny!!! Mr. Paul Lim was mixed into an assembly video of the students at the astroturf clapping and cheering below and it was mixed with clips of Mr.Lim blowing kisses and waving to them at the turf so it was super super funny and rather gay :D Of course, William was able to discover his feminine side when he played Princess Leia, and had to wear a make-shift white dress, which i wanted to be backless so it would be more funny but Mr. Lim said a fervent : "NO!" So too bad :( But i still think the P.E. teachers were the funniest part of the video, once i get it i'll be sure to put it up on the blog so you guys can watch it! It's always funny to see them acting macho and bodyguard like heheh. Mr. Lam was as usual the coolio dude he always is and Chaolun and Haoran were his acting bodyguards all dressed like the shanghai tan gangsters again. The water bottle passing to him was just weird though.

Did pretty well for bio, got 32/35 and lost all my marks on only the last question and one MCQ when i wrote egg cell as ovule and embryonic sac as ovary, i dunno what the heck i was thinking seriously, when i saw the paper i felt like slapping myself. Could've easily gotten 34. Ahhh heck it, i'm happy :D

And lastly, Ming Loong has been staying over at my place these two days because he wants to know how it's like to travel to school in the morning - which is the ultimate weird reason i can think of... but never mind, i'll still host and treat him to a mooncake, half a tub of haagan dasz(or however you spell it) ice cream, and let him play all my computer games! Hope he enjoys his stay here :) Oh heheh and Ma was talking non-stop to him at the dinner table just now (or keeping him company, as she says) and she got into one of her "i talk you nod" moods so i left the table discreetly and let Ming Loong bear the brunt of it for awhile but i think he's ok lah he's too innocent and guai to feel anything negative :p

Going out with the guys tmr for sakae sushi buffet, so i shall starve for the rest of today and tmr so i shall macan like a blue whale tmr. Hope Vicky's mom will let her out on saturday, man i haven't seen her for so long seriously, since what, sec 1 or sec 2? Should try to catch up with my ex-classmates more yesh yesh. She says she's become fat, hmmm, we shall wait and see *egrin* I am going to drag people to go out with me in the weekend or the first few days of the hols and enjoy myself a bit then after that. POWER PIAH CHINA FOR PRELIMSSSSSS!!!!

Ok wish me luck and pray for my exams, bye dudezzz :)

1 Year Anniversary at 6:59 PM

Friday, August 26, 2005

There's always this level that seems to limit how much we can push ourselves and msot of the time once we seem to be just a hair's breadth away from that level, our feet slip from under us and we fall, unable to go on. Most of the time. But sometimes you just find something deep down inside you, something that allows you to break through those barriers that seem to be whispering those discouraging words into your ears "stop, nobody will blame you for it." "You don't have to do this." "It's not worth it, come on, you can give up now." Many say that this ability to push oneself beyond the limit, beyond what a normal human being could take, is inborn. But i beg to differ. Courage and determination, like other things, come from hard practice. It's as simple as that. The more you train your mind to deal with it, the more you can bear. The physical barrier is the first step, learning how to push yourself to 130%, going out and giving your all even though your muscles scream for rest and it seems like they're on fire from the lactic acid coursing through them. But that isn't as hard to overcome as the mental barrier. I usually don't have to face this, but the few times that i have had to in my RI life, is the times that i'll remember for the rest of my life.

I've felt more utterly sick and my body and mind more lethargic and painful from injuries and sickness than i've ever felt in my entire life. My torn right knee ligament is giving me lots of trouble now and i can't sit cross legged for more than 5 minutes without feeling immense pain when i try to straighten my leg again, my shoulder can still pop out of it's socket if i swing it around in a circle very hard and the fracture in my right foot still hurts like crap if i do anything strenous even kicking a soccer ball too hard. And to top it off, i had majorly horrible tonsilitis and flu these few days, it's much better now but just two days ago my tonsils were so swollen i couldn't swallow my own saliva without feeling like it was sandpaper i was swallowing. But things have to be done. Things always have to be done. And i managed to brave through this storm and deal with the teacher's day script for the short skit we're putting up and it's incredibly funny now i'm really happy with it. Pason and Wang ting put in a lot of effort for the first idea and i helped out to plan and write the second so it really feels like a great achievement now. And dragging myself down to rehearsals even though i feel so damn horrible has really been a great test of mental strength. But i know i have to be there or they'll miss key actors for the skit and things won't go smoothly so it's a small sacrifice for the good of us all and it's really worth it when we see the thing coming together so great. Then we had training today which i dragged myself to again cos' the Jap guys from some uni somewhere were coming over. They're not professionals just students who take Judo so they weren't fantastic, but they were still pretty good and it was fun playing with them, but my flu and infection was so bad that i couldn't even grip the guy's gi for more than 30 seconds without my muscles starting to ache already and my throat really felt like someone shoved a knife down it. But after it was all over i felt good cos' we had a nice good training, i made some friends with the jap guys and we all had a good time :)

Unfortunately one of the guys left his wallet in the changing room and it contained like 1500 sing dollars worth of yen. I felt responsible cos' he lost it in our school and i am captain i should do my best to help him find it so i took down all his details and that of the wallet i could and hopefully when school starts again on monday i'll find it at maintainence or at the office in lost and found. I really pray that he'll get his wallet back because he'll be so distraught and his spirits will be so dampened if he can't find it, i know mine were when i lost my wallet containing all my money in Osaka in sec 1 and i really don't want him to have to go through that. I'll keep praying for him and i hope God answers my prayers as he has so many times before, in fact i even lost my wallet after drama feste and i prayed and found it at the security guard post. I know God can take care of everything so i'll just put my faith in him, do what i can, report it to the general office and maintenance maybe check with the cleaners too and hope we can find it. Please help me pray for him too, his name's Miyazaki Yuzi. Just pray that God will help him find it somehow be it through me or anyone else, but let him get it back so that he'll have a great trip and won't be so sad.

Thank you so much for lending me the power of prayer, any christians who read, and i'll update on tues/wed once i get the chance to let you know how it goes. Really hope i can help the poor dude :\

1 Year Anniversary at 11:53 PM

Sunday, August 21, 2005

I sometimes think about his cross,
And shut my eyes and try to see;
The cruel nails and crown of thorns,
And Jesus crucified for me.
The king of kings,
The lord of lords,
Spilling his pure and untainted blood;
Just to save me from Sin's source.

But even could i see him die,
I could but see a little part
Of that great love which, like a fire,
Is always burning in his heart.
It shames me to see,
My love for him so faint and poor,
But tis' most wonderful to know,
His love for me so free and sure.

Love that saves, love that comforts, and
Love that overcomes all hurts.

Thou art my master, thou art my friend,
And like the lamb in the shepherd’s arms;
Thou keeps me safe from any, and all harms.
How I want to love thee, Lord,
O' light the flames within my heart
And i will love thee more and more
Until i see thee as thou art.
21st August 2005

1 Year Anniversary at 10:56 PM

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

I'm bored, so here are some quotable quotes!

* - quotable quotes

My father after my uncle commented that his shoulders were broader than my uncle's.
:"Yes, my breast is bigger than yours"*
He meant chest.

(knowledge of chinese is required)
Timothy is being called up by Mr.Tan puay hock during chinese lesson.
Mr. Tan : "zuo1 zhe3 zai4 zhe4 duan4 shi4 miao2 xie3 she4 me4 de4 mei3 li4?
Timothy : "Err....ne4 ge4....dam!"
Mr. Tan : " Dam shi4 she3 me4! Wo3 ting1 bu4 dong3."
Huang lu (who is currently standing in front of the class because he forgot to bring his ke ben) : "Dam shi4 ta1 ma1 de4 yi4 shi4!!!!!!"*
*Mr. Tan casually walks away with a sinister smile on his face and pinches huang lu's ears until they turn as big as the country he's from*

In 4J's bio lesson:

Doing an experiment to show how STDs are transmitted. Find partners to "have sex" with by mixing half of whatever is in your test-tubes with your partner and later by doing tests, we found out who had STDs and who infected who.
Mrs Tan Lai Lin : "Ok class, let's say i want to have a kid with Alex...*(I would have to mix our test-tubes.")
Alex : " O_O O_O O_O O_O O_O O_O O_O O_O O_O O_O O_O O_O O_O O_O O_O O_O O_O O_O O_O O_O O_O O_O O_O
O_O O_O O_O O_O O_O O_O O_O O_O O_O O_O O_O O_O O_O O_O O_O O_O O_O O_O O_O O_O O_O O_O!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Alright enough for today, hope they made you laugh :p

Anyway, here's pics from ASEAN dance where we were all dressed up nice and smart! Except we all took off our times cos' they were too damn sian lol! One of the pictures of me looks damn weird man seriously, and Alvin's pictures are all hilarious so... ENJOY!

1 Year Anniversary at 6:57 PM

Thursday, August 11, 2005

I don't know why, but going to the gym always makes me feel a lot better, ok fine i'm an egotistic freak who likes to stare at myself in the mirror while i do my weights but hey it makes me feel good :p I always feel very energetic and happy after that. Especially since i just broke my personal best for 2.4, 9.35mins today WARGH!!! I puked after that. I really did. My abs were burning and my legs were so numb on the last two rounds i kept thinking of quitting but i just pushed on and my efforts were rewarded, i am happy :D

Ok, now i need to rush SS project, call my hp if you need to because my house phone is screwed

1 Year Anniversary at 9:45 PM

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

It's amazing how much time we waste in our lives...we always complain we don't have enough of it then when we have time to spare we waste it on the all sorts of mundane things. But what i really can't stand is when I can't force myself to do work. Sometimes, like today, i feel so...sian... and so lethargic that i don't even want to lift a finger to write anything or do any work at all, even working out going to the gym, training etc. doesn't appeal to me, i just wanna slack around, yet when i slack again i feel frustrated that i'm slacking around because i hate slacking around yet i'm slacking around. GARGH! Someone throw me a rope and get me out of this stinking hole.

1 Year Anniversary at 9:10 PM

Sunday, August 07, 2005

Argh com was down with virus i only got it back yesterday so i couldn't blog for a long time people i'm sorry :(

Ok this is gonna be a long long post cos' i have so much to say with so many things happening so bear with me yah? *takes deep breath*

Alright first up, DRAMA FESTE!!! Wargh we won best actor best play and best script!!! That was like so fantastic i couldn't describe the emotions flying around everywhere, we worked so hard and put in so much time and effort to do it, seriously, we deserved to win it was such a great play. Good job everyone in Buckley! Wang Ting, don't be sad you didn't win best director, we all still think you're the best ever! :)

Then just last night, there was ASEAN dance night that Alex invited me to go to. The start was really slow and really boring and me, Paul, Alex, Alvin and a few of the other sec 3's actually left the ballroom and went out to the sofas and chairs outside just to sit down and talk cos' we were SOOOO bored. Seriously the performances and items were really crappy. But when the dancing started! Ah-hah, that's when the fun started too. All of us were like saying ok ok we're gonna go look for girls to dance with and gonna get them. I dunno about the rest of them but when i thought about it man i was nervous as heck, my knees got a bit wobbly and my heart started beating faster. They had like periodic change of music, a few minutes fast then a few mins slow, so they were playing a fast dance and i didn't wanna dance it cos' it was just like people spasming on the dance floor :P Then i saw this girl standing away from the crowd looking sad and lonely, then she went to sit down, and obviously she was quite pretty doh (a) :p but anyway, so i was thinking to myself, ok ok i'm gonna ask her to dance once the slow dance music comes on. Then it did come on! And i took a deep breath, turned around the the chair i saw her sitting last and. She was gone! Neuuuuu!!!!! So i turned my head around and yay i saw her at the drink table having a drink. So i walked towards her and was about 10 meters away from her when. Another guy suddenly appeared out of nowhere and asked her to dance. NEUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!!!!!!!!!! :'( And if that wasn't enough after the slow dance music finished he took her to a corner and sat down with her and started talking. I was like thinking "stop hogging her you fag!" Ok anyway, so after 5 minutes of that i started thinking to myself, i'm bigger than him, i'm here to have fun, and even if she says no heck about it man, so i just went up to the both of them and said "Sorry if i'm interrupting but, *turns to face girl* miss would you like to dance?" And i was like thinking oh my gosh please don't say no please don't let the first girl i ask to dance in my life say no please please please. And she didn't! Yay! So we danced :D heheheheh. And i found out her name was Denise and she's Malaysian too! Wow what a coincidence. Ok no lah not really they're all ASEAN scholars anyway. Alright fine i found out more things but i'm not going to post them here in case some of you buggers go and find out who she is and start saying bad things about me *glares*! But she was pretty nice to talk to and dance with, but unfortunately the dance ended really fast and she had to go off and join her girlfriends. But ah well, nice dance ;) Danced with a couple more girls after that, and. and. and. and. One of them i asked rejected me at the last dance song of the night, but that wasn't the worst part. The worst part was that 30 seconds later I SAW HER DANCING WITH ANOTHER GUY!!!! Wargh i lost :( Ok maybe it was her boyfriend...but...still i was rejected, my only rejection of the night...i be sad.

Went back on the bus with the rest of the RI boarding scholars and some of the guests who they invited like me and Alvin. Took a cab home from school, cost 4 bucks...ouch man...and when i got home i walked up the lobby and past a catwalk that leads to my block and stopped. One thing i love about my place is that the view from some places is really great cos' there's a huge garden and a pool and you can actually look out and see the pool and the night sky together so it was really great. The night breeze was blowing, and it was so quiet and so nice, i just leaned against the railing and looked out into the night, the single star in that pitch dark universe a beacon of light to my eyes, it's twinkle gently soothing my soul, hearing the sound of the leaves of the trees scratching against one another in the gentle carress of the wind, feeling my own heartbeat slow down as i exhaled and relaxed the fibres in my body. I thought about a lot of things in that period of about half an hour, a lot of things that mattered to me, but the thing that made the most sense to me and was of greatest importance to me i thought about last night. Or rather this morning, since i got home at 12+, was questioning my purpose in life. What am i supposed to do in this life? What am i here for? And i prayed and i got my answer. I am here to glorify my Lord and to prepare myself for entry into heaven, but that's not enough, i also have to try my best to show everyone else the way, the only way, Jesus Christ. It doesn't matter what i do i realised, there'll always be good times and bad times, that's the way life is. I had a really bad period of sadness and heartbreak for about 4-5 months just awhile back, and God was my greatest comfort in those times, because human beings can only give you so much and tell you so much and take so much pain from you, but our Lord and Saviour can give you everything in the world and beyond, give you the best advice you'll ever get, and take away all the pain you have, because you can throw it all on him and he will be able to shoulder it. Because he is the Alpha and the Omega, the one and only true living God in this world. I used to neglect Him in times of plenty and times of good, but i thank God that he has taught me to be more obedient to him and to follow him more closely than ever. These 2 months have been wonderful for me, Judo, Drama Feste, results, friends, family and so many events like ASEAN dance have really made my life so much more interesting, and i used to tell myself that it was because of my hard work that i deserved it. But now i know otherwise. It's not just because of that. It is also because of my dearest God's blessing and guidance and care and now i know to thank him for the good he has blessed me with, a prayer of thanks after Judo, after drama feste, after everything, not just before. Just that day after drama feste, i lost my wallet and only realised it when i came to my gate and didn't have the key cos' it was in my wallet. I thought i dropped it in miss quah's car when she sent me and wang ting home, but i called wang ting to check and it wasn't there. I called Dome cafe to check and see if they found anything, but again nothing. I was stumped, i didn't know what to do and i was just going to wait and hope that one of them found it. Then i prayed to God and asked him to help me, and just at that moment a thought came into my mind, maybe i dropped it on the way up from the lobby, and i went down to check, nothing there, but when i asked the security guards, i saw them holding a wallet in their hands and checking through the I.D. and once i confirmed my I/C number, they gave it back to me. That can't be anything less than God's blessing, He is the shephard of the world and we are his sheep, he will watch over us whenever anything happens to us and protect us as long as we stay close to him. To all those who are in God's pastures already, never lose faith in him, the grass might look greener in the devil's fields, but he will never give you the Love that God had blessed us with so abundantly. To those who aren't, i hope this might just plant a seed in your mind, that one day you might come to the Lord, for his arms are always open and as long as you want to, he will receive you.

Praise the Lord.

1 Year Anniversary at 12:39 PM

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