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Judo Raffles Junior College 17/06/1989 F4
Archives 12/01/2003 - 01/01/2004 01/01/2004 - 02/01/2004 02/01/2004 - 03/01/2004 03/01/2004 - 04/01/2004 04/01/2004 - 05/01/2004 05/01/2004 - 06/01/2004 06/01/2004 - 07/01/2004 07/01/2004 - 08/01/2004 08/01/2004 - 09/01/2004 09/01/2004 - 10/01/2004 10/01/2004 - 11/01/2004 11/01/2004 - 12/01/2004 12/01/2004 - 01/01/2005 03/01/2005 - 04/01/2005 04/01/2005 - 05/01/2005 05/01/2005 - 06/01/2005 06/01/2005 - 07/01/2005 07/01/2005 - 08/01/2005 08/01/2005 - 09/01/2005 09/01/2005 - 10/01/2005 10/01/2005 - 11/01/2005 11/01/2005 - 12/01/2005 12/01/2005 - 01/01/2006 01/01/2006 - 02/01/2006 02/01/2006 - 03/01/2006 03/01/2006 - 04/01/2006 04/01/2006 - 05/01/2006 05/01/2006 - 06/01/2006 06/01/2006 - 07/01/2006 09/01/2006 - 10/01/2006 10/01/2006 - 11/01/2006 11/01/2006 - 12/01/2006 12/01/2006 - 01/01/2007 03/01/2007 - 04/01/2007 04/01/2007 - 05/01/2007 08/01/2007 - 09/01/2007 Links Adelyn Alvin Nat Alwyn Benedict Celine Cherie Garry/Ernest/Hongrui Gen Grace Lum Grace Ow Hong Rui Huang Lu Jenny Joseph Firmansyah Ng Jingwen Kaixuan JingZhou Joel Maximillian Lau Shen Rong <3 <3 <3 <3 Kelvin Xu Kuan Fu Justina Lois Lucas(dage) Louisa(dajie) Mitchell Nanett Paul Yap Rachel Heng Ryan D Ruth Ngo Sarah Ooi Sarah Hew Sheralyn Shu Fang Suwan Timo Victoria Chin Wan Chee Mun Chee Wang Ting Xinyang Yongsheng Zhuoyi
Sunday, June 20, 2004 I'm bored and have nothing to do so i shall blog even though i should be doing my homework i shall blog. Yes.
Ok well i shan't say anything about training camp, you can go check the other guy's blogs if you really wanna know but there were a lot of funny moments there, like when Mr.Eng was telling us about the first batch of chinese high judokas. Chinese high boy steps into dojo to play with our RI player: Referee:"Boy, take off your specs." CHS:"Huh?Take off my specs? But if i take off my specs...I CANNOT SEE!!" Referee:"You still must take off!" CHS boy reluctantly goes to put down his specs while the entire dojo laughs their heads off. Referee:"Hadjime!" RI boys pins CHS boy in 10 seconds. While CHS boy is on bottom: "Oei. I cannot breathe!" RI:"You tap, if you tap then i let you go." CHS:"Orh...ok." *tap tap tap* Referee:"Ippon!Mate!" Yes it sounds really cute :P imagine one of those fat white bald chinese high guys doing that. heheh. Gah i'm bored today...bored bored bored bored bored bored bored...i just drank a whole carton of orange juice and drank lemonade...my stomach is going to die from citric acid. And i'm bored. Darn. Oh and lois lost her phone and was whining about it for an hour yesterday. That stupid little girl. What the heck. And people, go read Jimr's friendster testimonial for Mie. It's VERY VERY GOOD!!!He's damn power lah the little man. Got more balls than me man, i'd never dare to do anything like that :p Quote:"I love mie a lot" Nieheheheh 1 Year Anniversary at 11:13 AM
Sunday, June 13, 2004 I'm blogging at 2.30AM. How cool is that? Ok fine, not very cool. Portugal just lost to Greece 2-1 in Euro2004. What the hell is that man. The host nation is gonna go out in the first round unless they win both Russia AND Spain which i think is quite unlikely so.......haizz, it's rather sad for them.
Party was kewl, will probably blog more on it tmr or something...can't really find much to say other than Huang was being a huge pervert and Sheralyn, it's ok, it's just a picture of your leg. Errmmm...some of the gifts i received were rather.....adult in content.....yeah, thanks a lot hanlong, you sure *flavoured* up my night...curry flavoured at the indian mama shop.....sheesh!!!! And Jimr is little man with big mouth. 'nuff said. I. Need. To. Focus. On. Training. Must. Clear. My. Mind. For. National. Schools. Bitches. And. Bastards. Leave. Me. Alone. Yes, and i shall go sleep now, my mind's a mess. Good....err, morning. 1 Year Anniversary at 2:31 AM
I'm blogging at 2.30AM. How cool is that? Ok fine, not very cool. Portugal just lost to Greece 2-1 in Euro2004. What the hell is that man. The host nation is gonna go out in the first round unless they win both Russia AND Spain which i think is quite unlikely so.......haizz, it's rather sad for them.
Party was kewl, will probably blog more on it tmr or something...can't really find much to say other than Huang was being a huge pervert and Sheralyn, it's ok, it's just a picture of your leg. Errmmm...some of the gifts i received were rather.....adult in content.....yeah, thanks a lot hanlong, you sure *flavoured* up my night...curry flavoured at the indian mama shop.....sheesh!!!! And Jimr is little man with big mouth. 'nuff said. I. Need. To. Focus. On. Training. Must. Clear. My. Mind. For. National. Schools. Bitches. And. Bastards. Leave. Me. Alone. Yes, and i shall go sleep now, my mind's a mess. Good....err, morning. 1 Year Anniversary at 2:31 AM
I'm blogging at 2.30AM. How cool is that? Ok fine, not very cool. Portugal just lost to Greece 2-1 in Euro2004. What the hell is that man. The host nation is gonna go out in the first round unless they win both Russia AND Spain which i think is quite unlikely so.......haizz, it's rather sad for them.
Party was kewl, will probably blog more on it tmr or something...can't really find much to say other than Huang was being a huge pervert and Sheralyn, it's ok, it's just a picture of your leg. Errmmm...some of the gifts i received were rather.....adult in content.....yeah, thanks a lot hanlong, you sure *flavoured* up my night...curry flavoured at the indian mama shop.....sheesh!!!! And Jimr is little man with big mouth. 'nuff said. I. Need. To. Focus. On. Training. Must. Clear. My. Mind. For. National. Schools. Bitches. And. Bastards. Leave. Me. Alone. Yes, and i shall go sleep now, my mind's a mess. Good....err, morning. 1 Year Anniversary at 2:29 AM
I'm blogging at 2.30AM. How cool is that? Ok fine, not very cool. Portugal just lost to Greece 2-1 in Euro2004. What the hell is that man. The host nation is gonna go out in the first round unless they win both Russia AND Spain which i think is quite unlikely so.......haizz, it's rather sad for them.
Party was kewl, will probably blog more on it tmr or something...can't really find much to say other than Huang was being a huge pervert and Sheralyn, it's ok, it's just a picture of your leg. Errmmm...some of the gifts i received were rather.....adult in content.....yeah, thanks a lot hanlong, you sure *flavoured* up my night...curry flavoured at the indian mama shop.....sheesh!!!! And Jimr is little man with big mouth. 'nuff said. I. Need. To. Focus. On. Training. Must. Clear. My. Mind. For. National. Schools. Bitches. And. Bastards. Leave. Me. Alone. Yes, and i shall go sleep now, my mind's a mess. Good....err, morning. 1 Year Anniversary at 2:29 AM
I'm blogging at 2.30AM. How cool is that? Ok fine, not very cool. Portugal just lost to Greece 2-1 in Euro2004. What the hell is that man. The host nation is gonna go out in the first round unless they win both Russia AND Spain which i think is quite unlikely so.......haizz, it's rather sad for them.
Party was kewl, will probably blog more on it tmr or something...can't really find much to say other than Huang was being a huge pervert and Sheralyn, it's ok, it's just a picture of your leg. Errmmm...some of the gifts i received were rather.....adult in content.....yeah, thanks a lot hanlong, you sure *flavoured* up my night...curry flavoured at the indian mama shop.....sheesh!!!! And Jimr is little man with big mouth. 'nuff said. I. Need. To. Focus. On. Training. Must. Clear. My. Mind. For. National. Schools. Bitches. And. Bastards. Leave. Me. Alone. Yes, and i shall go sleep now, my mind's a mess. Good....err, morning. 1 Year Anniversary at 2:29 AM
I'm blogging at 2.30AM. How cool is that? Ok fine, not very cool. Portugal just lost to Greece 2-1 in Euro2004. What the hell is that man. The host nation is gonna go out in the first round unless they win both Russia AND Spain which i think is quite unlikely so.......haizz, it's rather sad for them.
Party was kewl, will probably blog more on it tmr or something...can't really find much to say other than Huang was being a huge pervert and Sheralyn, it's ok, it's just a picture of your leg. Errmmm...some of the gifts i received were rather.....adult in content.....yeah, thanks a lot hanlong, you sure *flavoured* up my night...curry flavoured at the indian mama shop.....sheesh!!!! And Jimr is little man with big mouth. 'nuff said. I. Need. To. Focus. On. Training. Must. Clear. My. Mind. For. National. Schools. Bitches. And. Bastards. Leave. Me. Alone. Yes, and i shall go sleep now, my mind's a mess. Good....err, morning. 1 Year Anniversary at 2:29 AM
I'm blogging at 2.30AM. How cool is that? Ok fine, not very cool. Portugal just lost to Greece 2-1 in Euro2004. What the hell is that man. The host nation is gonna go out in the first round unless they win both Russia AND Spain which i think is quite unlikely so.......haizz, it's rather sad for them.
Party was kewl, will probably blog more on it tmr or something...can't really find much to say other than Huang was being a huge pervert and Sheralyn, it's ok, it's just a picture of your leg. Errmmm...some of the gifts i received were rather.....adult in content.....yeah, thanks a lot hanlong, you sure *flavoured* up my night...curry flavoured at the indian mama shop.....sheesh!!!! And Jimr is little man with big mouth. 'nuff said. I. Need. To. Focus. On. Training. Must. Clear. My. Mind. For. National. Schools. Bitches. And. Bastards. Leave. Me. Alone. Yes, and i shall go sleep now, my mind's a mess. Good....err, morning. 1 Year Anniversary at 2:29 AM
I'm blogging at 2.30AM. How cool is that? Ok fine, not very cool. Portugal just lost to Greece 2-1 in Euro2004. What the hell is that man. The host nation is gonna go out in the first round unless they win both Russia AND Spain which i think is quite unlikely so.......haizz, it's rather sad for them.
Party was kewl, will probably blog more on it tmr or something...can't really find much to say other than Huang was being a huge pervert and Sheralyn, it's ok, it's just a picture of your leg. Errmmm...some of the gifts i received were rather.....adult in content.....yeah, thanks a lot hanlong, you sure *flavoured* up my night...curry flavoured at the indian mama shop.....sheesh!!!! And Jimr is little man with big mouth. 'nuff said. I. Need. To. Focus. On. Training. Must. Clear. My. Mind. For. National. Schools. Bitches. And. Bastards. Leave. Me. Alone. Yes, and i shall go sleep now, my mind's a mess. Good....err, morning. 1 Year Anniversary at 2:25 AM
Friday, June 04, 2004 Well everyone....i haven't been updating very religiously have i? Right fine....my bad. So i'll try to make a nice long entry for all of you to read tonight ok? Hmmmmm, let's see...things have been going pretty slowly as of late, it's boring sitting around the whole day doing nothing, but i'm glad the stress of school + training + RIPB ops are over. I was beginning to get into quite a very stressed out state, mentally and physically shagged out.
Oh well, it's the holidays now and i haven't even started on my holiday homework. Nieheheh ^^ National training has been really good, i find myself getting less and less tired during them, i guess that's a good sign. Peichen is a bloody monster though, he throws me like nobody's business. Ok, so he's 24KG heavier and 4 years older, but still, that's madness. He threw me against the side of the wall yesterday though, my ribs are still very sore from it and there's some swelling, i'm gonna get it x-rayed tomorrow or something to make sure nothing's wrong lah... Party's coming uppppp. Oh yeah vick, it's been changed to next friday so maybe you can come now?!:D That'd be really cool. Well, i think it'll be really fun, i need to find more gals to go to even up the guy numbers though...it's kinda lopsided right now. Heh heh. *thinks thinks thinks* What else do i have to talk about.....oh yeah, i'm getting fat bumming around at home and eating like a pig. My bro and sis bought so much chocolate back i'm eating like shit. It's downright sinful!! Sheesh. Alright.....i sound so dull right? Ok fine, i lead a boring life *sniff sniff* so yeah, nothing much.....right. Night. 1 Year Anniversary at 11:04 PM