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Lincoln Luk
Raffles Junior College


11/01/2003 - 12/01/2003
12/01/2003 - 01/01/2004
01/01/2004 - 02/01/2004
02/01/2004 - 03/01/2004
03/01/2004 - 04/01/2004
04/01/2004 - 05/01/2004
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10/01/2004 - 11/01/2004
11/01/2004 - 12/01/2004
12/01/2004 - 01/01/2005
03/01/2005 - 04/01/2005
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11/01/2005 - 12/01/2005
12/01/2005 - 01/01/2006
01/01/2006 - 02/01/2006
02/01/2006 - 03/01/2006
03/01/2006 - 04/01/2006
04/01/2006 - 05/01/2006
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09/01/2006 - 10/01/2006
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11/01/2006 - 12/01/2006
12/01/2006 - 01/01/2007
03/01/2007 - 04/01/2007
04/01/2007 - 05/01/2007
08/01/2007 - 09/01/2007


Alvin Nat
Grace Lum
Grace Ow
Hong Rui
Huang Lu
Joseph Firmansyah
Ng Jingwen
Joel Maximillian Lau Shen Rong <3 <3 <3 <3
Kelvin Xu
Kuan Fu
Paul Yap
Rachel Heng
Ryan D
Ruth Ngo
Sarah Ooi
Sarah Hew
Shu Fang
Victoria Chin
Wan Chee Mun Chee
Wang Ting

Monday, August 30, 2004

I realize that many things here are not right.Shall change them another day.

Thank you Sheralyn.

1 Year Anniversary at 10:19 PM

hows the new template. happening? if you say its gay you have to answer to ME.
ya. nice right. no i dont offer makeblog services, i just cannot tahan ugly templates like the previous 2. ugly meaning gay. or ugly meaning ugly. just ugly. very ugly.

hokay this is not my blog i cannot anyhow.toods.

1 Year Anniversary at 10:00 PM

Wednesday, August 25, 2004

This has been a very bad day...

School was fine, chem test was good, then school ended. Huge pouring rain. Wanted to stay in school but i had to pick up vangard sheets and paint for the teacher's day decorations on tuesday.

So i had to slog in the rain to Thomson plaza, pick up huge heavy vangard type cards, two pails of paint and 2 cans of spraypaint. It was bloody heavy. Walk out, nice slippery road. Slip. Head hits concrete steps outside thomson plaza. Blood blood blood.

Rushed to see a doc. Get my second scan in two days. At least i didn't crack my skull or something. Just a cut. So got the wound cleaned up, but now it doesn't stop oozing pus, which is coming out of numerous little "bumps" around the wound. Dad thinks my lymph system got infected, which is why i've got two smaller swellings on the base of my skull and my neck on the same side of my head. Lymph infection. Wth. And with a little padding on the back of my head i still had to bring the stuff back to school because we're really short of time and we need to finish this up.

Then, Dad calls from clinic again. "You'd better stop training your judo for at least 2 months. You've got 2 torn ligaments and a fracture in your right foot." Nice.

Just as you thought things just couldn't get any worse. William calls. "You bought the wrong stuff, the cards are too thick." Ok...fine....pass me to Mr.Lim. Mr.Lim asks me where the heck i am, because i was supposed to be there yet i'm at home. I tell him i'm staying home to rest because of my accident, but i don't think he believes me...his tone of voice wasn't very nice...and THEN, he says that there was major miscommunication, and i didn't even need to buy any of the stuff. Try to get it refunded.

That's about 100bucks worth of stuff mind you. If i can't get it refunded i don't know what the hell is gonna happen. Worse case scenario i keep the stuff and waste 100 bucks.

Brother forbade me from going to train just now, been just stoning around the whole day. Really feel so lost and wasted now. Sigh. And the cut on my head is still oozing pus and making the hair there stiff and stick to my skull. It's damn sick.

Oh well. Tomorrow will be better. It couldn't get any worse.

1 Year Anniversary at 5:25 PM

Sunday, August 22, 2004

I have been having very strange dreams as of late....almost every night in fact. Sometimes get up and i can't even remember what they're about, other times it nags at the back of my brain for the rest of the day.

Some nice, others not so...


Damn Munjen Mugging Marathon. Stupid 3 tests next week.Argh i'm gonna die.I hate more 3 test in a week.I hate more than 1 test in a week.Ok fine i just hate tests.

Then week 10 got teacher's day celebration and Chinese Test.And i'm still playing Diablo 2 and chatting online.Wah lao i best lah.

I really should be mugging maths functions and graphs tomorrow. Functions pretty easy, but man i HATE graphs.Especially quadratic graphs.I can't draw them well...Why the hell do we need graphs anyway?I'm sure i'm gonna use quadratic and modulus graphs for the rest of my life.Yeah right.

My new contacts feel weird.Uncomfortable.I wear them and i keep touching my eyes and rubbing and adjusting them.Darn.I guess i'll take a few days to get used to them.But they seriously feel funny.And they never really seem to get very sharp like my glasses.I wanna get used to them faster.Argh.

Ok that's about it...nothing much happening.I lead a boring life, so sue me.

Yesh, shall go now. Chao.

1 Year Anniversary at 6:59 PM

Friday, August 20, 2004

Oh yeah!I got my contacts back again. Happy day. But they feel a bit weird though, it'll take a few days for me to get used to them lah....sheesh. Oh oh! They're light blue! So on the whites of my eyes there's a bit of a light blue coating, making my eyes look kinda...light blue....yeah. It looks pretty kewl. Heheheheh

Tore my left little toenail off yesterday at national training.It's like...very raw now. Yes. Not very nice.

I realized that i really haven't been a very good student. Messaging in class. Sleeping in class. Handing up homework late. NOT handing in homework. Failing tests. Not paying attention in class. Being disruptive in class sometimes.

That sure doesn't sound like what a Prefect and a CCAL should be like right? Chan Sock Chia told me to write her an essay "What it means to be a leader" when i fell asleep in her class on wednesday. At first i was thinking what the hell...this is a pure waste of time, stupid chan sock chia make me write crap essay for nuts.

I even put off writing it till after school today even though it was DUE today. Responsible right?...

Anyway, had chinese lesson for last period in which we had to go to the 1P classroom instead of the 3J classroom because Clemens fractured his ankle and the 1P classroom is on the ground floor. And during the chinese lesson the chinese teacher caught me sleeping and talking to Alex and scolded me. Again. After the lesson ended, everyone proceeded to zhao and i was left alone. So took out fullscap paper, and started writing...

Wrote one full page, had one paragraph of spiteful err...talkback in which i told her i didn't think i did anything wrong blah blah blah then re-read the whole thing. And thought i was being a major asshole. So, crumpled it up and wrote a new one.

Really realized that i have not been performing well. Because i'm a Prefect and because i'm a CCAL, higher standards are expected of me. And if i can't meet those standards, then maybe i don't deserve my post of captain. Maybe i don't deserve the black shoes that i'm wearing to school everyday.

Guess i need to buck up.

1 Year Anniversary at 7:48 PM

Sunday, August 15, 2004

Ow. Pesta Sukan today and man i'm sore. My tongue's swollen from me biting it when my chin smacked Hanrong's back and i managed to crack my left middle finger during the match too. Then Junming slammed my head into the mats when he threw me so...OW. Pain.

Didn't get any medals today, but i think i played ok lah, the competition was very very tough. Sheesh. So many black belts and foreigners. I mean, if Emerson gets thrown ippon and Daniel Chor gets choked till he passes out it's A BIT hard for me to win right?

My finger is really hurting now so i can't really type properly. I'll update again tmr or something k? Shit lah, so many tests coming up. ARGH! Munjen Mugging Marethon starts today.

1 Year Anniversary at 8:48 PM

Saturday, August 14, 2004

Ok, i'll blog a longer blog later, i'm gonna shower now but i really wanna get this down before i forget.

You know that song "I knew i loved you" by Savage Garden? I knew i loved you before i met you...i think i dreamed you into life. etc. etc. Anyway, just thinking about it, do you think it's possible to love somebody before you know him/her?

Think about that. Then scroll down to see what i think. Don't cheat! Think about it first!

Well, came up with something. For the guys, imagine if your wife is pregnant in the future, for the gals, imagine you're pregnant. No matter how not so good looking, irritating or ah beng, criminalish your son/daughter will turn out in the future, you'll love him/her no matter what, and you'll never stop loving him/her. Even though it's an unborn baby, and you don't know him/her at all and don't know how he/she will turn out, you still love him/her. Love him/her before you meet him/her.

Kewl. :p

1 Year Anniversary at 4:34 PM

Wednesday, August 11, 2004

Ok, continuation from where i left off.

Then after the soccer, we jumped into the pool and had ourselves a ball of a time with all sorts of weird games and forfeits. Like the one who held his breath for the shortest time had to do a forfeit, and our dear Seliyan got to hold a huge dried palm leaf over his head for 30 seconds(which we dragged till 1 minute) lol! It was damn farnie. Everyone in the pool was staring at him because it was national day and lots of people were down there. Poor selly, lol.

After that we came up and wanted to order pizza but when we called they told us the delivery time would be 2 hours. Woohoo...damn fun lah, national day. So we ended up going to the food court at Thomson Plaza for macan. Heh heh. After that we headed back to my place and we played a bit of RISK and then the party ended. Quite fun though, spent like 8 hours with the guys and it really passed really fast. Really great time. Hahah.

And today i learnt a very valuable lesson. DO NOT LEAVE YOUR EMAIL ACCOUNT OPEN WHEN BRYAN, TIMOTHY AND YONGSHENG ARE AROUND. No i'm not....very pissed....ok fine i was for a short time, but i'm ok now, so don't worry you guys...these things happen. If i were still pissed off, the 3 of you would probably be in a hospital right now so yeah, i'm not :)

And thanks a lot for the pimping Shin, great, now people think i'm a gay GIGOLO. Yay..... There goes my reputation... What the hell, Jingwen you're a bastard lah, i'm worse than a pornstar now lor. Pornstars actually get PAID when people distribute their pictures. I didn't even get peanuts. Basket.

Anyway....yep, Pesta Sukan coming up soon...hope i do well, cos' if i don't, knowing myself i'll probably force myself to keep training harder until my foot screws up instead of resting it. Which is very stupid, but which is just me. Can't help it.

That's it for tonight. night.

1 Year Anniversary at 9:53 PM

Tuesday, August 10, 2004

What is it with me and my brother?! Even though we're 5 years apart, the two of us are like.....whoah.....? We were both from Ang Mo Kio Primary before, both from RI, both captains of the CCA, and his nickname was "white fag" in school and i-err....ok skip that. When people call our house, they always mistake me for him and vice-versa cos' we sound alike, we're both pigs, and when we start talking it's like....whoah...i'm talking to the same person.

Man, it's cool!:D

Today was piah homework day! Yay! And also eatmyselfsilly day. I almost beat Sheralyn's record of err....prawn crackers, hotfudge sandae, peanutbutter cups and apples coated in belgian choc. I feel piggish, in the morning i had 2 slices of leftover pizza, for lunch i ate one and a half bowls of laksa(big ones mind you) then i ate a slice of chocolate cake, another slice of pandan cake, then tonight i had rendang chicken(Man that was good), chinese dumplings(the ones in the soup), and a just polished off 1/4 of a watermelon. I am gonna get FAT! lol. Oh wait, i already am. Yay, no worries. Hahah!

Oh yah, the tooshies(2c's...last year class) came over to my place yesterday and we had a bomb of a time man! After they came and slacked around at my place for awhile...and played with my handphone and friendster(I'm sorry all those who got cockup messages), we went down to play some street soccer and some of the indonesians and hongkies from my condo joined us, and we had quite a fun time. One of my goals was really damn FARNIE! Seliyan and Kezhong(i think) were behind me by the side of the goal(we were playing no out), then i kinda...err....brutalized my way past them by shoving them backwards, leaving a corner of the goal open and scored. LOL! It was damn bully! Damn fun!

-to be continued, sister bugging me off com.

1 Year Anniversary at 7:53 PM

Saturday, August 07, 2004

God my back muscles are aching! After training this morning went to climb ropes below the gym, after that was already feeling sore, then went swimming with my cousin later, did like 12 laps of flies and now my back is dying. Ow ow ow. Well, what doesn't kill us only makes us stronger, so maybe i can get abs on my back like Emerson now. Yeah, i wish. Lol.

Training quite fun today, lots of funny funny stuff. And Daniel Chor did a pick up on me. Dammit why's he so strong? No fair. Oh yah, before i forget...

Pesta Sukan:

Lim Ting Yong
Vincent Firmansyah
Hong Rilong
Lincoln Luk
Bryan Hui
Hon Yong Sheng
Yao Zhen
Alwyn Ng
Mitchell Yeo
TAN YI!!!!

Wah, win liao lor. Anyway, the above people please give me your ACCURATE weight by this SUNDAY LATEST. Please do not be late. And make sure it's accurate ah, later go there weigh in you 1kg too heavy i'll remove a "special" part of your anatomy to make you acceptable weight.

What else what else...hmmmm, ok fine nothing else. I lead a boring life. So sue me. Ok that's it for today, chao folks.

1 Year Anniversary at 6:36 PM

Friday, August 06, 2004

Hmmmm, seems like my blog templates getting boring....anyone wanna offer to help me design a new one? Lol.

Today was pretty fun, got off school early cos' of national day celebrations, then Kumarga "convinced" me to pei him and yz to meet audrey. After which yz dumped us. I feel so unwanted. Ok no not really, he's the last person i would want to want me *shudder shudder* doh, i'm not Alwyn.

Bumped into Lois, Grace and Ruth at Cine...but i didn't recognize them at first, perhaps because my short sightedness is 375 degrees but i wasn't wearing contacts nor specs? Ok back to the last entry where my contact lenses tore. And i hate my sec 1 specs, bah, they make me look like sec 1 me. Bah! Anyway....then so Indonat got a message from Cheri(Or is it Cherie?) to come to heeren or something along those we walked there while waiting for the other guys to get ready to get to city hall. And i still couldn't see. Which is why when Sheralyn and Gerry walked past and Sheralyn waved at me i didn't notice and Alvin had to point it out at me. After which i was like *squint squint* "Eh who's that ah....ohhhh.....". NO I WAS NOT STARING AT ANYONE. I COULD NOT SEE. I DID NOT HAVE CONTACTS NOR SPECS ON. END OF STORY.

LAN with the 2C guys was fun...we played CS for like 3 hours straight? Yeah something like that. Then we went back to J8 to catch "The village". Until now i still can't decide whether it's brilliant or incredibly dumb....well, it's ok lah, worth a watch...

Ok i need to rant. I do not like people spreading rumours about me. You don't know what's happening, please be nice and not say anything about anything cos' it's very irritating ok? Yes, rant over.

Feeling a bit irritated sorry...maybe i'm getting PMS. ARGH NO! Ok fine, i shall go now before i say anything more. Night.

1 Year Anniversary at 9:51 PM

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