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Lincoln Luk
Raffles Junior College


11/01/2003 - 12/01/2003
12/01/2003 - 01/01/2004
01/01/2004 - 02/01/2004
02/01/2004 - 03/01/2004
03/01/2004 - 04/01/2004
04/01/2004 - 05/01/2004
05/01/2004 - 06/01/2004
06/01/2004 - 07/01/2004
07/01/2004 - 08/01/2004
08/01/2004 - 09/01/2004
09/01/2004 - 10/01/2004
10/01/2004 - 11/01/2004
11/01/2004 - 12/01/2004
12/01/2004 - 01/01/2005
03/01/2005 - 04/01/2005
04/01/2005 - 05/01/2005
05/01/2005 - 06/01/2005
06/01/2005 - 07/01/2005
07/01/2005 - 08/01/2005
08/01/2005 - 09/01/2005
09/01/2005 - 10/01/2005
10/01/2005 - 11/01/2005
11/01/2005 - 12/01/2005
12/01/2005 - 01/01/2006
01/01/2006 - 02/01/2006
02/01/2006 - 03/01/2006
03/01/2006 - 04/01/2006
04/01/2006 - 05/01/2006
05/01/2006 - 06/01/2006
06/01/2006 - 07/01/2006
09/01/2006 - 10/01/2006
10/01/2006 - 11/01/2006
11/01/2006 - 12/01/2006
12/01/2006 - 01/01/2007
03/01/2007 - 04/01/2007
04/01/2007 - 05/01/2007
08/01/2007 - 09/01/2007


Alvin Nat
Grace Lum
Grace Ow
Hong Rui
Huang Lu
Joseph Firmansyah
Ng Jingwen
Joel Maximillian Lau Shen Rong <3 <3 <3 <3
Kelvin Xu
Kuan Fu
Paul Yap
Rachel Heng
Ryan D
Ruth Ngo
Sarah Ooi
Sarah Hew
Shu Fang
Victoria Chin
Wan Chee Mun Chee
Wang Ting

Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Alright sorry boys and girls, been one major heck of a stress avalanche these few days, i've been working my butt off running around Singapore doing projects, carrying out my competitions, etc. so haven't had the time to blog sorry, but i shall now! *cheer*

Sis is back, and there's finally some life in the house again, really nice to have her back, i wasn't really close to her for the majority of my life, i didn't really like her back when she was in secondary school and JC, man she was full of temper tantrums and bossy and EESH! But ever since she went overseas and into Uni, taking care of herself all this time, she's really become a totally different person, a lot more considerate, a lot more understanding, independent and much more sociable :) hah! Really like having her back now, it's funny, i can talk to her really well about some things, but can't talk to her that well about others, and those that i can't talk to her about, i can talk to my brother about but some of the things that i can talk to her about i can't talk to my brother about lol! So i guess that's why God put the both of them with me eh? So i'd always have these two shoulders to lean on for all my worries.

Her friend, Elaine(or Elayne, i'm not sure how it's spelt), also came over with her, she's from hongkong. And my mom just came in to nag at me for eating this very strong smelling mango like fruit called "gui-ni" in the room and stinking it up...some things never change, sigh... Anyway, back to the subject, and she seems pretty nice too, and she definitely gives my sis a lot more company at home so she doesn't have time to nag at me, thank God, i don't think i could stand my mom AND my sis at the same time! Heaven forbid! *shudder*

RE's been really interesting these past few days, we've been doing hotel comparisons on their facilities, their rooms, their function rooms, their public areas, their brochures and sales kits, etc. on Raffles Hotel, Four Seasons, Fullerton, Shang-rila and The Oriental, but we couldn't get into Ritz Carlton cos' we had to make an appointment and that'll take a few days, so it's the last one we'll be going to, 6 star hotels are 6 star hotels *rolls eyes*. Anyway it's been really fun comparing all these different hotels, looking at all the high class facilities, the indoor tennis court and golf simulator at Four Seasons, the rooms and facilities of all the other hotels, the Presidential Suite at Raffles Hotel(momma that was an eye opener, man that was HUGE! And wicked nice! It's like a palace!), etc. And it's all been really fun, and we've had to brush up on all our E.Q. to charm all the desk personnel to give us tours, that's why we pick the ladies ;) and learn to be more observant so we know what questions to ask and can find out more information about the place, and it's really been a great experience of it all. And the extra benefit here is that we can just hang out while we're on our way there and after that, talking, discussing, planning, coordinating, it's all really fun and i'll never tire of zhang-khan's and alex's company.

Oh, and today i went to shop for my mom's birthday, which is tomorrow by the way *halo*, and i was wracking my brains trying to think of what to buy when i just thought, hey, why not the crsytal figures or a necklace at swarovski? I always loved their crystals. So me and zhangrui tried to find one at taka, unsuccessfully of course...but with some directions, we finally found one at Paragon(thank you very much Sarah!) and i found this really nice necklace with a cross and a crystal, the crystal hangs either in front or behind the cross, you choose, and they were really sparkly and nice. Cost a bomb though and i didn't have enough money with me to get it today, so i'm going back tomorrow to get it in time for mom's birthday party tomorrow :) my piggy bank is gonna have to be smashed tonight though, it really costs a BOMB :'(. But's worthit for my mom, she's been going through so much stress with my dad's medical facility and all, she deserves a reward. And who better to give it to her than her very own kids right? I mean come on, if i don't take care of my mom who will?! Lol! So yeah, i'll be going down tmr after training to get it.

Alright, times up folks, catch ya later ;)

1 Year Anniversary at 7:43 PM

Saturday, May 28, 2005

My Jie's back!!!! YAY!!! Blog more about it tmr :)

1 Year Anniversary at 9:21 PM

Friday, May 27, 2005

Today was one of the busiest days of my life man, totally no time to myself at all, it was really crazy, but pretty fun nonetheless :)

First, the Prefects were all excused from class for the first lesson of the day to come together in the AVT to have a meeting to put on paper all our points regarding issues in school regarding the Staff, the Curriculum, Values and Leadership, Fund Development and New Concerns, it was all pretty cool and i saw a lot of points there that i never really thought about before but really did have a very big impact on the student body. Any Rafflesians reading this, we also put a lot of emphasis on the fact that we were unable to see what happened to our feedback even when we gave it so we asked for more transparency, demanded it actually lol! So hopefully the school will be more transparent about all this regarding feedback from students so you guys can see that your views really do make a difference in this school!

Then last period we got our report cards back, *gulp*. I really didn't do well this semester, it's my worst performance in all 4 years of RI, i could blame it on CCA, i could blame it on all my other commitments that left me with no time to study, but the bottom line is i have to blame myself for it because i did not work hard enough. And all that will change next semester, i promised myself i will get AT LEAST a 3.6 GPA average. AT LEAST! I WILL DO IT!!! *ROAR!!!*

After that had meeting with our Year Head, Mrs. Tan Lai Lin, to discuss the Graduation dinner for the sec 4's this year, hush hush on this, i shall not say any more, sec 4's, you'll get your surprises at the end of the year ;) hope you enjoy em! heheheeheheh

Then went down to the field to go support the Ortega Cup soccer match which was our B' div soccer team against the SJI B' div. It was a pretty nice match to watch, SJI scored an own goal and we scored another one, but they scored two back and equalised just near the final whistle so it was a draw, too bad, i think we could've won, but ah well, i'm proud of all those guys out there who went out to play their hearts out for their school, we all are.

Then. TRAINING! Yay! Pretty ok lah today, at first i really didn't have the mood to train, i felt really tired and drained from the long day, training started at 4pm mind you, but i saw the same thing happening in all the other guys so had to do something about it, started shouting at everyone(in a good way), got everyone to start shouting too, encouraging each other, Raffles here, Raffles there, felt the team spirit stirring again, but still not as strong as it once was, dunno what happened, maybe cos' now sec 4 we got more stress and all, but hey, i know for sure that the bond that binds all Rafflesians together is still there and all we have to do is work a bit harder and it'll be as strong as before or even stronger.

And FINALLY, the highlight of the day! Symphony Orchestra Concert at the Esplanade! Yes! Makes me sound very intellectual doesn't it? Heh heh. Well, i have to admit, i got a bit sian at the second half after intermission, all of it started sounding the same to me all over again, i guess i'm not really that intellectual after all :( but hey i did enjoy it, and some of the songs were really good, especially the last one that was an encore when the audience refused to let the orchestra go without an encore lol. The pianist, Stephen Hough, was fantastic, i was really very very impressed by his playing, it was wonderful, fast, steady, and you can really tell he put his heart and soul into playing his music, he really brought those notes to life, a brilliant musician.

So now i'm back home typing again, my contacts are drying out, my eyes are starting to hurt and i'm dead tired, so i'm going to sleep right after i bathe, goodnight ppl :)

1 Year Anniversary at 11:03 PM

Monday, May 23, 2005

Today was pretty fun, Alex, Zhangrui and Paul Yap came over for lunch, and yours truly made spaghetti leh, and of course, it tasted wonderful, and of course they loved it very much, and of course i ate so much that my brain almost shut down due to the blood flow to my stomach, err yah. Then after that we played a bit of bridge and then...the main highlight of the day... RISK!!!

It was quite fun, we played for at least 2 solid hours, and in the end Zhangrui almost completed his mission to kill Paul, and Alex was helping him because i pissed him off by taking one territory off North America and South America straight after he'd conquered it so he couldn't add his men heheheh and he got pissed off at me and just didn't want me to win, but alas, their efforts were futile as i surrounded Paul with my armies and protected him from further attack when he was down to about 10 men and since i had so many continents under my control me and Paul annihilated the enemy, and oh, Zhangrui was using the red army, get it, chinaman, red army?:D And he had control of China for the entire game until the end when i launched my full scale invasion and...and...oh my gosh, i almost can't bear to say this... I CAPTURED CHINA!!! I broke the Chinaman's stronghold and broke their morale, and the red army crumbled under the might of my black army, i was using the black troops, black power man!!! Eh, no racist remarks hor, dun come and anyhow put my blog on the newspaper and sue me for making racist remarks...*shudder*

Yeah then after that we played a bit of DotA cos' Paul had to go home, i am quite bad to Zhangrui, i shall try not to be so bad in the future, he's just too nice to bully...:( I shall refrain. I be sorry a-Khan!!!

Sigh, really thank the Lord that i've got this great group of friends to be with me and support me while my bro and sis are away, they really are God's blessing, without them i might not have gotten through a lot of my problems nor be pressured into studying by the relentless mugger tan :P Miss my bro and sis though...the long chats over dinner, well into the night, till Mom evicted us from the dining table so the maid could clear it, the killing Jie with our lameness, the comfort in just knowing that the two of them are in the rooms beside me, crapping away to Kor while we're both tucked in bed. Old macdonald had a farm, ee-yi ee-yi yo! Yes i bet you remember that you stupid kok, still put the blame on me somemore wah lao, framelogy...'s the good news...JIE IS COMING BACK NEXT SATURDAY!!!I'LL FINALLY HAVE SOMEONE TO SUAN AT HOME!YAY!!! I promise i will try to spend more time with her and go out with her more often during this hol, time is precious :( And i keep forgetting to call her darn! I keep telling myself call Jie, call Jie, and in the end i go and DotA. Someone slap me. I promise i will not do it again, i'll call her at least once every month. Kor...different story, too busy to talk to me :'( But never mind. Who wants to talk to him anyway?*humph* *holds head in the air*

K lah, that's it for today, i'm pretty tired from all the excitement, gotta take a rest before a do my bio powerpoint presentation for tomorrow, goodnight y'all!!

1 Year Anniversary at 6:44 PM

Sunday, May 22, 2005

Koped this quiz off bro's blog:

The Keys to Your Heart

You are attracted to those who are unbridled, untrammeled, and free.
In love, you feel the most alive when things are straight-forward, and you're told that you're loved.
You'd like to your lover to think you are optimistic and happy.
You would be forced to break up with someone who was insecure and in constant need of reassurance.
Your ideal relationship is open. Both of you can talk about everything... no secrets.
Your risk of cheating is zero. You care about society and morality. You would never break a commitment.
You think of marriage as something precious. You'll treasure marriage and treat it as sacred.
In this moment, you think of love as something you thirst for. You'll do anything for love, but you won't fall for it easily.

I see...

1 Year Anniversary at 7:25 PM

Wah lao eh that was pure crap, seriously pure crap. I stay up wasting my time to watch a match that lasts for 2 hours and goes to penalties and Man U lost 5-4 in penalties. Arsenal did not deserve to win!!! Man U was dominating the whole match and should've gotten 2 penalties from handballs and they didn't get it! Super unlucky... SUPER UNLUCKY! ARGH!!! I felt like kicking the referee in the butt when he didn't give the penalties man...sigh really tough luck to all those Man U players there, i bet Paul Scholes is feeling really depressed right now and i can empathise with much it hurts when you're the cause of defeat for your team, how you feel like everyone's blaming you for the loss and you feel that you were the weakest link. The feeling really sucks a lot. Even though i don't know any of them personally, they have been a part of my life since i was what...7? And i really enjoy watching their play and watching the team grow, hope they'll be able to pick themselves up next season and beat Arsenal once again.

Ok on a side note, today we went to meet Mr. Gino Tan, the director of marketing i think, for Raffles Hotel, it's our RE project, and i must say, i've been learning quite a lot of things from this project, it's definitely the most interesting one i've ever done in my life and it's very enjoyable. We get to see all the facilities in the hotel and even the presidential suite which made our eyes bulge, it's like twice the size of my house and 5k per night O_O!!! Anyway we've been doing research and comparisons on other hotels too, we're their youth analysists!(just trying to make myself feel important) But yeah it's really really fun. And oh Zhangrui managed to bang into 2different objects in one day today, he's the best...first a flower pot outside raffles hotel, then a bench at the foodcourt. And every time he did it he'd start screaming and making me and Alex laugh like mad. I don't know what i'd do without my favourite chinaman, he really brightens up my days :P

Hmmm guess that's about it for today...i didn't do much, played lots of half life's pretty addictive, but really creepy sometimes yup...the zombies are really damn scary, infested with headcrabs...geez...that's gotta be scary.

Alright, gonna hit the sack soon people, goodnight.

1 Year Anniversary at 12:48 AM

Friday, May 20, 2005

Alright alright, duh man is back! Yeah it's been some pretty rough times recently and i haven't been in the mood to blog at all seriously, but since all you guys and gals out there are just demanding to know more about my life i shall satisfy you.

Changed my blog template, one of the many many things that have changed in just this short span of 3 months, it's very bittersweet...those of you who i've confided in thanks so much for always being there, big shout out to Zhang Rui, you've always been there for me man, even though we joke about it most of the time, i'm really glad you were there by my side whenever i needed someone to talk to, i really appreciate it so much when you stayed with me at the bus stop outside Thomson Plaza missing all your buses just to talk to me about everything, you really helped me keep my faith, God bless you man, i hope we stay friends forever. I've lost much, but i really feel i've gained more. I've become really closer to God and to Christianity over these few months, something i really lacked in the past, i always stopped short at, i believe, but never put God's teachings and words into my own actions, but now i'm determined to do so and i'll try my best to do it. Do me a favour guys, if you ever see me acting like an idiot disobeying God's word again please don't be shy, kick me and tell me what's wrong, i need the help and i'll really appreciate it :)

I really liked this blog template the first time i saw it, and the quote was just so meaningful, "we love because he first loved us" I look back in life now and i really detest the person i was a few years ago, not caring about God, so eager to please people, eager to be popular and well liked, and yet not caring whether or not my actions pleased God, whether or not He loved me, i just wanted to please the rest of the world. Now things are changing, my actions are going to be focused on pleasing him, and i know that i will be able to please the world too this way, because to live a Godly life is to live a good life, an honest life, and a meaningful and succesful life, with God's blessings.

Man, even looking through some of those old entries i gag at some of the things i said which i find entirely disgraceful and unbecoming, sorry if anything i ever did or said ever offended any one of you guys, it's not easy making everyone happy at once, but i'll try my best to from now on! And not get people suanning me all over school again :'(

Ok enough about that, let's hear about something more upbeat huh? Founder's day! Hey it was really pretty good, it was great seeing all the seniors again, some of them really inspirational, and i've seen something else that really got me thinking. Sergius, our head boy last year, scored top in cohort for 3 subjects i think, and he's also quartermaster of scouts. I always used to think that if i took up activities like RIPB, and since i'm captain and all, it was ok and acceptable that i didn't get good results because i have so many things to do, hey i can't do well in my studies too. But looking at Sergius like that, i really find that my train of thought is entirely wrong. As a Rafflesian, as a Christian, i should strive to excel at every single thing i set my mind on, and not leave things out saying they are not important. I'm going to try my best to balance everything, not to keep playing so much computer and watching so much TV, wasting my time away, but concentrate on what's important now. School commitments and my studies. I'm contemplating boarding in semester 2 so i won't be distracted by all the distractions at home too. I really want to get that scholarship in JC, i really want to go overseas and not have to put the burden on my parents to support me, to have to work so hard to pay for the expensive school fees for medicine as they have been with my elder bro and sis. Thank God they're able to afford it, that my siblings can pursue their studies, it really is God's blessing that kor was able to get into Royal College of Surgeons and that it's so prestigious now and he's doing so well there. Jie, no need to say lah, she's always been the most hardworking, studious one, and she's topping her class in almost everything there is there, she's a great girl, a sister that has changed so much since she went into Uni, and i've grown to love her so much more and appreciate her so much more. Kor, Jie, love you both so much! I miss you back in Singapore, God bless you both, i'm looking forward to seeing you again :)

Alright, that's all for tonight dear readers, drop me a tag some time and you can be sure i'll update again soon ;)

1 Year Anniversary at 10:08 PM

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