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Lincoln Luk
Raffles Junior College


11/01/2003 - 12/01/2003
12/01/2003 - 01/01/2004
01/01/2004 - 02/01/2004
02/01/2004 - 03/01/2004
03/01/2004 - 04/01/2004
04/01/2004 - 05/01/2004
05/01/2004 - 06/01/2004
06/01/2004 - 07/01/2004
07/01/2004 - 08/01/2004
08/01/2004 - 09/01/2004
09/01/2004 - 10/01/2004
10/01/2004 - 11/01/2004
11/01/2004 - 12/01/2004
12/01/2004 - 01/01/2005
03/01/2005 - 04/01/2005
04/01/2005 - 05/01/2005
05/01/2005 - 06/01/2005
06/01/2005 - 07/01/2005
07/01/2005 - 08/01/2005
08/01/2005 - 09/01/2005
09/01/2005 - 10/01/2005
10/01/2005 - 11/01/2005
11/01/2005 - 12/01/2005
12/01/2005 - 01/01/2006
01/01/2006 - 02/01/2006
02/01/2006 - 03/01/2006
03/01/2006 - 04/01/2006
04/01/2006 - 05/01/2006
05/01/2006 - 06/01/2006
06/01/2006 - 07/01/2006
09/01/2006 - 10/01/2006
10/01/2006 - 11/01/2006
11/01/2006 - 12/01/2006
12/01/2006 - 01/01/2007
03/01/2007 - 04/01/2007
04/01/2007 - 05/01/2007
08/01/2007 - 09/01/2007


Alvin Nat
Grace Lum
Grace Ow
Hong Rui
Huang Lu
Joseph Firmansyah
Ng Jingwen
Joel Maximillian Lau Shen Rong <3 <3 <3 <3
Kelvin Xu
Kuan Fu
Paul Yap
Rachel Heng
Ryan D
Ruth Ngo
Sarah Ooi
Sarah Hew
Shu Fang
Victoria Chin
Wan Chee Mun Chee
Wang Ting

Wednesday, March 31, 2004

1 Year Anniversary at 9:42 PM

Sunday, March 28, 2004

School is starting once again.........the past 48 hours has been hardcore PIAH PIAH PIAH PIAH PIAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!! Not bad though, i finished most of my work........MOST........i really buay sai finish all my chinese's way too much. Shiat.....and i couldn't do one of my maths assignments, i just totally don't understand what shit geometrical shit properties of shit circles. Kaozzzzzzz

Argh, ok, i must piah it all by tonight!!!!!CAN DO IT!!!!!!! PIAH PIAH PIAH!!!!!!!!

1 Year Anniversary at 8:33 PM

Saturday, March 27, 2004

Ok that last post made me sound like a damn wuss, forget i ever blogged it, but i do feel under a lot of pressure right now, MUST PIAH!!!!!

1 Year Anniversary at 7:19 PM

So many things much to little time put to use, so much time gone to waste.......

"The wise man does first what the fool puts off till later"

Right now i feel like the biggest fool of them all. So many things need doing, so much i should be spending time on, yet i'm wasting my time bumming in front of the television and computer and not doing anything.

"The only way to reach the top is to get off your bottom"

But my bottom feels like it weighs a ton and i can't lift it off the ground.....sux.......

I feel as though all the things in my life are eggs and i'm attempting to juggle them all at the same false step, one breaks, the rest follow suit.........

Tan tells me i should take a break and rest myself, he thinks i'm getting burnt out. If even my coach can see it, damn, it's bad.

I need that vacation...............

1 Year Anniversary at 7:04 PM

Thursday, March 25, 2004

Seems like everyone loves RIPB camp stories, 2nd day is in great demand, well, here it goes!!

Second day, we slept at around 1AM and woke up at 5.30AM for PT at 6AM. Fun right?

PT wasn't tough, by training standards, just a few pushups, situps, then was it run?Not sure....can't remember.....can't be bothered to remember, heh.

Pretty boring in the morning....we got briefed that we were going around all the different departments and going to get to know each and every one of them so we could choose which department we wanted to go to, blah blah blah, but the funny part was when Mok came into the canteen, he had been missed the whole day, we were wondering where he was, and he suddenly showed up.

Then Mr.Lim announced that "Mok has won 6th place in the Singapore Triathalon!"

That's like, how zai lah? 6th in the entire singapore......sheesh man......

So ok lah, all of us cheer, then Mok smile smile, happy happy, then he said he was gonna go and change first, so he ran up the stairs, y'know, the ones next to the toilets in the canteen, going to the Gryphon's lair?Yup yup, anyway, so when he was just about halfway through the stairs, someone said "Wah, Mok ah, 6th place liao lor!" and Mok proceeded to slip and fall........everyone laughed at him.....

He's a clown lah!!!!!!

Ok, then after that, we had our reward challenge again!!This time was that we had to dive into the swimming pool, get a number and run to Kaiyu with the number, he would then give us a clue to the location of a place in RI and we had to run there and get a piece of a puzzle, when we got all 8 pieces, we would find our last location and go there to finish the race.

My group finished 1st!Yay!!Heheh

So at the "prize presentation" we went to the atrium and sat down.......

And Mok(again :P) and Senthil announced the prizes:

Senthil: "Ok, for 3rd place, we have......................6 pears!!! Don't ask me why pears, Mok got the prizes, Mok lah...."

Senthil: "Second Place, 6 oranges!!! According to Mok, oranges are better than pears, so......yeah....."
Mok: "Yah what, i mean, oranges got more juice, and you guys so tired now, need juicy food, so the juicier the better right?"

Us: "Errrrrr, ok........."

Mok: "Ok, and for the 1st prize, it's the BIGGEST and BEST prize among all three groups!"
Me: "Don't tell me it's 6 watermelons!!!!!!!!!!"

Right....ok.....turned out to be a 20 dollar voucher at NTUC!!!Which meant we got to buy all we wanted from NTUC!!Yay!! Heh heh, nah lah, we not so selfish, ended up buying drinks and snacks and sharing it with all the other groups at night.

Ah yes, fun!!It was called "Ghostbusters" where there would be ghosts around RI and we had to complete specific tasks for them to "free" them. Among them was a 10KM run, 2KM swim, 750pullups, 1000 situps, etc. but luckily we got to do them in a group, like say if there's 25 people, everyone only need to run 400M to complete 10KM. lucky can....if not i think Zenn Chua and Eugene Neo would be dead by 2KM :P

Ok lah......dunch so bad to them......

It was damn fun, especially the Sergius one where he wanted us to hold a "birthday party" for him, and we made so much noise and sang and danced and in the end all of us sang "Barj(the name he chose for himself) bangs......"

I felt like such a moron.......maybe it was cos' i was wearing a MOORonic shirt.....Heh!

Oh, and there were these things around called wandering spirits, if they caught you, you had to freeze for 1 minute or you die.....something along those lines. And they would try to make you laugh lah.

All the other sec 4.s had no effect on me, but Glenn.....oh my god, he's a maniac, he made Yaozhen laugh like 8 times and he made me laugh 3-4 times also......i can't repeat what he said due content......but trust me, it was damn spastic!!!!!!!

Right, that's about it for day 2, day 3 was the amazing race, and shall be written about soon :)

1 Year Anniversary at 12:33 PM

Monday, March 22, 2004

There's really so much to talk about, but i'll try to keep it as short as i can.

First things first. RIPB KICKS ASS!!! Mr.Paul Lim is damn farnie one, seriously, you think he big bastard on the podium, but he's damn nice and farnie!!

First day we got there, aiyah, usual lah, they always wanna punish you, tekkan you, do all the funny funny stuff to you on the first day to "set the standard". Quite used to it already, so wasn't much. Then after a brief introduction, handphone/wallet confiscation(sob sob), we went to set bashas. Yes, much like those we did in RIPB.

Oh wait, first we got into our groups, ahhhhh, yes, my group had
1. Me
2. Hongquan
3. Wesley(My *big brother*)
4. Wai Kit
5. Shih ee
6. Chenjie
7. Yanheng
8. Sean

Err..........yeah, and so we went to do our bashas, Wesley is a scout, so he did most of the things while we kinda...followed.....yeah......our basha quite ok lah, standard OBS one. But the china scholar group damn farnie, their basha is two group sheets FLAT on top and two ground sheets flat on the bottom.

Quote by ZhengHong:
"They're basha is like......useless lah. When it rains, the water is just gonna collect on the top two groundsheets until it becomes damn heavy and then it's gonna start dripping through the groundsheet because they're not entirely waterproof. Worst case, it becomes so heavy it collapses on them and they die."

Quote by Mok:
"But aren't China scholars used to getting wet already?I mean, all of them live in the atap houses in the China kampongs?Eh wait, China no atap tree........"


Then we had a talk by..............JAQUELINE SIM!!!!!!!!!! In the LT. She rox lor.........she was talking about some public speaking and all lah, then she was talking about not using slangs, RI guys you should know about "Jack" right? Yah, she knew too, and she was talking about it, then about 15 minutes after she said that,

she said:
"Ok, let me tell you this one time, Ms Sim(I have no idea why she used third person) called someone and she told the person, hey, Elaine, remember me?It's Jack!"

At that point of time, i could not help but exclaim:

The whole LT laughed. Thank god she didn't know it was me....*phew!*

Oh, and at the end of the talk, she told us to look under our seats and for some of us, there were pink colour slips of paper attached to the bottoms of our chairs and had like, topics we had to talk about. Then she pulls out packets of oreo and says "Those who do a good speech will get these as a reward!"

I was thinking "They'll get oreo as a reward.........oreo.........oreo...........WAHAHAHH!!" i almost burst out laughing, but i thought making a fool of myself once in a lecture is enough huh?Yeah......

Ok, if you dunch understand the above, dunch worry, inside joke...

It is very amusing to watch Mr.Paul Lim act as a sec 1 kid...............shaking his bottle around....acting spastic.....i almost died laughing. Right, so after everyone with a pink slip(Pink bomb!:P) finishes presenting, we have a special request by Mr.Lim for Mok Ing Ren to talk even though he doesn't have a slip. The topic he has to talk about is "Which is better?Boiled egg or fried egg?"

Mok comes up and says:
"Err....i ah?I prefer boiled eggs........because.........because ah, got more egg white!"

We go:

"No, i mean, as in, fried egg right, the egg white all mix around right?But, but boiled egg, the egg white is all together, and i like egg white, i dunch like the egg yolk, so i always eat the egg yolk first, then i eat all the egg white, that's why i prefer boiled eggs to fried eggs."

"Right.....Mok logic..."

Someone in the crowd:
"Eh, stop Mok Ing Ren lah!"

Argh, lame detector explodes!

Oh, and then we played wordplay at night, we're supposed to form words with our bodies while remaining in pushup position throughout the thing. I thought it was quite ok, but Zenn and Eugene Neo were dying. But we worked things out lah, quite fun.

Go to sleep at 12.50AM, wake up at 5.45AM for morning PT.

Honestly i didn't find anything other than the lack of sleep taxing in the camp...yeah....when you sleep less than 7 hours a day you tend to not have as good muscle recovery.

Next day we have a kind of......reward challenge which is pretty.....err....nasty......we did something call a log roll, where you literally roll over each other to reach from one end of the track to the other.

Quote Sean:
"It sounds like a damn mass orgy lah!"

People were like.......moaning and groaning when others rolled over really sounded bad.....

So, we got "tribal currency" to buy "rewards" that Mr.Lim would describe and we would bid for.

Mr Lim:
"First's long.......hard..........and black......."


Sergius(Our head prefect)
"Eh!!Scally it's Senthil(our vice)!!"

*Senthil walks up to Serguis menacingly*

Damn farnie!Damn racist!!Hahah
Turns out it was a giant pack of pockey, which my group bid for and won!Yay!!

Mr Lim:
"Second one, it's......juicy......nice and soft and very popular!"

One of the groups bids all they have on it......and it turns out to be............WET TOWELLETS!!WAHAHAH!JACK!:P

Ok, i skip to the last two

Mr Lim:
"The second last is also coated actually......and it's hard....."

*Sergius snickers at Senthil*
*Senthil gives Sergius the "Screw you man" look*

Ok, turns out it was ice cream, so the group that got it was very happy!!YEAH!!!

Alright, so there's only 6 items on bid lah, but 8 groups, so there are 2 groups left with cash, 80 and 90 dollars left respectively.

"LAST ITEM!!It's sweet, very sweet, it can be eaten in very many ways and it is very good"

The two groups start bidding like mad with each other in the hopes of whacking each other out, and of course, the 90 dollar group bids all they have. BUT, the other 6 groups have extra cash left over, so they pool it together with the 80 dollar group and make it into a 160 dollar group!!WAHAHAH!!

They were damn happy, bidding 160 dollars on it, they tot sure win already, ice cream or something.

"And your prize is............SWEET POTATOES!!!!!"

Everyone died laughing :p

Ok, enuff for today, that was day 1, i'll continue with day 2 and 3 after this yah?Ok, nitez

1 Year Anniversary at 10:02 PM

Saturday, March 20, 2004

Alright boys and girls, i'm going to prefect camp and won't be back till Sunday evening or so. You can still sms if you want, but i might not reply on time k?

Bye guys!!I'll cya when i get back!!!

1 Year Anniversary at 7:11 AM

Friday, March 19, 2004

Oh man this is so parents went to Shanghai, so i'm alone at home, and i screw up my fun..... i have no idea what happened, last night when i came back from the gym i was still fine, then i was lying on a pillow watching American Idol, and when i got up, ow..........i can't bend it now, i can walk fine, but i can't run, when i bend the leg it gets all tight and all around the knee and it just hurts.

Not sure whether i should go see a doctor......not sure whether i can MAKE IT to the doctor....*rolls eyes* I'm icing it for now, if it gets really bad i'll go.

And Prefect's camp tomorrow somemore, argh, wth, how screwed up is this......i'm gonna go there injured. *sigh* i hope i recover.......

Yes, i can't go for training today people, you don't get to see my new funky hair. Oh, did i forget to mention i cut my hair? Yup, i cut my hair. Really short......i look like a cactus now, and the haridresser kinda spiked it really high for me after she cut it, i looked like some jap punk. Heh.

Ok, i'm gonna go ice my knee now.....

1 Year Anniversary at 7:53 AM

Wednesday, March 17, 2004

Ok, haven't blogged for awhile, people are getting pissed......but not much on leh, nothing to talk about. My life sad right?So boring :D

Well, training has been alright as of late......nothing that bad, can tahan...people are bugging me to hold something at my house.....a BBQ or something.....but hold now where got time?! Wait till june lah, my b'day(hint hint) then can organize something k?

Jingwen, no i'm not giving you free meals at my house *kabish!*

I think i'm sms'ing too much.....i'm using an average of like....60 a day? That's quite bad right? Shiat........60x30=1.8K..... -free sms.......1.5k.......shiat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I NEED A BETTER PLAN! I WANT 2K FREE SMS!ARGH!!!! Not good....and the thing is my mom is making me pay my phone bill with my own pocket's like, a lot of money gone like that, urgh....I think i should sms less....but i dunch want!:(

Just now at lunch i brought up quite an interesting friend has a baby sperm whale. Yep, you read it right, a baby SPERM WHALE. He smuggled it in from Thailand, don't ask me how.....and now it's like, the size of schnauzer(I spelt it right this time Lyn!!:D) and it's really cute!! The mouth is so big and it's so pui!!It looks like a little balloon, heh heh. Damn cute!! I WANT A SPERM WHALE TOO!!!

*wonders why they named it sperm whale...*

Err, right....anyway, i was just wondering.....who's the evil person who decided to put an s in the word lisp? It's like...imagine it lah, you go up to a guy with lisp and start talking, then you ask him:

Normal person:"Eh, why you talk so funny one ah?"
Lisper:"Oh, i've got lithp."
Normal person:"Huh?What the heck is lithp?!?!"
Lisper:"No, no, not lithp, it's LITHP!With an ath!"
Normal person:"With an ass?!What's my ass got to do with this?!"
Lisper:"NO NO!LITHP!LITHP!!!!!!!"

It's damn evil!!!!!!!!!!!!HAHAHAH!:P

Ok lah, enough laughter for now, gotta go. heh. buaiz

1 Year Anniversary at 4:42 PM

Sunday, March 14, 2004

One of the church Deacons was damn farnie today. After church service we sat down in a circle for bible study and the topic was "The futility of life without Christ" so.......he started it with a little speech "Life without christ is meaningless, as Socratez said, .......err......wait.......what did Socratez say ah?" *Everyone starts laughing their butts off* "Oh!Ok! I remember! Socratez said, an unexamined life is a life not worth living!! Ahh, see, i didn't forget!!"

Wah lao eh, he zainess!:D Hahah.

Eh, why everyone going on holiday but me ah? Alex went back to M'sia......Paul went back to M'sia.....Lois went to M'sia.... Nat went to indonesia.......and i'm stuck in Singapore......*glares*

Wah lao, my life sucks. boring....tsk tsk tsk.

Shit lah, now Timo pei with Lois, i got nobody to fall back on anymore.......must start looking for one more......hmmmm, i always liked Elephants....*hint hint* :P

Oh my god
Becky, look at her butt
It is so big
She looks like one of those rap guys girlfriends
Who understands those rap guys
They only talk to her because she looks like a total prostitute
I mean her butt
It's just so big
I can't believe it's so round
It's just out there
I mean, it's gross
Look, she's just so black

I like big butts and I cannot lie
You other brothers can't deny
That when a girl walks in with an itty bitty waist
And a round thing in your face
You get sprung
Wanna pull up front
Cuz you notice that butt was stuffed
Deep in the jeans she's wearing
I'm hooked and I can't stop staring
Oh, baby I wanna get with ya
And take your picture
My homeboys tried to warn me
But with that butt you got
Me so horney
Ooh, all of that smooth skin
You say you wanna get in my benz
Well use me use me cuz you aint that average groupy

I've seen them dancin'
The hell with romancin'
She's sweat, wet, got it goin like a turbo vette

I'm tired of magazines
Saying flat butts are the thing
Take the average black man and him that
She gotta pack much back

Fellas (yeah) Fellas(yeah)
Has your girlfriend got the butt (hell yeah)
Well shake it, shake it, shake it, shake it, shake that healthy butt
Baby got back

(LA face with Oakland booty)

I like'em round and big
And when I'm throwin a gig
I just can't help myself
I'm actin like an animal
Now here's my scandal

I wanna get you home
And --, double up -- --
I aint talkin bout playboy
Cuz silicone parts were made for toys
I wannem real thick and juicy
So find that juicy double
Mixalot's in trouble
Beggin for a piece of that bubble
So I'm lookin' at rock videos
Watchin' these bimbos walkin like hoes
You can have them bimbos
I'll keep my women like Flo Jo
A word to the thick soul sistas
I wanna get with ya
I won't cus or hit ya
But I gotta be straight when I say I wanna --
Til the break of dawn
I got it goin on
Alot of pimps won't like this song
Cuz them punks lie to hit it and quit it
But I'd rather stay and play
Cuz I'm long and I'm strong
And I'm down to get the friction on

So ladies (yeah), Ladies (yeah)
If you wanna role in my Mercedes (yeah)
Then turn around
Stick it out
Even white boys got to shout
Baby got back

(LA face with the Oakland booty)

Yeah baby
When it comes to females
Cosmo and got nothin to do with my selection
Only if she's 5'3"

So your girlfriend rolls a honda
Playin workout tapes by Fonda
But Fonda ain't got motor in the back of her Honda
My anaconda don't want none unless you've got buns hon
You can do side bends or sit-ups, but please don't lose that butt
Some brothers wanna play that hard role
And tell you that the butt and gold
So they toss it and leave it
And I pull up quick to retrieve it
So cosmo says you're fat
Well I aint down with that
Cuz your waste is small and your curves are kickin
And I'm thinkin bout stickin
To the beanpole dames in the magazines
You aint it miss thing
Give me a sista I can't resist her
Red beans and rice didn't miss her
Some knucklehead tried to dis
Cuz his girls were on my list
He had game but he chose to hit 'em
And pulled up quick to get with 'em
So ladies if the butt is round
And you wanna triple X throw down
Dial 1-900-mixalot and kick them nasty thoughts
Baby got back

1 Year Anniversary at 9:43 PM

Saturday, March 13, 2004

Hey, track and field meet was so fun yesterday, my hair was insanely green, everywhere green, and i was walking around and leading buckley cheers and all, so nice.

Buckley kemama! Ole ole ah ah! Buckley kemama! Ole ole ah ah! Shake it up...YEAH! Shake it up......YEAH! Shake it up... ALRIGHT!!!!!!!!!

Moor(ons) are extra buggers, they're morons....all of them......wah lao eh, in the hall cheering that time teacher come up "Ok guys, will the other houses please move to the back of the hall because moor needs space for our cheers." The other houses all replied in unison "NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!" :P

I had a great, tiring time :D It was fun, heheh.

Today was pretty fun, training was quite good, did lots of things with the new white belts, let them throw and all......i think getting thrown by a white belt is more painful than getting thrown by's like, they can't throw properly, so you end up getting like......winded or......funny landing....yeah...

I was tossing huang around!!Yay!!I whacked a chinaman!I'm so pleased with myself :D

After training everyone was like playing with the whiteboard. People were like drawing stuff on it, then got some funny...references....and stuff....oh, and Jenny, you missed Emmy by a hair!!Come earlier next time lah gal ;)

Then ate at the canteen, briyani rocks man, we're gonna be like right next to RI in JC, so fun, can walk over on fridays and buy briyani :P

I'm gonna tar pao some briyani for Tan the next time, he's coached us for so long and hasn't tried it!!It's insane mun!Hahah.

Holiday homeworks sux........TONNES of holiday homework sux MORE!! Sux moor too lah :P *snicker* Yes, you get my point, i dunch like moor :P

Oh, and jaq. Sim can't run for nuts................peanuts gosh, she was how slow lor!!ARGH!!!! Louji lah she...

Hmmmm, i just ate two cones of chocolate ice cream and i'm stuffed, i feel like a pig, so full, so nice, heh heh :)

Right, that's about it, i still need that vacation though :)

1 Year Anniversary at 3:06 PM

Tuesday, March 09, 2004

Oh man, i feel so down....i dunno, i feel so.....detached from all of you guys?I feel so....alone.....i dunno, i feel empty, i feel weird, it's a strange feeling. I have no idea how to describe it, i just feel that i'm.....lonely? I don't know.....i feel funny, i've never had this feeling before, i'm just....*sigh* nvm, i don't think i should go on about this anymore...

I know i'm always cheerful and like......lame and kidding all the time, but honestly, sometimes it's just a false front i put on, everyone around me is so dead at times and i just don't feel like showing my inner feelings, how distressed i am. I'd love to be able to mope, so throw tantrums, to just let everything out and feel good about it, but somehow i can't, somehow it's just gathering inside there.....getting more and more concentrated as the days go by and it feels like it's going to burst.

I need a vacation...

1 Year Anniversary at 10:53 PM

Monday, March 08, 2004

Something to make all you guys smile yah? Go download it!:D


1 Year Anniversary at 10:29 PM

Sunday, March 07, 2004

Shagggggggg!!!Argh!! Training was just....draining. I felt so dead, so tired, i don't know what's been coming over me recently, just shagged...*sigh*

After training, Mitch came over for awhile and we watched SOUTHPARK! I love Southpark!!It kicks ass!!Hahahah! Right, then bummed a bit, sms'd some pps, learnt Jingwen got to ogle girls at this jap fair thingy....lucky punk....and then i went off to an NYGH play ;)

Right, i get on 410, i get off at school, i cross the road, and reach the bustop just in time to see 156 roll nice. So i have to wait like 15-20 minutes for the next one, then when i'm on it, i forget where to get off, so i call mitchell....and he tells me to ring the bell once i see CHS....i do....and i end up 400-600M away from NY and having to walk there....almost being late for the play.

Met up with Sarah and Mitch outside the gate, and got a scolding for being late.....then proceeded to kick mitchell for giving me wrong info....Then i met my ex-classmate, Kaixuan, and her friend, Faith, inside. Those two sneaked in!!! I felt so cheated...i spend 10 bucks on my ticket and they sneak it.....god!!

The play was only like 45 minutes!!Wth?!!?!?!? 10 bucks for 45 mins?! wah lao, i felt DAMNNNN cheated lor!!! *sigh* I spent more time travelling than watching the play. Geez.

Proceeded to go outside, meet lots of people, old and new friends, make a few new friends, and basically mingled. While mingling, Me, Mitch, Kx and Faith went to the swings there...and kinda just bummed, then i said "Mitchell, do you want me to uchimata you or something?" when he pissed me off a bit and one of them asked "What's an Uchimata?" I proceeded to go up and grab him, but he resisted, so i swept him. Damn nice sweep!!Hahah, then he got pissed and was like "Wah lao!You swept me right onto the grass lah!" Hahahah :P

I bet they thought we were violent :D

Then since most of us didn't have dinner, went with Mitchell, Eugene, Kaixuan, Faith and Sarah to Macdonalds for macan. I feel like a pig......i ate a big mac meal.....and i feel lousy....cos' Mitchell finished his faster than mine... Mitchell was being a clown lah, so many funny actions and all, and i kept teasing him, making everyone laugh at him. Hahah, sorry mitchy!:D

Wasn't all that close to KX in p.sch, but already thought she was a pretty nice gal, i think she's one of the nicest people i know, she's really cheerful and never seems to get angry. Heheheh. Wah lao, i bet you're grinning away while reading this right?! Zai liao lah, Chiobu liao lah, Powderful liao lah!!!Ha ha!!:P

Right, then shared a cab with Eugene and Mitch, dropped off at Thomson Plaza and went home. Yay. Oh, and found out that Faith lived at Jurong she basically got home at like 11+ i think....Heheh!

And now....i'm shag and blogging, shall go to sleep soon, nite pps

1 Year Anniversary at 12:09 AM

Thursday, March 04, 2004

Since certain people are chasing me to update my blog......*looks down*.......fine, i shall.

I have been a pig as of late, eating 10 meals a day, and gaining 5KG per day!!Ok lah, that's a bit exaggerated, but you get my point :P I've just been eating......and eating......and eating.........and eating......and yiding.....and yid--...err, whoops, sorry yiding!!:D

The prefect investiture a bit anti-climax, get to know we're gonna be prefects on tuesday, then next term then get investitured....O_o?? Hmmm, a bit weird leh.

Argh, i miss my siblings.....a bit......a teeny weeny LEETLE bit. Oh, no, i miss my sister a whole lot, a big basket lot, a whole aircraft carrier lot!!But my bro ah......hmmmmm.......hahah, no lah kor, miss you lah, looking forward to seeing you in june man. A bit dead at night without you guys, the house is so quiet, lucky got my sms buddies and those 30 million people outside my door *halo* *innocent look*

A whopping 1.5K sms's last month.....holy mom HAD a cow.....she was like "Why your sms bill so much one? Who you SMS'ing?" Then i replied "Girls like Jingwen lah!!" HEHEH! No offence Jmr :D. No lah, you manly lah, you muscular lah, you testosterone pumped lah!!!Nothing like a girl!!Nothing at all!!!

Life feels a bit slow right now.....trying to get it back into gear 5, but it's currently stuck at gear 3. Not too good, not too bad. Hmmmm.....dunch like it. GOTTA PUSH!!GOTTA GET OUT OF THIS DITCH!! HELL YEAH!!!

Feeling a bit of pressure from schoolwork now...there's just so much to do.......argh, i've actually got the time to do it...just....can't find the push to get myself started on it. Then leave piles up....and you get the idea...yeah...Hope i can get all my work out.

China scholars are assholes....we mug chinese test for a week and get a b3. They flip through the shou ce for 5 minutes and get an A1........bastards all of them. ARGHH!!! I dunch like chinese :(

*sigh* nothing much yeah, that's about it, night.

1 Year Anniversary at 8:50 PM

Wednesday, March 03, 2004

You are soooo LOVABLE!
Waaah! You're so LOVABLE! Everybody likes you,
because you're a great person to have around
and it's always happy about everything ^^.
congrats! and...can I hug you?? plz! ^///^

Yet another personality test ^-^ (nice anime pics!) NEW outcome!!
brought to you by Quizilla

Oh my god, this pic is so....UGH!!!

1 Year Anniversary at 9:28 PM

Dragons are powerful...
Your A Dragon! Whether your the fire, electric, or
ice dragon, you are very powerful and wise.
Fire Dragons usually live in caves, elctric
dragons live in valleys, and ice dragons live
in mountain tops. A dragon represents wisdom,
magic, love, grace, power, intelligence,
determinotion, hounesty, and freedom. You tend
to be a little explosive when your angry, so aa
dragon can cuase lightning storms, blizzards,
or heatwaves. Dragons are solitorey creatures,
or lay live together, just not near humans.
Whichever dragon you are, you certaintly are a
rare mythical creature.

What Mythical Beast are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

Hey, fun!:P

1 Year Anniversary at 9:07 PM

You're a Glass of Wine!

What Type of Alcoholic Beverage Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

I always liked wine :D

1 Year Anniversary at 9:03 PM

Argh!!Burn!! Stupid S.O.B.'s smear chilli sauce on my back!!!Argh!!!:P

So i'm hot?*halo*


Man, today's training was very......dead, everyone was everyone bo lat like that. Sheesh. Must be the humid weather. We did 20X5 uchikomi and 20 sets of circuit, and after that there was this....nice...puddle underneath me. Yeah...

Well, i'll be wearing black shoes soon *hint hint* and a blazer *hint hint* Oh man, that was so ego!!But nvm, suits me right?Hehehe. Thanks all you guys for the help, and those who voted!! According to jingwen i owe him 2 dinners for him telling me to strip........Hmmmmm??

Well, nothing much up, just came in to blog. Nite!

1 Year Anniversary at 7:31 PM

Tuesday, March 02, 2004

You are a PHOENIX in your soul and your
wings make a statement. Huge and born of flame,
they burn with light and power and rebirth.
Ashes fall from your wingtips. You are an
amazingly strong person. You survive, even
flourish in adversity and hardship. A firm
believer in the phrase, 'Whatever doesn't kill
you only makes you stronger,' you rarely fear
failure. You know that any mistake you make
will teach you more about yourself and allow
you to 'rise from the ashes' as a still greater
being. Because of this, you rarely make the
same mistake twice, and are not among the most
forgiving people. You're extremely powerful and
wise, and are capable of fierce pride, passion,
and anger. Perhaps you're this way because you
were forced to survive a rough childhood. Or
maybe you just have a strong grasp on reality
and know that life is tough and the world is
cruel, and it takes strength and independence
to survive it. And independence is your
strongest point - you may care for others, and
even depend on them...but when it comes right
down to it, the only one you need is yourself.
Thus you trust your own intuition, and rely on
a mind almost as brilliant as the fire of your
wings to guide you.You are eternal and because
you have a strong sense of who and what you
are, no one can control your heart or mind, or
even really influence your thinking. A symbol
of rebirth and renewal, you tend to be a very
spiritual person with a serious mind - never
acting immature and harboring a superior
disgust of those who do. Likewise, humanity's
stupidity and tendency to want others to solve
their problems for them frustrates you
endlessly. Though you can be stubborn,
outspoken, and haughty, I admire you greatly.

*~*~*Claim Your Wings - Pics and Long Answers*~*~*
brought to you by Quizilla

Hmmmmm, kewl

1 Year Anniversary at 4:52 PM

Monday, March 01, 2004

Tis an ice dragon breathes...when the first snowflake doesnt melt....
Your an ice dragon! Congrats! Out of all the
dragons, you are most powerful but do not like
to show it. A rare and special creture, you
have artistic style and are great at expressing
yourself. You think friends and Familly are the
most important, and are a hopeless romantic.
But of course, as ice goes, you can be a little
cold or harsh at times. But not to worry, you
always apoligize later!

What elemental dragon are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

Whoah, ok, that's cool, but some parts are rather.....untrue?Hahah.

1 Year Anniversary at 8:46 PM

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