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Lincoln Luk
Raffles Junior College


11/01/2003 - 12/01/2003
12/01/2003 - 01/01/2004
01/01/2004 - 02/01/2004
02/01/2004 - 03/01/2004
03/01/2004 - 04/01/2004
04/01/2004 - 05/01/2004
05/01/2004 - 06/01/2004
06/01/2004 - 07/01/2004
07/01/2004 - 08/01/2004
08/01/2004 - 09/01/2004
09/01/2004 - 10/01/2004
10/01/2004 - 11/01/2004
11/01/2004 - 12/01/2004
12/01/2004 - 01/01/2005
03/01/2005 - 04/01/2005
04/01/2005 - 05/01/2005
05/01/2005 - 06/01/2005
06/01/2005 - 07/01/2005
07/01/2005 - 08/01/2005
08/01/2005 - 09/01/2005
09/01/2005 - 10/01/2005
10/01/2005 - 11/01/2005
11/01/2005 - 12/01/2005
12/01/2005 - 01/01/2006
01/01/2006 - 02/01/2006
02/01/2006 - 03/01/2006
03/01/2006 - 04/01/2006
04/01/2006 - 05/01/2006
05/01/2006 - 06/01/2006
06/01/2006 - 07/01/2006
09/01/2006 - 10/01/2006
10/01/2006 - 11/01/2006
11/01/2006 - 12/01/2006
12/01/2006 - 01/01/2007
03/01/2007 - 04/01/2007
04/01/2007 - 05/01/2007
08/01/2007 - 09/01/2007


Alvin Nat
Grace Lum
Grace Ow
Hong Rui
Huang Lu
Joseph Firmansyah
Ng Jingwen
Joel Maximillian Lau Shen Rong <3 <3 <3 <3
Kelvin Xu
Kuan Fu
Paul Yap
Rachel Heng
Ryan D
Ruth Ngo
Sarah Ooi
Sarah Hew
Shu Fang
Victoria Chin
Wan Chee Mun Chee
Wang Ting

Saturday, January 31, 2004

Combined training today!Yay!No lah, wasn't much different from normal, only noticed Yongsheng having spurts of energy when "some people" were looking at him *halo*

Eh, the girls cheat leh!No fair!!Basket, i haven't finish doing my uchikomi then see some of them finish liao. Then they're one is.....wen rou de, so gentle. Me and xinyang were quite dead at the end of it. We pia like mad ar, first time, reach 8 sets, then Mr.Tan say, start from 0!! *gives angry look*

Then we had a bit of randori, finally threw tingyong, so happy!Yah....ok.....bullied Jingwen, bullied Garry, then got whacked by Tingyong, hahah.

Right.....then watch The Last Samurai with the gang. Hey, it's a good show!!Very emotional at the end, lots of drama, lots of excitement, go watch it!:)

Very very VERY shag now, just got home, it's 11PM......i've been out the whole day, so i'll blog more next time k?Gonna shower now. Buaiz.

1 Year Anniversary at 11:05 PM

Friday, January 30, 2004

First things first, sorry about just now Alwyn, feeling really bad about it now, hope that you're ok now? I didn't mean those things i said, they just slipped out when i got pissed. Really sorry man, sms me? I might not be on tnight. 92396675

Nothing much going on today, just lots of trying to pass the time as quickly as possible..... Training was......ok......weights first, then a bit of situps/dorsal raise and then some uchikomi, not much....

Really nothing much to blog about, sorry *shrug*. Training tomorrow is gonna be cramped... *shudder*

1 Year Anniversary at 6:46 PM

Wednesday, January 28, 2004

My gosh, these few days have been really hectic, argh.

I'm doing my Research Project with Hot Timy, Hui-anarden and Yongderful.

Yep, i'm screwed.....

We only had 1 period of research today though, so our lessons ended at like 12, 12+ or so, then i went into the library, went onto my blog, and Zhangrui, Gary and a whole gang of ex-2C guys went to Sheralyn's blog and started posting crap. Gary and Zhangrui actually jumped on top of me and held me back while Hongrui typed crap in the tagboard....bleh..... I'm sorry Sheralyn!!And i'm sorry Sophie!!!!!!!!!!

After that, went for training......saw the new JC1's and Sec 1's. Man, it was so cramped, i can't imagine what it'll be like when RGS comes on saturday lah. Urgh!!

I think the funniest part was when we got into groups, like form one line, then one guy stands at one end of the dojo, the width, not the length, and everyone else forms a line in front of him, a few meters away and we consecutively go up to him and let him throw. It was mixed.....half guys and half girls, so when the girls throw you, you gotta jump, and when you jump, they don't turn their heads to the left and their right shoulders down, so your head hits the ground.....doh!!

Then when it came to my turn to throw them, yes, we did throw the girls, as one of the girl's approached, Mr Eng said : "Lincoln, just use half of your normal strength can already." As if i'll use my full strength to throw them like that.....i spent 10 minutes deciding which throw i should use lah *rolls eyes* and then when i finally threw, i ended up being too gentle, and it kinda became a lift your leg up and fall off the side Uchimata. And Eng told me : " That's a quarter of your normal strength Lincoln....pretend they're all Yongsheng, then maybe you can throw better."

I felt like telling him, "Sir, if i pretended that they were all yongsheng, i'd give them concussions!" Hahah :p

Yes, i didn't throw a single decent throw on all of the girls, then when the first guy came, i was pretty pissed, gave a very loud.....roar? Then threw everyone after him damn hard. Wahah, felt quite contented after that :P Lincoln<------------sadistic guy

Hmmmm, nothing much after that.....American Idol is on tonight, i wonder what other funny shit is gonna happen. I laughed SO hard at the first episode. MWAHAHAH!!

Right, going to watch TV, chow

1 Year Anniversary at 9:48 PM

Tuesday, January 27, 2004

I felt so dead today?During my first lessons of the day i really felt so sleepy, i almost fell asleep a couple of times too. I am not sleeping at 12.30 ever again!

Coffee at reccess helped though, after noon, i was pretty ok. At reccess i went to the dining hall for food, and i turned on my HP, first message i saw was:

"Guess late.i woke up at im going to the jetty myself."

Sender: Lois

Message received: 07:52:41

I had this very weird feeling after i read that. The kind that you wanna bang your head against the wall, yet wanna die laughing at the same time? gosh. How can anyone oversleep OBS?!!?!?!?!?


Then came home, slacked around a bit, then worked out a bit, now doing my HW and basically bumming.

Oh yah, Huanglu still hasn't finished his LAST YEAR'S chinese holiday homework *Insert head shake here*. He's seriously nuts man, i'm not so courageous :P

Ok lah, very shag, gonna sleep early t'night and go bully new sec 1.s tomorrow, hahahah.

1 Year Anniversary at 8:03 PM

Monday, January 26, 2004

My gosh, the first day of school really sucks. Argh.....oh well, tomorrow it's the gym with Ravi!!I always look forward to those sessions. My gosh, Ravi's 37 years old and he's more muscular than emerson lah.

Lessons were SOOOOOOOOOOOO boring....i almost fell asleep lah *snore*. I think i did during English class, Decruz speaks in slow motion!!!ARGH!!!

Really nothing much to talk about in class, it was such a drag. Training was weights. I really don't feel good about doing it on my own though, cos'.....when i'm with a trainer i know my form and everything is right, but i keep feeling like i'm gonna hurt myself doing just a free weights bar at training. I dunno, it just feels wrong.

I'm pressing so much less than at the gym, did the bench presses, it wasn't very heavy, but it just didn't feel secure. Ugh.

Then came home......went on MSN, then i had this nice conversation about "things" with Gary and Timothy. It seems that Gary is now "elephant trunk", Timothy is "papaya" and i am "banana" Whoah :P


Too shag to write much lah, sorry......will try to blog more tmr yah?Nite.

1 Year Anniversary at 9:53 PM

Sunday, January 25, 2004

Timothy's party yesterday. Hmmmm, so much went on there, i don't think i can take it all down, but i'll try to get the more interesting parts down K?

Me and Miki went there early, we've arranged to meet Garry at dhoby gaut MRT first and go together, but when we got there at the arranged time, Miki asked "Hey, does he know your phone number?" I said "Yeah, he should right?"

So, we waited for 15 minutes but he didn't show up, so we figured he wasn't coming and just left.

When he came to the party later he told us "Lincoln, i don't know your handphone number, and i called your house and nobody was home."

Err.......sorry man!!

I think the more fun parts were at the start, when it was just me, tim and Miki in the room, and at the end, when we jumped into the pool. More on that later. Timothy's younger brother is very cute. His name's Jeremy, and he's so sweet, hahah. Speaking of cute, i got this really great picture of Ryan and Joel sleeping on my sister's bed during CNY. It's up there, go see, heheh.

We ended up going through his stuff and looking through his things a lot and not planning the games as we were supposed to. hahah.

It rained though *shakes fist at sky* so the entire place was wet and we couldn't hold the games. I mean, what, you wanna sit down on a soaking floor?! Then everyone else started coming and the place got REALLY crowded, i guess that's what happens in big parties where everyone doesn't really know everyone else, you kinda stick more to the people you know. Timothy was having one hell of a time keeping order, hmmmm, i'd say keeping the chaos at a lower level though.

Oh, Sheralyn and Gerry were looking very "Ke lian" sitting at one corner and just talking to each other. However, they might read this, so i won't say anything more.....just that i think Timothy should have tried to invite more people they knew?Cos' i'd be uncomfortable if there was only 1 person i really knew there....*shrug*

After eating a bit of the food, went back up, watched the chelsea game and played bridge with some of the guys for a bit. Then Timothy called and told me "Hey, come to the pool, lots of people are inside, come on in."

So me and huanglu hanged our shirts up first, didn't wanna get them wet, but i was wearing long pants lah!Wth!! But we jumped in anyway :P

My gosh, the second i jumped in i got wedgie ambushed. But hah, i got my revenge, i think a lot of people's underwear got torn. Mine did.............and Alwyn ended up having to borrow one of Timothy's boxers!Mwahahah!!

There were these two girls, Timothy's friends, and they were the only ones who dared to go into the pool lah, and when people started pushing others into the pool, Alwyn, huanglu, daniel and Gary were the main targets at the start, but Alwyn and Huanglu kept targetting the girls and i think they got pushed in quite a lot also lor.

One of the girls tried to push me in lah....I didn't go in though, and she ended up going in REALLY hard......Heh heh heh

So, after a bit, we went up to his place, showered a bit then got dressed and headed home. I hope Timothy's parents aren't too pissed off though....the house really got pretty messy..... Hey Tim, thanks for hosting it ar, and again, help me thank your parents for the night.

Anyway, back to the point about heading home.....i was in my soaking long black pants, and my shirt was dry when i walked out the door, but at 12 midnight, it was still raining.... and it got soaked quite fast......

I was gonna take a cab back, cos' my mom wanted me to get home quick, so i asked Alwyn where he was staying, and he said Toa Payoh lorong 8, so i said i could drop him around there on my way home lah, then head back. Then one of the girls said "Hey, i live at Toa Payoh too, send me also!", i know her for.....what......1 and a half hours and i get asked for a lift :P wow, i feel so honoured.

So....fine lah, i said ok, then the 4 of us walked down to the main road and to a bus-stop, then along the way, they decided that the three of them would take a cab together, since they're all living quite close, and i'd go alone. I'm fine with that, then we hit the bus-stop and started waiting............and a bus that went right to Alwyn's doorstep came, i think it was 28 or something?And he got on......ass......oh, but before he left, he "conveniently" manged to get their MSN's. *halo*

I didn't make any suggestions to change the plan though, and when a taxi came(after like a crappy half an hour wait) the two of them got on and went off. Leaving me alone to wait for a free taxi, which took another half an hour.....I got home pretty late, pretty wet and really tired. Hahah.

Then i got on MSN and at 1AM there were like 7 people on? Most back from the party, but i started chatting and what do you know?I ended up chatting till almost 3.30AM. The last 1-2 hours with one of my ex-classmates and Lois. I swear, those two are nocturnal.........

Anyway, yep, woke up at 9.30 this morning, and had a weird dream. Hmmmmm, i think that's it? Yeah, gotta go to church in a few hours, i'll catch you guys tomorrow.

1 Year Anniversary at 11:52 AM

Wednesday, January 21, 2004

Well, Joel and Ryan came over for an early "bai nian" and Joel was just this big hong bao, hahah. I took some pics, you can see them here. Yes, i spent 1 and a half hours playing this extremely simple game of bursting bubbles of the same colour with Ryan sitting on my some pics of that too....i feel so stupid right now?

Here they are:

Joey/Jo-jo/Joel and Ryan notag=1

Oh, and if you want some *cough cough* "special" pictures of Huanglu, Timothy and Mitchell acting........funny together, special request via MSN :P No, you can't have the ones with me inside.

This morning was quite nice, all the talent-time thingies, Buckley got 2nd, woohoo!!I can't believe Moor won. Oh well, better let them win at least one lah huh?Later lose all the rest then they cry :( *tears*

Then Mitchell said "Hey, there's this place at AMK block 340 with GREAT wan ton mee, wanna go eat?" So i said, ok, since i was too late to get back to NYPS, all my teachers had left already and my ex-classmates were already about to go home. They repeatedly called me while i was in the squash courts having the judo meeting......what the hell, damn irritating lor. Isn't it ironic? Ex-squashie now in Judo having his Judo meeting at his ex-squash courts.....hmmmmm......

The courts are in really bad condition's sad to see the state squash has deteriorated into, it used to be such a glamour*sigh*, oh well, that's another story for another day.

Back to the wan ton mee. We went all the way searching around for block 340, because Mitchell decided to tell me that he didn't know the exact way only when we were on the

Then when we got there....."What wan ton mee stall?340 is empty my dear bamboo."

"Eh, yah hor?How come?"


Ended up eating the wan ton mee at block 348, which was pretty alright. Mitchell ordered two plates of chilli ones, and complained about them not being that good, then i ordered one non-chilli and i was thinking "Eh, how come the sauce different?" I tried mine.....hey, not bad!!Then he decided to try mine after he had finished his 2 plates and gave me the "Mitchell cannot believe it!" look on his face and went to order one more plate of non-chilli, which, by the way, he could not finish.

Total count

3 plates of wan ton mee, 3 bowls of wanton soup and 3 cups of ice milo for Mitchell

He couldn't walk after that :P

Damn, that guy's crazy.

Went home, bummed around for a bit, then my cousin called me to ask if he could bring Joel and Ryan over for a bit, and you get the story at the top.

Well, s'about it, i'll be going for a bath now. Cyaz

1 Year Anniversary at 4:43 PM

Tuesday, January 20, 2004

People chasing me to fine, i'll update?Happy you pressure putters?*grumble*

Right, these few days i have been sleeping an average of......what, 6-7 hours? Lately i've been chatting till pretty late with loads of people on MSN, people suddenly seem to be very responsive as of late, hahah. Then i wake up to my alarm beeping at 6 and see a zombie in the mirror. Not that bad, but in the afternoons and when i work out i can definitely feel the energy level not there, muscles tiring more easily, not being as flexible, etc.

Guess i should start sleeping earlier huh?Hahah, well not now at least, with CNY coming and all. Oh yeah, GONG XI FA CAI to all of you guys and gals out there, hope you have a great CNY!!

Going back to NYPS tomorrow, meaning i'll have to shave and look decent, dang.....:P

S'funny how much some people change over the course of the years, and how some don't at all. It feels nice seeing all your ex-classmates though, especially the crazily hyper ones who seem to be the life of the outing whenever we go out together, hahah.

And i'm spawning my bettas(Fighting fish) right now, so in 4-5 days i'll have 200 little babies swarming my tank. Awwwwwww. I'll take pics :)

Yeah, well, i'm too lazy to type anymore, and got gym at 5, so bye pps

1 Year Anniversary at 3:28 PM

Monday, January 19, 2004

Oh man, today was really extreme......

Last night i talked crap with people on MSN till about......11+ 12?Then lay down and fell asleep almost immediately, but funny thing is, i woke up at 4.30 and couldn't get back to sleep, just stared at the ceiling.

At 4.50ish, decided no point, so i got up, lay all my stuff out for school, did all the stuff i needed to do, packed all my stuff, and finished it all at 5.20

Ended up sitting at my balcony eating my breakfast watching the sunrise. Cos' you guys who've been over know that i got my condo has this pretty big garden right?And my balcony overlooks it, and the trees block out most of the buildings, so you just see the sun coming over the trees, it's really cool.

I believe that was one of the good times i had recently, even though i only had this pack of cockatoos to keep my company. Yes, there's a little group of cockatoos, i counted 6 before, living in the vicinity of my condo. And you can hear that screeching really loudly sometimes, they go "Kraaaaaaa!!KRaaaaaaa!!" And once you hear it, you know it's them.

Then, caught the 6.40 410 and headed for school.

There was this thing that happened in chem lab though, i was pretty pissed......We had to measure out 50ML of water into a measuring cylinder, and i somehow am very particular about these things, so i set the tap to a drip and let it sit there, very slowly filling up, till about 40ML, Longkuan(My classmate) came over and said "Why don't you turn it higher?" And proceeded to turn the tap on at full blast. Not only did he screw up the water measurement, but nobody was holding the small hose the tap is attached to and i got wet......

I didn't feel that mad though, laughed along with him, different levels, he was laughing like he had 100CC of laughing gas in him, me.......only about 10?:p

Then one of my friends came up with this ingenious idea of heating up the pendulum ball bearing(the copper one) on the bunsen burner flame while the teacher was away.

Well, he heated it, but it's so thick and black and old already that he didn't notice any change after about 1 minute, so he said "Aiyah, no fun one" and dropped it into the plastic holder that it was originally placed in.

The idiot, i was sitting two places away from him and the damn plastic MELTED!!!The ball bearing burned a hole right through, "Aiyah, no fun one"??Yeah right, there was LOTS of fun after that :P people shouting and screaming and telling each other to do things.

My gosh, some of the plastic even solidified on the ball bearing, and now it looks VERY weird.

Then i went for training, yay.

Because of the......what......4 and a half hours or sleep?I was feeling really dizzy all training, not to mention the rain.......and stuff like that.

During randori, ended up running to the toilet to puke, then come back and play again, hahah, that was quite sad.

Wah lao, Alwyn is super poseur, Mao tong, if you are reading this, i don't teach you tricks to use in randori ok!:P Ok, i won't reveal what happened.....later he get pissed again, and the curry puff on his hair gets messy *ducks*

Timo and Ally(Alwyn) were playing randori, then at the last 30+ seconds? Timothy tried for an uchimata, and Alwyn tried to counter backwards, and they held that pose for about 5-10 seconds, both going "ARGHHHHHH!!ARGHHHHH!!" attempting to throw each other. In the end they broke it off and both collapsed on the ground, hahah.

Yes, and at that point of time i was still feeling like shit.

Then, PT, pack up, hang around a bit pway pway.......then head home.......AND IT WAS RAINING!!

Thank goodness Mitchell's mom said she could give me a lift. Hey, Mitchell, help you tell your mom thanks again can?I feel a bit pai seh, make her go longer way......Thanks ar.

Right, and now i'm here writing this super long blog for what reason i cannot fanthom, and i'm going back to NYPS on wednesday to visit my teachers.......after repeating urging by my ex-classmates. Wait......urging?Should i use that word?More like threatening and blackmailing......bleh......those sneaky little buggers.

Yeah..........i think that's it?Right!

1 Year Anniversary at 7:59 PM

Sunday, January 18, 2004

I've got a funny thing about birthdays......i don't know why, once i know your birthday, i'll have to send you a card, give you a present, etc. etc. etc.

So all you people out there, stop telling me your birthdays, i pok lui. Oh, judokas(guys), if you want, you can, i'll have a nice big "present" waiting for you after training. *angelic smile*

Man, there was an elder speaking at church today, he's 92 years old!!O_O Yes that is very very old, and he was a great speaker too, and he looked so amiable and kind....really nice old man.

I thought only the guys from my class and judo visited my blog........didn't know other people did......hmmmmmm......mind tagging when you come in so i know who you are?Yeah, thanks.

Anyway, people were bugging me to update, so i updated, but really not much to write about lor.........oh, there was this nice incident though.

On saturday, during newaza randori, 1 minute, Tan came to me "Lincoln, play with me."

Fine, play.


1 minute of
d)Funny leglock
e)Back to a
f)Tapping every 3 seconds

Not fun........

Yes, monday last training, darn, i'll get fat during CNY again......*pinches tummy*. Oh, hey, any you guys wanna watch The Last Samurai?SMS me if you do!

1 Year Anniversary at 5:11 PM

Wednesday, January 14, 2004

Today was quite an amusing day.

We had the 3 periods of research, but they only cut it to two, so ended at 1.45, and i wasn't paying attention at all during the entire 2 hour lecture, and i sms'd quite a few people, lolz. I was sitting with Zhangrui and Garry and MAJOR funny stuff happened. Err, cannot say the details, if not i might get a blanket party in the near, heh heh!:D

Then i bought lunch, and sat down with Alvin Natanael Kumarga(Name is so cute!:D), Zhangrui and Alex to eat. We kept laming lah, i was cracking such lame shit that nat was dying, then he constantly asked people who walked by "Is lincoln damn lame?!?!?" Then when Yiding walked past (It's pronounced yi4-ding1), he went "Eh!!Yiding, are you yiding(eating)?!" Then started laughing his Indonesian head off. Then all way through we were teasing Zhangrui about....err, what happened in the hall during the lectures, and he got SUPER pissed off at Alvin. Then Alvin was like saying "Shit, i wanted to go home first......then come back for training, but now should i go home?" And Zhangrui would reply "Go and die lah!" to everything he said, cos' he was damn pissed. Seriously damn farnie.....

And when we were laming away, Aniruddh called me......the guy's timing is damn zai lor, and so i saw the IDD on my phone, and just picked it up and said "Yeah, why nude(His nickname)?" and the three morons there were going "Nude?!Nude?!?!Who's nude?You're nude?!Or she's nude?!" Sick people........tsk tsk tsk.......he was asking about some essay question, then i told him to come find me in the canteen, and he walked to us and Nat said "Oh, so that's NUDE!!But he's wearing clothes what!" And they got into a little spoof again.....two morons :P

Seriously man, that 1H and 45Mins past very very quickly. I think Nat almost died from the lameing though.


Ok, just got back from trainin', gotta go hit the showers, buaiz folks.

1 Year Anniversary at 7:52 PM

Sunday, January 11, 2004

OBS wasn't that bad, it rained like hell though, so no sunburn. But when it rains, the goddamn insects all come out and bite you until you puff up like a bloody puffer fish. The sandflies were the worst man. One little black dot 1mm across, bite you that time pain like centipede sting. Kaozzzzzzzzzz

I won't go through everything we did there lah, you can refer to other people's blogs for them. But it was DAMN farnie, the 16KM kayak. I was with this indian guy, Annirruddh, It's pronounced "Un-nir-ruud" and when we were like, 5 minutes off the shore in the sea paddling around in the kayak(I was at the back during the rudder steering), he suddenly turned around and said "Lincoln, i need to pee....."


So, we ended up rafting up with another kayak, and he jumped into the sea and started peeing in there. What the hell, it was freaky lah, looking at a guy while he's peeing, and he's staring you right in the face. Basket, stupid anny. Then halfway through, it started storming very very heavily, and the waves came and pounded us. It was quite fun, wave comes, you shout "INCOMING!!!" and brace, kayak goes up on the wave, goes airborne for 2 seconds and crashes back down into the water. Then this kayak with two china scholars capsized, and they came out and held onto the bottom of the kayak(which was above water now) and started shouting "Help!!Help!!" With their funny china accents, and it sounded like it was a two syllabul word "Hea-yup!!Hea-yup!!"

Then in the storm, which was about, 2-3 hours after we set off, Annirrudh turned around again and said "Lincoln, i feel like i'm gonna puke, i'm damn bloody dizzy. Oh, and i need to pee again." I almost slapped i told him to climb out and rafted up to another kayak, then he put one leg out and started screaming "AHHHHHH!!!!!!AHHHHHH!!!!!!I GOT CRAMP!!!!!!"

The guy's a joke the end he put his leg back in, and he was in a lot of pain, so i called the instructor's speedboat over and asked them what to do. In the meantime, we had drifted from all the way in front to like 50M behind the pack. The instructor came over, looked at him and said "Never mind, keep going, don't need your legs to paddle right?The pain will pass."

Nice instructors :P

Then since he was in so much pain, he didn't paddle at all and i paddled us, 1 person, all the way up to the pack, where 2 people were paddling, damn bloody shag lah.

And then he says "Lincoln, i still need to pee, but i can't climb up, still got cramp. How? Can i pee in the kayak?" I told him "Annirrudh, you pee in the kayak, i'm gonna make sure you become another Seliyan(If you wanna know what happened to Seliyan, ask Huanglu)"

He kept quiet after that.

We were paddling next to these other two guys, Chee meng and Zhanyuan and suddenly they started talking damn a lot and i could make out their words, cos' they were quite frantic.

Zhanyuan:"Eh, Cheemeng, i think a fish just jumped into our boat!!"
CM:"What?How you know?"
ZY:"Cos' i paddle that time right?Then toss up the water, then see one fish jump inside"
CM:"Wait, i check"

*5 second pause*

CM:"F***, it's a f***ing swordfish!!!F***!!F***!!!F***!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Shit, it's nose is f***ing sharp lah!!Zhanyuan, you're a f***ing asshole you know?How you bloody toss up one swordfish into our kayak?!I think it bloody poked me in the ass with it's nose ah!"

Me and Annirrudh were laughing like mad, we almost died.

Then damn farnie, this kayak with Prabu and Vivek inside was supposed to be the navigator kayak, meaning they lead the way, and nobody is supposed to overtake them. Then don't know how come they can paddle so damn slow that they ended being right at the back of the group, then we no navigator, everyone just anyhow row. Damn stupid lah.

Lots of things i could blog about, but no time or patience to, talk to you guys about it in sch lah k?

Nitez ppl!!

1 Year Anniversary at 7:32 PM

Tuesday, January 06, 2004

Hey hey, the first few days of school were pretty cool.

I've been lying down in my bed at 11+ each night and only getting to sleep at 1+ though......damn, i'm too used to sleeping at 3AM!!:(

The craziest thing happened. All my teachers looked pretty ok, but my maths teacher came in, Mrs.Chan Sock Chia, and she looked very strict, and she's got this very high pitched voice, and she was being very solemn and serious and strict. So i was like thinking to myself "Oh man, this is one hell of a dictator teacher. The maths rep is gonna have hell, lol!" And then she says:"So i'm supposed to pick a maths rep is it?" *Picks up namelist* "How about Lincoln?"

I almost cried..........

Out of 34 names, she had to pick index no.16

Oh, btw, i've been index 16. for 3 years running now :P

Darn, Zhangrui's not 38 anymore :(

He was our class san ba for 2 years, lolz, hahah

I'm still in the same Chinese class as him, Lulu, Alex, Kezhong, Carl, Mingkiat etc. etc. though, cos' higher chinese i go to their class for lessons. It's funny how they put so many 2C people in 3J

I like my class, it's really fun, we got so many corny morons, lol *raises hand* :P

Eng came to me at assembly while i was standing at senang-diri and said "You're getting thinner and thinner as the days go by." *sweatdrop* I felt like telling him "Sir, you want me to become a behemoth like allton izzit?!"

I don't think i'm thin lor!!!*pinches tummy* *pinches flabby arms* *pinches flabby legs* Thin?Yah right!!


Well, i'm going for OBS on Thurs...........see all you guys when i get back on Monday k? You have a great time!!I will! :)

(Yeah, getting sunburned and skin cancer and being a walking bloodbank for mosquitos is lots of fun)

1 Year Anniversary at 4:03 PM

Saturday, January 03, 2004

Today was very very busy, sheesh.

Woke up at 9, then just pretty much bummed around till 12, then went to the dentist and had my stitches removed, now there's kind of depressions in the gum though, cos' of the hole he cut, he says it'll only fully close up and look good as new after 2-3 months......doh!

Then got home, and Zhangrui and Alex came over to my place to watch Scary Movie 3 and basically just have fun around.

Ended up doing funny stuff talking to people on MSN using Zhangrui's identity......hmmmmm :P
He got very very pissed off, lol. Then he struggled a lot and whacked Alex in the face with a horse whip(Yes, i horse ride sometimes), then Alex got damn pissed and took the whip and started whipping him around and jumping on him. It ended up in mud wrestling, lol. I did not take part in any way :)

Scary Movie 3 is very very funny, go download it :P, heheh

Then after they left, Ryan and Jo-jo came over. AGAIN! LOL, now it's bro's got his flight to Ireland at 11.45, so gotta leave the house at around 10 to send him off. Damn, won't get to see him for another 6 months. It's funny how you never think much about a person when he's around you all the time, but then when he leaves, you realize how much you miss him when he's not there.

Anyway, yep yep, sorry for dao'ing you guys on MSN, and Joseph, sorry about the little Zhangrui misadventure........lolz!!

Right, that's it!

1 Year Anniversary at 8:30 PM

Thursday, January 01, 2004

Oh man, today was so fun, Ryan had to go for this little play he was performing, so i got to babysit Joel all day long!!Wah lao, he's damn cute lor!!

It's like, you do something and make him not happy, he'll cry, then 2 seconds into the crying, you do something funny and he starts laughing again, and when he laughs, tears have already come into his eyes from the crying, so he looks like he's laughing till he cries, oh my god, damn cute man!!

Then his mom and dad came back with Ryan, and Joel has this funny habit, he loves to grab everything in sight, and he'll hold onto it until he gets tired of it, once you take it away from him, even for 1 second, he'll cry.

So his mom was carrying him, then he picked up this used tissue from the floor that Ryan used to blow his nose. And she said "No, Jo-jo(His nickname), put that down!" Then when he didn't want to she looked at us and said "You want to see him cry?" And took it away from him. Right on cue, he started crying his head off!!Then my brother hit me on the head with a pillow and he started laughing again. Right.......i'm his source of fun. Then my bro said "Hey, he likes it!Let's do it again!" And we got into a pillowfight :P lolzz. Then Ryan decided to join in and we clobbered each other for like 5 minutes, rofl!!!!

3 big babies, hahahah!!!

Ooh, then my bro bought back lots of chocolates from Ireland, so he gave a box to Ryan, it was this vanilla toffee chocolate, and the piece is huge, like twice the size of your thumb, and he just unwrapped it and stuffed the entire thing in his mouth and started chewing. And it's toffee!!So after about 5 chews it all got caught in his teeth and he looked like his mouth got stuck together, lol, i got pics, yes :P

My god, Joel is so huge right now, he's only 6-7 months old and he's as big as any other 18 month old baby i've seen. I see potential Judoka!!Yeah!!Lolx

Yeah, pretty much spent 9am to 9PM with them, and at every meal, Ryan would go "Ah chek(Me), EAT!! Ah chek, EAT!!" Oh man, damn damn DAMN CUTE!!!

Oh, and my mom ta pao'd Jap food back, so i had my first solid food today, yay! The two wounds got very very sore after it though, my gosh, i never knew teriyaki chicken was so hard....bleh.......

And it's very weird, i can eat all the raw stuff, clams, octopus, whatever not, but i cannot eat raw tuna, the big piece, i dunno, even salmon is fine, but when i take tuna, maybe cos' it's really fishy, i feel like puking.

Alright guys, you guys sleep early tonight, we got school tomorrow!WAHOOO!Lolx


1 Year Anniversary at 10:12 PM

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