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Lincoln Luk
Raffles Junior College


11/01/2003 - 12/01/2003
12/01/2003 - 01/01/2004
01/01/2004 - 02/01/2004
02/01/2004 - 03/01/2004
03/01/2004 - 04/01/2004
04/01/2004 - 05/01/2004
05/01/2004 - 06/01/2004
06/01/2004 - 07/01/2004
07/01/2004 - 08/01/2004
08/01/2004 - 09/01/2004
09/01/2004 - 10/01/2004
10/01/2004 - 11/01/2004
11/01/2004 - 12/01/2004
12/01/2004 - 01/01/2005
03/01/2005 - 04/01/2005
04/01/2005 - 05/01/2005
05/01/2005 - 06/01/2005
06/01/2005 - 07/01/2005
07/01/2005 - 08/01/2005
08/01/2005 - 09/01/2005
09/01/2005 - 10/01/2005
10/01/2005 - 11/01/2005
11/01/2005 - 12/01/2005
12/01/2005 - 01/01/2006
01/01/2006 - 02/01/2006
02/01/2006 - 03/01/2006
03/01/2006 - 04/01/2006
04/01/2006 - 05/01/2006
05/01/2006 - 06/01/2006
06/01/2006 - 07/01/2006
09/01/2006 - 10/01/2006
10/01/2006 - 11/01/2006
11/01/2006 - 12/01/2006
12/01/2006 - 01/01/2007
03/01/2007 - 04/01/2007
04/01/2007 - 05/01/2007
08/01/2007 - 09/01/2007


Alvin Nat
Grace Lum
Grace Ow
Hong Rui
Huang Lu
Joseph Firmansyah
Ng Jingwen
Joel Maximillian Lau Shen Rong <3 <3 <3 <3
Kelvin Xu
Kuan Fu
Paul Yap
Rachel Heng
Ryan D
Ruth Ngo
Sarah Ooi
Sarah Hew
Shu Fang
Victoria Chin
Wan Chee Mun Chee
Wang Ting

Sunday, February 29, 2004

YO!!!!!!!!!!I'm back!!!!Hahah.

Oh man, Malaysia KICKED ASS!!It was really fun over there, lemme try to get some of the things stated before midnight yah?:P

You can see all the pics here: Click here!!

My Gran's B'day, so i went there, and started eating.....and eating.......and eating somemore.....i think i ate in 24 hours more than i usually eat in 48...*gulp*

So yeah, went there, wished my gran happy b'day, got lots of hugs, comments, etc. etc. the usual when you meet with relatives *rolls eyes*

Right, my first night there, i get posted to my cousin's room because she's in Australia now. I go in, and the first thing and ONLY thing i see is PINK. Geez!!!I almost stabbed myself. 8 rooms in the house and i gotta get the pink one. The bed's pink, the cupboards are all pink, the floor's pink, the CEILING is pink, and there's this glow in the dark.....chain....funny thingy lying on the wall, so when you turn off the light, it glows.....and you sleep.....looking at it......trying to get to sleep......pretty spooky, hahah, you can see it in the pics.

Woke up sore, achy, tired, cos' i wasn't used to the place, and then my Uncle brought me and my dad out!! Just the three of us, a bachelor outing ;) So, first we went shopping(Yeah, how manly :P) Nah, basically went to the wet markets and checked out all the stuff there. I saw many fruits, vegetables and fish that i have never seen in my life, it was really really cool. Then we went for a great breakfast, and i had the best coffee of my life at this roadside cafe, really good stuff. Then, the highlight of the day, we went to the Sarawak nature reserve!!!Lots of pics in there too, the highlight of the nature reserve is Ah Mann (pronounced Mahn) he's a gigantic orang utan of 19 years and he IS HUGE!!!His forearm was basically the size of my thigh....and there's pics of my hand and his together, and it's like....whoah....his hand is 4 times mine... If he wants to kill you, you're screwed :P

He was in there with 2 other smaller orang utans, two females, they wanna get him to mate and produce little manns :P

The keepers there are loads more friendly and interactive than the zoo at singapore, man, i got to touch a malayan black bear!!!I got to hug one too, as in, i went inside the cage and played with it, but couldn't get pictures of that, darn :(

It was really really fun.

Yeah, i'm really shagged out now, so you guys go check out those pics, and i'll cya in the AM!!

1 Year Anniversary at 11:22 PM

Friday, February 27, 2004

Leaving for M'sia tmr :( I won't be able to see all your faces for amost 48 hours!!!-cries!!Oh man, that was so Sheralyn...ugh...

Anyway, yeah, i will be leaving for the motherland for my grandmother's birthday, and i'll still be at training, but probably have to quickly change up and get out of there....maybe have to leave early or something. Hope weights is at the end though, cos' if not i might have to skip randori. Argh.....

Things have been pretty slow recently, nothing much special, but whoah, i think i've been using too many SMS man, i think 1K++ liao.......die.......exceed my free sms like SHIAT.


I've been screwing up many tests as of late.....MANY tests......RP is way stressful's and work and WORK and you've hardly got any time to breathe, sometimes just feel so damn dead...well, hope i can do well for tmr's training, been very off form lately, i'm reaching my valley dip, i need to get something to turn it around and come back up and improve fast, hopefully i can find it.

Yeah, s'it, night guys, i'll catch ya' tmr.

1 Year Anniversary at 8:42 PM

Wednesday, February 25, 2004

Argh, been really weighed down these few days, sorry guys, can't really talk much...yeah, just damn shagged out.

Chinese test = probably fail
Maths test = probably pass

Nice right?

Well, as for my speech this morning....err....*cough cough* those who know about it, you know about it, i don't need to say more, those who don't know about it, keep it that way, it's better for your health...meaning you come and suan me again and i whoop your ass so hard you won't be very healthy yah?*halo*

Training has been pretty tuff recently, i really think the 20 minute run before training isn't a good idea. I mean, 4K before training?That's like mad lah, then go for training you're half dead already and you can't really work. I think it should be after training, that way we can learn all our techniques well when we're fit and energetic and we can die when we don't need to learn anymore. Yeah.

Shiat mun, my teachers are gonna screw me for not handing in work, i am going to DIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!

Yes, better go do work...night!

1 Year Anniversary at 8:12 PM

Monday, February 23, 2004

Won't be online tonight, gotta piah chinese.....PIAH PIAH PIAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!Woot, 10 ke, 125 chen yu, 20 yen yu, 20 guan yong yu, and 20 shi chi

I am so screwed.....

1 Year Anniversary at 8:44 PM

Sunday, February 22, 2004

Ok, disregard the last post, turns out it was a misunderstanding. Sorry about that PCB guys, yeah, no hard feelings. *handshake*

1 Year Anniversary at 7:47 PM

What is it with some people?Are they just too bored or are they born psychotic or what?I don't even know the guy, and he's out to destroy my campaigning. Wth man? PCB syndicate, we hit 'em hard. I have no idea what is going on, i have no idea what i ever did to piss this guy off, hell, i don't even know half of them, but they seem to hate me...


Well, at least i know who's been ripping down my posters at school. I won't mention any names, but i think some of you know who they are...

Things have been majorly screwed up in my life already recently and i don't need you guys adding to it ok?I'm asking you nicely to please stop this right now if you are reading this, and i hope that we can just clear up any grudges or anything you might have against me ok?

I don't wanna make any enemies, so maybe you guys can just quit it?Yeah, if you're reading this, then thanks. For those guys who read this and know them, mind passing on the message?Cos' i don't even know most of them...yeah...

1 Year Anniversary at 10:51 AM

Friday, February 20, 2004

Due to numerous complaints, here's an update...

I just got home from my Grandma's funeral, it wasn't pretty.....the mood was really........down......then got people crying also, felt so extra there, especially cos' it was a buddhist funeral, and i'm christian, so i didn't do all the ceremonies the rest did. Yeah, felt extra...

Shall relate what happened yesterday afternoon though :P

I called Garry, Zhangrui, Seliyan, Narpal and Indra over to the library to help me finalize my posters and my campaign proposal, but only Garry, Zhangrui, Seliyan and Indra showed up cos' Narpal had match, and Hongrui came and helped me a bit too, so while i was busily preparing my stuff on my computer terminal with Seliyan, clowns Garry and Zhangrui turned on the other terminal and started going to my blog and other people's blogs, so i was like "You morons...." Then about 3 mins later, i heard them snickering quite loudly, so i knew those two did some shit lah. Then went there, checked the current blog they were on, Sheralyn's(I wonder why Zhangrui likes this one so much *halo*), nothing there, but i knew that two idiots did something even though they denied it, and so i went down the list till i hit Timo and YS's and i see that line there......right......

I see it, and they simultaneously bolt out of their chairs and raise across the library laughing really loudly. And end up getting caught by Mr.Johari and getting screwed!!!MWAHAHAHH!!!THOSE STUPID IDIOTS!!!!!Wanna sabo me oso end up getting screwed themselves, LOSERS!!!:P

Right, so after that, i went around putting up my posters(EGO!) and basically yeah, that's it, then i went home. Had a rather......peculiar incident happen to me happen along the way though....right.......

Urgh, i'm still feeling like shit, i'm damn stressed, damn pressurised, damn shag.........Bleh.......i think i'm gonna die liao, I feel like crying sometimes, bleh........RP is so stressful, you can't afford to hand in assignments late, you can't afford to fail tests. Wait.....if you can't afford to do that, why am i doing it all the time?!!?!?!?Whoah, i rock.

Yeah, since i rock so much, i better go stone now(You're supposed to laugh, hurry, laugh now!)

Yeah, gonna go, chow.

1 Year Anniversary at 10:14 PM

Tuesday, February 17, 2004

Shall not rant about Sunday, i think i've ranted enough on the day itself, but yeah, i was pissed, i'm still pissed......that was the worst competition of my life, urgh.

These few das has just been so jam packed, loads of HW, loads of things to do, then had the competition on sunday, my grandmother passed away at 5AM on monday morning, and i got through to the campaigning stage of prefect. So many little time....Urgh, man.....

I'll have to skip school on friday, my grandmother's funeral, i'll have to be there the whole day.

It's sad that she had to go, but i definitely think it's better than her suffering here, she was a diabetic, and it was a severe one, the blood vessels in her legs really hardened up a lot and there was almost no bloodflow to her legs anymore, so she was in a lot of pain. You know pins and needles when you sit in a funny position and block your blood supply?Well, intensify that pain by about 10 times and you get what she was feeling, so yeah, at least now she stopped hurting.

Sorry guys, haven't spent much time around with you, but just feeling really dead and drained these few days, maybe it's cos' of my flu, but i'll try to make some time and catch up with ya' yah?:)

Right, i'll catch you tomorrow then. Chow.

1 Year Anniversary at 3:40 PM

Saturday, February 14, 2004

Tiring tiring day.....urgh.

Went for training in the morning, and Tan told us we would have running and then sprints, but he told me "The normal" so i assumed by "The normal" we'd be doing pullups too, so we did pullups, and then halfway through Yongsheng tells us that there's no need we stop with the reverse grip ones.

Then on to the 10 minute run, yay, i managed to do 2.4 in about 10.20 or so, about the same as my 2.4 time, but i think i could've done better, didn't push hard enough, argh, lazy shit........

Then we had piggyback 50M walks, so fun, i got to carry alex and mingxuan, who are both heavier than me, to and fro, and i finished like 2 times faster than everyone else cos' they both weren't doing, so i went there, picked one up, went back, picked the other up, and went there again, yep, so nice.

Training wasn't much, just a lot of technique and stuff, but the 300 uchikomis were pretty tiring, especially since Emerson wanted Xinyang to try a new style to do his Morote Seoi-nage, and it took a looooooong time of trying for him to get it, i was dead shag.

Then slacked around a bit at the gym, cos' i was pretty shag, and while i'm sitting down without a shirt on, drinking water and with my eyes half closed, i see a red shirt flash by me, i look up and how nice, all the RGS girls are here and i'm half-naked. Rush to wear a shirt, and Sheralyn says "Hi." So i say "Hello." and Lois says "Ah chek!" In front of the whole cohort!ARGH!!!!!!That's it Or---!!!You're dead!!!!:P

Then had to eat lunch, bathe, change up and meet Alvin and Yiding at the bus-stop outside school to go to Lido for a movie. We reach Lido, and the queue for tickets is all the way to KFC. Yay, so fun. So we walk all the way to cineleisure, go there, and same thing. Yay! We end up playing LAN till 4+, walk outside, talk to Seetoh and some of Al nat's friends that he meets for awhile, then stop by 7-11 for some stuff and head home.

It's not nice having 13 ex-classmates and a few friends in NYGH, they're hounding me to go for the play on 6th March at their school, titled "Alice" but it's 10 bucks per ticket!And it's at i'm not sure i wanna go......not the mention that last year their choral night was almost as lame as the RP performance :D.

Bleh, anyone wanna go with me?I don't wanna go alone......i'm scared....:P

Kinda fun, going out with 4 other guys on Valentine's day, awwwwwwwww, me no date, so sad :( *sniff sniff* Now Timothy deserted me, i must go look for someone else liao!Mwahahah! Hahah

Yep, that's it, night.

1 Year Anniversary at 7:11 PM

Friday, February 13, 2004

First things first, PREFECT INTERVIEW TODAY!!!Jeez, i was pretty nervous when i went in there, all trembly and all, but i think i put on quite a brave front, my voice was pretty loud and clear and i don't think i looked nervous. Yeah, confident and big judoka!Woot!:D

Hanlong was among those who interviewed me, and halfway through it, his handphone rang......that idiot.....disrupt my speech!Hahah. No lah, not so bad, just a bit niah.

Damn freaky lah, training got 3 people go, cos' everyone else went for the track and field heats. Hahah. Poor Mitchell. *sigh* Eng asked me to help him with the lap timing, so yeah, stayed back with a couple of the guys and did it. Poor Yaozhen, he had a knee problem, so he was running damn slowly, and as usual, Mok Ing Ren whacked everyone's ass... 7 and a half rounds in 10 minutes and 44 2.4 do 9.53 and his 3000M do 10.44........ass.......

Then came Cabil in the 400M sprints!!!He was damn fast at the starting 200M, and he was like a full 20M in front of the second guy, so when we saw that, i exclaimed "THE BLACK WIND!!" And everyone started laughing their heads off. Hahahz. Seriously damn fast lah, 400M in 58seconds. Woot!

Feel damn shag lah, busy the entire day, argh......i fell asleep on the bus back, i almost missed my stop....then was like a zombie walking back. The fact that i was wearing an overtight M-sized shirt didn't help my image much.....arggggggggg.

Yesterday i saw my trainer's dog, she's so cute, she's a mongrel, a lot of mixed breeds, but she's really really nice, and she looks really athletic, she bolts really fast too, such a playful little gal, i loved playing with her, really nice and friendly too. Her story was pretty kewl too. My trainer told me he found her when he was biking in Pulau Tekong woods, and he saw her and another 2 puppies in the bush, really the jungle, not just a little tree stump here and there in the local park but really in the jungle lor, and he said he liked her so much he just brought her back, but since she was so wild, she kept chewing up his plants because he thinks she actually ate them in the wild, and she'd go after cockroaches, lizards, etc. Man, it was pretty sad.

She's really cute though, loved playing with her, hope i get to do it again on Sunday.

Sunday, Age group, woohoo.

Wah lao eh, got like how many RI guys in my weight division lor? -73KG, Bryan, Yongsheng, Miki, Timothy, Alwyn, Xinyang and Me. Argh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!We're gonna have like an All-RI competition there can?Hahah

Bleh, hope can win something, but if Bryan or Timothy make it to the finals, probably will let them have it, cos' they haven't gotten gold before, and i have, so it's just nice to get a gold lah huh?Hahah

Well, yeah, s'about it, nightz.

1 Year Anniversary at 8:22 PM

Thursday, February 12, 2004

Bleahhh, Emerson is a madman, we paced the 20 minute run yesterday, and we did 10 rounds in 20 mins!Yay! Kinda fun lapping Bryan and YS twice :P

I think Emmy and I were the only two shirtless guys around. Hmmmm, maybe Mitchell too though, not sure about that. It's quite fun to see two people pacing each other wearing only judo slacks. Hahah.

Then went back to the gym and just had pure technique training, chokes, armlocks, a few holds here and there, nothing much at all, but was quite shag from the run though......yeah.........

Then went home, slacked around a bit, then taught my dad to use his email.....Man, my dad is seriously computer illiterate, he was taking down notes on how to turn the power on...*Doi*

Then went online....talked crap wif ppl, and watched American Idol!!Hahah. I really liked Fantasia, i think she's really got what it takes to be the next idol. But man, how qiao, the two black guys chose two of my favourite songs. "Wind beneath my wings" and "Open arms". However, i must agree with the judges, those two songs just aren't vocal enough to show true strong vocal talent. The words and meaning behind them and really deep and expressive and they're great for a romantic night, but nah, not for a contest.

Today school was a drag as usual, but Mr.Ngoh rocks!He let us off half an hour early for CLE!!Hahah, i ended sch at 1.15!WOOT!:P

Then went to the library to mug history and maths, bleh, i'm gonna fail my fricking chinese common test lah, 10 ke, 125 chi yu, then guan yong yu and dunnowhatshit yu......i'm gonna fail SOOOOOOOO bad......

Right, then Rilong came and sat on the chair next to the couch i was on, and we mugged together for a bit, then Yiding came and sat next to me. We were talking for about 5 mins, when Alvin, Yaozhen and Andre Siao(Did i spell that right?The rugger one) decided to show up. And Andre then proceeded to gay yiding and I, climbing all over us and basically trying to get into nice *positions*. The funny part is that he grabbed Yiding's ankles really hard and said VERY LOUDLY "Yiding, faster spread your legs, i wanna *censored censored censored*" REAAAAAAAALLLLLLLYYYYYYY LOUDLY and this Indian librarian teacher was standing right behind him lah......He kinda got a lecture on improper language after that *rolls eyes*

Yep, then i finished mugging......went home, and now i'm typing this's it. Right, gonna go now. Ciao

1 Year Anniversary at 3:24 PM

Tuesday, February 10, 2004

Phew, yesterday was very very busy, lots of things happening all over the place, i was dead shag once i got home.

Let's see......went to school, felt pretty good, then had a LOOOOOONNNNNNNGGGGGG day of lessons, and my SS play sucked, it sucked ASS. We were doing a polygamous society. It means many wives to one man.......hahah. Ok, i can't say that i don't like that notion :P but.....err......we weren't really good at portraying it?Hahahahah! Really, it sucked ass :D I was the only male role there. Ugh.

Then had chinese class, so fun. And Lois and Sarah kept sms'ing me throughout it, and huanglu kept trying to peek at the messages and was begging me to show them to him. Then Zhangrui(Who is sitting in front of me) asked who Sarah was, then i said an NYGH girl. Ok lah, i should do quotes, it's really damn farnie!!


Z- Who do you keep sms'ing?
L- Some friends lah......
Z- Who?Do i know them?
L- Lois and Sarah, do you think you know them?
Z- Hmmmmm, help me get to know them la!*stupid perverted grin and snicker*
H- Zhangrui, you're a stupid coward, at least people like nat go out there and buaya and take action and get the girls, you don't do anything and expect the girls to come to you. Hmmmmm, but then again, i don't do anything and they flock to me.
All- Yah yah yah lulu, stupid china man
A- Eh, but is it a Sarah Soh?Zhangrui got Soh fetish, only can do with Soh girls
L- Yah lor, Miss Soh.......Lynette SOH......SOHphie! WAHAHAHAH!!!
All- *laugh like shit at zhangrui*
L- SOH, zhangrui, what do you expect me to do?You think i SOH zai ah?:P
Z- *stupid look on face that says "oei, don't do this to me lah"*
Z- Ok, ok, wa--
L- No, no, stop, i know what you're going to say, "Is she chio?" Right?!
Z- *stone look* ok, no, i wasn't exactly going to say that...but..
L- Don't lie, i told you already, i can read your mind
Z- No, no, i'm not interested in her lah.......
H & A- No, you're interested in anything that doesn't have 3 legs. (Please excuse the pun)
Z- *stupid look again*
Z- Lincoln, you always take any opportunity to jack me right?
L- Of course lah, i'm an opportunist man :P
Z- Ok, ok, shut up!
*Turns around, we stop for about 5 minutes*
*I get another SMS*
H- Oh, what CCA she in?Theatre ah?How come ask you go for the play?She acting meh?
L- No lah, she's in basketball
*abruptly, Zhangrui turns around*
Z- She's in basketball?!?!(He's in basketball too)
*talking to himself now*
L- Ah, NOW you want me to intro her to you right?Sick bastard :P
Z- No, i wasnt' interested!Until you say she's
H- Stupid Zhangrui
L- Yah lor, stupid china men, all so dumb one(They're both chinamen :D)
*Huanglu gives me spastic Huanglu look*

Hahah, that was about it, then it got a bit after that, so shan't post it here. Hahah. Yeah, huanglu is obsessed with....stuff....

Then training........yay.........didn't do much, normal stuff, then Marco dislocated his elbow...Seems that Yaozhen did a funky throw on him and didn't grab his arm when he threw, so marco stuck out his arm and Yao drove it into the mats....oww........

Then everyone formed a circle round, and someone called Tan. The elbow really looked freaky, kinda....bulging at the joint..can see that it was dislocated. Then Yaozhen held his right hand to stop him from grabbing at anything, and i slid his head onto my lap to let him rest and held his neck from shifting, i didn't want him to look at his arm. Got two people to hold his legs down and Tan and later Eng tried to shift it back into place, but he couldn't take the pain and i don't think his muscles were strong enough, so they decided to stop. The poor guy was really in a lot of pain, i know how it feels, not fun, Tzemeng popped mine in sec 1 training camp too, but it went back in, luckily....but damn, it hurt.

Then the paramedics came, and what the malay guy said was damn farnie!!!

"Ok, friend, you want the truth or you want me to lie to you?"
Marco: "The truth"
"Ok, it's just a dislocation" *hahahah!* DOH!
"I'm going to move it, and it's going to be f-ing pain(He said the whole word out with Eng standing 30cm from guy) but i want you to bear with the pain ok?"

So, we grabbed him and moved him up and they moved his hand to his chest and supported it with a sling, then brought him to TTS hospital.

Seems that there was a fracture too......but when Eng felt it, he didn't feel any fracture, so he thinks they fractured it when they tried to put it back. What the hell man?They fractured it?Screw them!

He was doing really well though, it hurt like hell and he tried to remain calm but you can imagine how horrible it must've been, he cried inbetween here and there and screamed too, but dunno, i'm pretty used to all this already....hahah... Ok lah, this is coming from a guy who's seen operations being performed and watched with local anaesthesia while his leg and collarbone was operated on, so don't trust me when i say it's not that bad. Hahah.

Right, then went to get my hair cut with Mitchell(The guy has no hair still wanna cut, geez) then got all my stuff together, went home, died, had more ex-classmates and some friends bug me to go NY to see the play when i went online..... I don't wanna go a bit boliao like that, then so chao buaya, i went there for choral night liao lor, pls, last year one, then this year, not even 3 months want me to go again?! Bleh, most likely won't go.

Nothing much on today though, pretty much a "Sleeping with your eyes open" day, so yeah......oh, other than the health check of course....ok, i won't go into details about that.......yeah....

So now it's 3PM, i'm home and typing this out.....and i've got training at 5, so bleh, i don't feel like going....but i have to....argh, argh, argh.........

Sunday, age group, i'm feeling pretty hyped up about it, i know i wanna go there and whoop Chinese High's ass, but i dunno if i'll have to go up against RI guys again. Hahah, if i do maybe just cointoss like we always do eh?:P

Right, so i'll see you guys. Bye.

1 Year Anniversary at 2:54 PM

Sunday, February 08, 2004

Man, today is pose day, talked crap, watched TV, played com, finished HW till about 2, then changed into my poser attire!!Woohoo!!Yes, major pose......i should've taken a picture, but i didn't want my camera to break :P

Went to church and got loads of comments, and my pastor asked me if i was sure my choker symbol didn't mean anything, jeez, i hope it doesn't, later it turns out it's some demonic sign or something!O_O!!!

Ok, Joseph is suan'ing me with his proness now:

[jf] - i will block your spell says:
[jf] - i will block your spell says:
take a look
[jf] - i will block your spell says:
1. Structural and unfolding study of a well-folded b-turn isolated from
human EphrinB2, a bi-directional signal protein
2. Augmentation of Precision and Run-time in ProtDex2 - Rapid 3D Protein
Structure Database Searching
Lincoln Happy Birthday Lowwy says:
Lincoln Happy Birthday Lowwy says:
Lincoln Happy Birthday Lowwy says:
3.I don't understand either
[jf] - i will block your spell says:
hahaha ok
[jf] - i will block your spell says:
but i dunno those 2 lang as well

He zai liao lor, King mah!:P

Then went gym to train.....feel very crappy, pulled my shoulder while playing with emmy yesterday, owie....nah, quite ok lah....just....a bit funky.....

Bleh, nothing much to blog about today, maybe tomorrow, *shrug*, bye.

1 Year Anniversary at 8:04 PM

Saturday, February 07, 2004

Yesterday was exHAUSTing, went shopping after school with some of the guys and we were shopping for presents for Lois and Timothy and another of my ex-classmates. We went to HMV, checked out stuff, and we found this nice band named "Lulu" :P Wahahahh!! Huanglu has his own CD. Heh

Walked around Heeren, looked into stores, looked here and there, then we found this kewl little shop selling chains and chokers and necklaces and Timothy and Bryan decided to buy necklaces for theirs truly. Awwwwwwww. I made Timo wear a choker i thought looked pretty good. Heheh, we got pics in his camera phone!Woot!

Then came the "fun" part....there was this shop with a huge neon sign outside that said "Nude Girls Live!!" And we were like...."Ugg.....ermmmm.....??" So Huanglu told us it was underwear shop, and we went in.....and we went out.....carrying Alvin's present. *halo* Ok, won't go into too much detail about that.....suffice it to say that he was rather erm.....excited about it when Huanglu gave it to him today. Heh heh heh!

Today, training, pretty alright, had the pullups then 15 minutes consecutive run, then we had usual stuff....randori, etc. etc. I played a lot with Jayden(Mr. Eng's 1yr+ son) though, carried him, supported him while he walked around the gym mats and basically did baby stuff with him, then this bird landed on the shelf in the gym and refused to fly off. Tan said it was dying, and Eng said he didn't wanna go near it cos' he was scared of the bird flu :P And since nobody was gonna get it out of the gym.....i played hero!!Hahah, na lah, just grabbed it and brought it downstairs, Jingwen followed me, and we meant to put it on a tree or something, but as i was about to put it down, it struggled, clawed me, and then flew away really fast. Guess it wasn't dying after all. Quote from Jingwen "Faggot bird."

And THEN the RGS girls came for judo training, and Tan said "You guys have 5 minutes to clear the gym. GO!" *sweatdrop* Wow, 5 nice. And Timothy passed Lois the necklace(Awwwww) and i was feeling humji, so i passed the chocolates to Timothy to pass to her. Shit, i'm such a loser!Arghhhhh!!! Right, but i made up for it later!

Ok, then we went for lunch at J8, and then me, YS, Timo and Alwyn went to watch "Torque" hey, it wasn't all too bad, pretty good actually, lots of hot chicks :P Woo woo!Hahah. Then as we went outside to slack around, YS said "Hey, the RGS girls are coming to J8, they're just about to cross the road." Hmmmmmm *ideas ideas*!!!!Hahahah!!! Then we met Tan at the MRT station!!He saw me, and i was on the phone with my mom and i was like O_O!! Then he walked towards me, and i turned around and said pretty loudly "Timo, Yonsheng, jiu ming!!" And he grabbed my shoulders......UGH!! Hahah, no lah, not so bad, we made jokes about each other and it turns out he won a bid for a digicam and was here to collect it. We asked when we could have a little Tan and he said not for 2-3 years at least, cos' his wife is an SQ air stewardess and she can't have a baby yet cos' air stewardessess aren't allowed to........awwwwww....sad.......:(

Anyway, then the girls came, and i shall quote what i said to them as i walked towards them "I'm feeling like such a big bastard for being a humji just now, so, happy birthday Lois!" *shakes Lois' left hand because her right is full of presents* Yay!I redeemed myself!Hardly :P I still feel loserish. Hahah, damn, no balls........

Yep, s'about it, gotta run now, see you guys later.

1 Year Anniversary at 6:36 PM

Thursday, February 05, 2004

Well well, let's see....i spent 3 hours from 2PM to 5PM, first with Zhiwei, my buddy prefect, i unloaded blazers from the dry cleaning van and arranged them in the prefect's room and then after doing that, Yiding had Kemama shop(Yes, i know it sounds funny) duty, so kelian, one person stay there for 3 hours do nothing, so i took pity on him and sat there with him. We had a LOOOONNNNNGGGG chat about lots of stuff, and then i met lots of the other prefects too. Kewlz :)

About 4+, we got bored and people weren't coming in much anymore, so we got the caram board out and started playing, i never played in my life and i won 2-1!*Cheer*!!Hahah, a lot of tyco tyco shots lah, no skill involved at all. Heh.

Wah, scary thing about Prefects is that you can only get 3 demerits for like....the whole year?Get more than 3 and you get a suspension from Prefect Duties. Wat e hell man!! That's just outright terrifying. And you get 0.5 demerits for coming late for morning meetings, which are held at 7.10 everyday. So, if you're late for morning meeting, you're probably late for school too, which means 1.5 demerit points, which means that you can only afford to come late ONCE in your entire life in RI. Shit, that's scary stuff.

Mom's trying to get me fat. She keeps cooking good food and since i'm the only person below the age of 40 at home now....i get to eat everything. How nice!:D

Man, i'm such a pig. Ugh.

Argh, aching like mad, still getting cramps from time to time, had to skip gym today, really cannot. Tomorrow i won't be training either, i can feel my body's weak.....bleh.....but it pays off though, got an ego boost this evening, heh!*happy happy*

Yeah....nothing much these few days...i'll see you guys around?Night.

1 Year Anniversary at 6:54 PM

Tuesday, February 03, 2004

Ok, update.

My class is full of clowns.....FULL of clowns...We got Narpal, we got Zhanyuan, we got Daniel wong, we got Chenkai, we got Shuzhang, we got Jeremy Lee(This one is psychotic) and last, but not least, we got afhzal!A.K.A. Apa boy

During biology, we got to a discussion on this guy who ate macdonalds 3 times a day for an entire month who became very very obese and Lillian Wong was describing the essential needs our body has for lipids, then she said that sex hormones dissolve in the fats, but if this guy got so fat?How come his sex drive also decreased?Then Zhanyuan said:"Oh, because not enough hormones then his *censored* cannot *censored*" VERY Ms.Wong asked Zhanyuan to come up to the front and repeat what he just said. Zhanyuan was like:"No i mean.......his.......ah......*Breaks down laughing, whole class laughs* His, his, his LITTLE BROTHER cannot excercise anymore." Ms Wong replies:"I don't know what's the meaning of little brother, describe it to me better, come on, i'm a biology teacher, you don't have to be shy." And suddenly, we hear someone exclaim:"Show her lah!!" I turn around and it seems that the voice has come from Chenkai ^^ smart boy. And Ms.Wong tells him to come up to the front too......and asks HIM to show her his "little brother" Chenkai whips out his wallet and shows her a picture. "There, my little brother, very cute right?" But Ms.Wong isn't satisfied "It's ok Chenkai, there's no need to be shy, i'm a biology teacher, i've seen everything before, go on, show me." Chenkai has the decency to blush by now and he's like, bouncing around grabbing his hair and cheeks and just saying "No lah, no lah" Well, she let them go after awhile, but it was pretty hilarious :P

Ooh, ooh, then at about 1PM she let us watch WILLIAM HUNG MOVIES!!!Hahahah. She went to the website and played the William Hung movies but the sound wasn't working....stupid lousy school since Daniel had an infatuation with the subject, we got him to sing the music while William Hung did the funky dance moves on the screen. Man, that guy rocks!:D

Daniel even printed out the pictures of William Hung lah, he's seriously obsessed :P

Then after that, school ends, so went for the prefect nominee briefing at LT3, my Prefect senior to follow around for a week is Zhiwei, he looks quite nice, perhaps it'll be nice :) Must be nice!Must be guai!Must buzz hair like Mitch- - - Ok, maybe not....... Oh, Huanglu was pissed off at me in Chinese class cos' i'm in 3H, he's in 3J, but i go to his class for Chinese lessons, because i take Higher Chinese, and he didn't make the shortlisting for Prefect, so all through Chinese lesson he was just whacking me with books, giving me stupid China Man faces and flicking me like mad...*comf*

Mitchell got in too, we're the only sec 3 Judokas running....urk.....There's another 2 sec 2's running though, Noel and Warren. I think they both can make it....but....Noel a bit poser..ok lah, not a bit, VERY :p but still, i think he's quite ok

Alright, i'm gonna go now, buaiz.

1 Year Anniversary at 3:28 PM

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