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Lincoln Luk
Raffles Junior College


11/01/2003 - 12/01/2003
12/01/2003 - 01/01/2004
01/01/2004 - 02/01/2004
02/01/2004 - 03/01/2004
03/01/2004 - 04/01/2004
04/01/2004 - 05/01/2004
05/01/2004 - 06/01/2004
06/01/2004 - 07/01/2004
07/01/2004 - 08/01/2004
08/01/2004 - 09/01/2004
09/01/2004 - 10/01/2004
10/01/2004 - 11/01/2004
11/01/2004 - 12/01/2004
12/01/2004 - 01/01/2005
03/01/2005 - 04/01/2005
04/01/2005 - 05/01/2005
05/01/2005 - 06/01/2005
06/01/2005 - 07/01/2005
07/01/2005 - 08/01/2005
08/01/2005 - 09/01/2005
09/01/2005 - 10/01/2005
10/01/2005 - 11/01/2005
11/01/2005 - 12/01/2005
12/01/2005 - 01/01/2006
01/01/2006 - 02/01/2006
02/01/2006 - 03/01/2006
03/01/2006 - 04/01/2006
04/01/2006 - 05/01/2006
05/01/2006 - 06/01/2006
06/01/2006 - 07/01/2006
09/01/2006 - 10/01/2006
10/01/2006 - 11/01/2006
11/01/2006 - 12/01/2006
12/01/2006 - 01/01/2007
03/01/2007 - 04/01/2007
04/01/2007 - 05/01/2007
08/01/2007 - 09/01/2007


Alvin Nat
Grace Lum
Grace Ow
Hong Rui
Huang Lu
Joseph Firmansyah
Ng Jingwen
Joel Maximillian Lau Shen Rong <3 <3 <3 <3
Kelvin Xu
Kuan Fu
Paul Yap
Rachel Heng
Ryan D
Ruth Ngo
Sarah Ooi
Sarah Hew
Shu Fang
Victoria Chin
Wan Chee Mun Chee
Wang Ting

Wednesday, December 31, 2003

Alright, Happy new year guys!!!It's 2004 already!!Man, i'm 15.....i feel old......bah........

Anyway, yep yep, good fortune to all!!hahah

1 Year Anniversary at 11:49 PM

Ok, i'm back to semi-solids, meaning i put stuff in my porridge now!!*cheer* hahah, yes, pathetic, i know.

Scrambling for last minute book shopping, just got my books, going to get my long pants soon, lucky my OBS is on thursday though......yep......

Damn, i'll have to miss Saturday's training though, gotta remove my stitches, man the little bastards hurt. Little bastards.......

I can consciously feel muscle deteriorating, it's not very nice, you feel yourself getting flabby and all, *sigh*, but tried to do pushups, blood rushed around and stitch popped, wth, bled for almost 10 minutes till dad came home with some clotting agent and re-sew it, shit, all Jingwen's fault again, the maniac keeps pushing me to do excercises and i get guilty. That's it, i'm not listening to short people anymore!!!:(

Alright, got the fronts back, take some pics and post them up later. They are blue fish and no the pics are not doctored in any way. And anyone calls them luohan, i show up at your door tonight :P

1 Year Anniversary at 3:41 PM

Sunday, December 28, 2003

I feel like a drug addict, I'm on 3 painkillers and 2 antibiotics, and it totally sucks.

Damn, i think one of the wounds got infected, it's kinda bleeding a bit, constantly, with a bit of pus i think, i'm not that sure, but it's a bit scary. I hope it!!

I need to heal fast!!I want to eat New Year's Eve dinner!!!!*sob sob* My brother's being a bastard, he was sitting directly in front of me and exaggerating the way he ate. And i stared down at my bowl of porridge....i felt like flinging it at

I think i've spent almost 5-6 hours today watching TV, cos' i can't do anything much else. Totally sucks. But caught some good movies though, Black Hawk Down is a great great show. Then watched LOTR no. 1, and Gremlins. That show is really cute!! Gizmo, moguai!Lol, he's like a furry little rat that walks on two legs. Cute.

My cheeks now look like someone stuffed two hard boiled eggs into each side of my mouth. Not pretty...well, at least there isn't any blue-black marks, or people are gonna be thinking i got some kind of disease or something, cripes.

Ok, going to gargle with salt water now, nitez.

1 Year Anniversary at 10:13 PM

Man, this sucks, my face swelled up, the sides of my cheeks i mean, i look like humpty dumpty......I am not going to church, i think if i walk out the door people are gonna start pointing and saying "Hey look!The guy's got mushrooms on his cheeks!!"

Yes, and what sucks even more is that i'm taking one hour to eat a bowl of porridge, cos' i take in little bites and kinda use my tongue to squish it on the roof of my mouth and swallow, and then groan in pain for the next 5 minutes. No lah, i'm exaggerating, not that bad, but it's just irritating, cos' it's constant pain.

Ok, mum bugging me to finish my porridge and eat my medicine. Buaiz.

1 Year Anniversary at 11:50 AM

I attempted to go to sleep at 11.30, but at 12.34, i was still tossing around, cos' i can't sleep on my sides, nor my front, only back, and man, was it uncomfortable.

At around 12.45, the pain got very intense though, so dragged myself out of bed and took two painkillers.

Then at 1, 1+? I finally got to sleep.

And woke up at 4.55AM.....screw.....right now it's 6.45 and i'm so screwed i'm blogging, my god, the stitches seriously hurt, a lot. The knee doesn't hurt one bit, i feel fine there, but the mouth, oh man, i am NEVER getting another mouth operation, cripes, hurts, like hell....ow...

P.S. There aren't any good shows on at 5-6.30 in the morning...

1 Year Anniversary at 7:29 AM

Saturday, December 27, 2003

Alrighty, mouth hurts, but i get to eat lots of ice cream!!Yay!!:P

Yeah, it really hurts, stitches inside your mouth and gums hurt...yep....tomorrow will be worse though, i hope i can go to church....crap...

Anyway, thanks for all you guys who sms'd me, really took my mine off the shit happening, i appreciate it! I won't relate the experience though, it was really pretty gory...

Well, pray i recover soon! Night pps.

1 Year Anniversary at 10:41 PM

Oh my god, back from Dentist, shit, that was a bit freaky man. I won't describe though, later people come and sue me for emotional trauma, lol.

The extra teeth were huge, as in really huge, i won't take pics either.....

Anyway, i'm biting down on guaze to stop the bleeding now, got stitches, and my entire mouth is numb, i can't even swallow, yes, that sucks.

And knee operation tonight....wth is wrong with me?!?!??

Jingwen, sms me!!I need to lame!!!

1 Year Anniversary at 1:37 PM

Friday, December 26, 2003

*sigh*, Doesn't time get tired of flying all the time?Why can't it crawl for once?Oh yeah, it does, when you're having training camp, when you're having exams, and when you're with boring people who crap lame jokes such as myself.

Oh man, i am going to die tomorrow, two 12PM, get extra molars removed, one on each side, can't eat for a week, face swells up to size of a watermelon and i drool blood.....nice...Then i get to come home and let my father cut open my knee to remove the last metal retainer that was put it to get my out of place ligament back into place. Oh my god, no eating or excercising for a week, i am so screwed...and pissed, don't forget pissed.

Talked to my sis in the morning for like 2 hours, lol, yeah, it was fun, she just got back to Glasgow from Germany and called me up. Man, i can't believe the amount we had to talk about, hahah.

Alrighty!!Finally got my tank up and running, i'll take pics when they settle down.

Yeah, that's about it, i'll have a lot to sms and email and chat online with you guys over the next week, since i can't do anything verbally, right. So yeah, sms me!!!:p

1 Year Anniversary at 10:38 PM

Thursday, December 25, 2003

Hey, today was so fun!!!I slept at like, 5, so woke up at at 12, just nice for lunch, lol, oh man :P

Then at 2.30, had to go church already, christmas celebrations there were great, and i gave and received lots and lots of christmas presents!!Yay!!:P

I got a pair of fuzzy little blue slippers, a toy bear, a pack of customized playing cards, chocolates, and lots and lots of other really cute things, but the best was this little toy car that has the incription "Jesus is King" and it's actually a lighter!!!You can flip open the boot and actually press down on a button and out pops this flame that turns green after a few seconds!!Yeah, it's really cool, heh heh.

Oh my god, i downloaded this version of Southpark's Silent night, and i was laughing for 2 hours. I'll send it to you guys on MSN when i see you again, heh.

Then hit the gym with my bro, came back home and had dinner, OH!Tingyong, the chicken is ok, i ate it and i'm still alive over here!!*snicker* Oh man, i couldn't see all you guys at Christmas, so couldn't give you guys presents, that really sucked man...i was so looking forward to giving you that pink g-string mitch!!!LOLX!!!!*evil grin*

Hope you guys had a great Christmas!!

Oh, and did you go down the orchard, my god, everyone was going mad there, spraying each other, water bombs, and lots of stuff flying around everywhere, it was cool, lol.

Yep, alright, i'm gonna go watch the tube now, chow.

1 Year Anniversary at 10:31 PM

My god, i slept at 5, i woke up just in time for lunch, lol.

Hmmmm, don't feel hung over though, Wo De Jiou Liang Hai Ting Hao De :)

So right, yeah, going to Church soon for the christmas service, so once again, MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE!!

1 Year Anniversary at 1:08 PM

Wednesday, December 24, 2003

Oh man....i think i'm gonna get brother and I just downed lots of if i say something to you that offends you in any way at all........................TOO BAD FOR YOU!!!:P

Yes, i think i already am drunk *hic* :P


1 Year Anniversary at 10:59 PM

Hey, Merry Christmas all you guys and gals out there, hope Santa was nice to you this year!

Judokas, go check your e-mails, i sent you guys something.

1 Year Anniversary at 10:30 PM

Tuesday, December 23, 2003

Long long blog today, so here it goes!:)

Last training was fun, playing randori, then playing with allton competition, then playing with yeehow then playing with huang lu wasn't fun.....

Ok, i won't concentrate on the un-fun parts.

Took lots of pics!See here!:D

Farewell party!!

After training, we went to have lunch, then i had to buy the charcoal and drinks and stuff for the BBQ that we couldn't get on Friday, so bought all the stuff, and this 12 pack of 1.5L bottles of 7-up. But....jingwen, lulu and alwyn wanted to eat normal food and not tar pow back. So me and mitch tar powed and carried charcoal, drinks and utensils god, the drinks were 18KG, i almost died lugging it back.Yes, and Alwyn seemed to have some infatuation over whacking me....he even threw a rock at me lah, it's the first time in my life anyone has THROWN A ROCK at me.....wth....

Then, we had our games, yay!:D Lots of guys played soccer, then we had walking touch rugby(Hey, it's fun!), and me and richard, jingwen and lulu went to play squash!!And jingwen kept whacking my racquet on the ground....that short little bugger....Richard was just swinging the racquet as hard as he could, it was pretty fun to watch, he just swung it like mad, if he hit the ball, he got this very nice smash or drive on the wall, but if he missed, he'd spin 360 degrees and end up on his ass or something!!I was laughing like mad, lol.

Then jingwen found a softball and decided to have fun and throw it at the ceiling...wts man, school property and he tried to destroy it.......crap man, he's lucky none of the teachers decided to walk in, or he'd be screwed.

Lots of people were playing the PS2 and cards in the gym, yes we had a PS2, heheh :p Oh, and Mitchell played 30-40 games of Soul Calibre until like, 5AM and only won 5......I think i laughed till my spleen burst :)!!!

Right, then came in, asked Tingyong to get people together to start the fire and went back to my place with Warren and Jingwen to get the meat. Yes, it was rather screwed up, teriyaki sauce spilled....forgot stuff...etc.....ok, i won't elaborate....

Anyway, we overbought, in the end Ting Yong had to bring one tray home, lol.

Anyway, BBQ'd lots of stuff and the fruit cocktail mix with soda was GOOD!!Shit, but i drank so much i'm not touching another soft drink for a week.....heh heh.

After the BBQ, which was very fun, we had farewell speech by Mr.Eng, we all sat down at the steps and listened. I won't repeat what i heard, later people start crying. *gets teary*

I will repeat a quote by Emerson though: "Something i must say about Allton lah(Our J2 captain). He.......*pauses for 5 seconds*......he very mean to me! He damn strong. That time i was lying on the mats, then he just came up to me and grabbed me by the nipples and lifted me up *Insert large pinching and pulling action with both hands here*. Yah, for no reason, just pinch. So...yah. There's 2 other incidents, still remember when i was Sec 3 and he was Sec 4, then we played competition national schools...i won my bout...then after that he came to me "Emerson, your bout very boring leh". I said "but i won?!" then he said "yah but nothing to see one!" Yah...then this year, national schools, after i won my bout, he came to me and said:"Thank you for making it 4-1." So yah, i'm just happy that he didn't come to me and say....."your bout very boring leh"....yah, so, very touched lah."

Do not ask me how the hell i remembered that entire paragraph, i just did. Stuff it.

It's kinda sad to see the JC2's go though, they're all very determined, very enthusiastic judokas, and to not be able to have them around in training is really a big blow. Just hope they come back often to train!!YOU HEAR THAT ALLTON?!?!?BETTER COME BACK!!!:P

Alright, then Mr.Eng finished his speech and dismissed us, then we went upstairs to slack around for a bit until 10.30-11 or so?I'm not sure of the time. Anyway, all the rest of the guys went to LT2 to watch the judo videos, and me, jmr and Xinyang stayed back to BBQ all the chicken wings and help Tingyong with the tray of chicken to bring back to his house.

Ooh, and i made this pyramid, a BIG one, out of like, 15 firestarters, and after that, when i kicked it out, it was like fireworks man. Too bad i can't link the video here, i got it on mi cam, heheh!:D Aiyah, send to one of the guys ask them post on their websites for me lah.

Then after that, guys came back, we took 2 hours to BBQ all the chicken wings and they took 2 minutes to eat all of them.....idiot....Jingwen made these very very juicy chickens, i won't comment on anything, later kena whack, lol :P

And this cat came up to the BBQ pit. I don't think it was a stray, it was so tame and friendly, i just picked it up and stroked it. Oh, and it was really fat too!:P Yeah, think it's one of the RI cats?Inside joke, heh. Hey, at least i didn't get scratched and clawed this time :P

Then when everything was finally done, we went to the bio lab to check out the foetuses at 2AM!!WOOHOO!:D

Me, garry, lulu, jmr, yongsheng and bryan. Yongsheng was rather unwilling to, we dragged him :P Then when we went to physics lab, we saw this figure at a distance, cos' the hallway is very long. Then i said, "Eh, i think that's one of the construction workers?" Bryan said:"No lah, plastic bag." Me:"Plastic bag?!Plastic bag got hands one meh??" It turned out to be the NCC people camping there. Yes, you can see pics of us posing with them in the link at the top.

We freaked one of them out, cos' they heard footsteps, then got damn scared, and told the IC's, then we got this huge group of people running around the admin block looking for us, damn cool!LOL!:P

Then went back to gym, bathed, and then went to play Bridge with mitch, garry and hanrong for awhile. But at 3+, 4, got a bit sleepy, so went to lie down on the trampolene and catch some sleep. It's really comfortable. Then Jingwen came and bugged me about not sleeping there cos' i'd get marks on my skin and whatever, and i was like :"Go away." I mean, what has my skin got to do with him?Ok lah, i know you only like smooth skinned little boys right jmr?Then, when i was just about to go to sleep, he came and whacked me with the foam from the foampit. WHAT THE HELL IS HIS PROBLEM!?!?People trying to sleep and he come and whack me with foam. Screw man. I remember him whacking me damn hard on the head and it hurt, and i remember myself saying lots of words that i never even knew i knew until that night, lol. If that wasn't enough, after another half an hour or so, he came and used his bag or something and threw it at me. I don't understand what's wrong with him, got huanglu to pei2 ta1 le4 hai2 lai2 kajiao wo3. Shit man, i only got to sleep at like 4+ 5? Not sure.

Woke up in morning, had to wake everyone up, clean up all the stuff, clear all the rubbish, and huanglu was sitting down looking at the primary school gymnasts. Then jingwen said "He's jealous" and i didn't even understand what the hell he was talking about. Yep, cleaned up, etc. etc. packed up etc. etc. and then went to J8 Macdonalds for breakfast. After that watched LOTR the return of the king!!!GREAT SHOW!!!I won't give any spoilers though :P. But tip, don't drink 2L of water in a 3H20minute show....your bladder feels like it's gonna burst after that.

Yep, then got home, and now i'm writing this. Right.

Yes, enough, i think that's.....wait, lemme get word count from M'word....1368 words...i think it's enough!!!Yes, that's all :P

1 Year Anniversary at 8:09 PM

Sunday, December 21, 2003

Today was hectic.....i watched soccer until damn late last night, and at about 11+ my dad said "I'm feeling hungry" and my brother went *nudge nudge*....right....

So i had to cook supper for's gotta watch his cholesterol, so made him egg-white salad with cheese and some lettuce and chilli. Then, i was left with three egg yolks...not knowing what to do with them, and my brother shouts "Wen!Make me some maggi mee please!Thank you!" Well, that answers my question....screw man, i missed almost 20 minutes of the match cos' of that arse. Also ended up cooking two packets of maggi mee, cos' i got hungry too, lol.

Then woke up in the morning, oh my god, i felt so fat, it was the first time i had supper in like......half a year or more??Jeez! Watched LOTR after the soccer, so slept at like 3.....woke up at 10.30, my god, that's a record, the latest i usually wake up is like....8+. Crap man. Then supposed to meet Tingyong at 11AM to go shopping for the farewell stuff. Then panic, call him, in the end, he just ate breakfast, he isn't even ready. Screw man, i ended up waiting for him at Thomson Plaza for like...10 minutes, i got up so late and he still manages to be later...*DOH*!!!

My god, the shopping was MAD!!!We bought like, 6 packets of chicken wings, 6 packets of drumsticks and thighs, 22 packets of sausages, 2KG of beef and lots of tomato ketchup, chilli sauce, teriyaki and BBQ sauce for the marinating, paper plates, paper utensils and cups, Aluminium trays for the food, Honey and butter and a few brushes. Altogether, it weighed like 50-60KG and costs a whopping.......$238.25!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!OEI, all you guys who haven't paid up, BETTER PAY!Or i hang pig's head at your door!:P

My gosh, we were having a hard time PUSHING THE TROLLEY. Then we passed the drinks section and i asked Tingyong "Eh, how about buying the drinks now too?" He gave me this *you are mad* look and said "Screw you, buy tomorrow, you want me to die izzit?"

We finally decided to buy the charcoal and drinks tomorrow so we didn't die lugging 100KG of stuff to my house.

Lucky my mom was free, rented her car for a few minutes so didn't have to walk back to my place, or i would seriously have died man.

Then spent like, 2 hours marinating the chicken wings and beef.....tingyong is noticeably absent....shit man, i marinated 20KG of raw meat....YEAH!!!:D

Then went to church, had fun, message today was "Christmas in this turbulent world" the speaker was really good, really interesting talk this time.

Came home, felt fat, so went gym to hit the weights and do some treadmill/situps/pushups/pullups. Came home at about 6.30, had dinner and went to bathe, now i'm writing this.

WOOHOO!!Last training tomorrow and now my arms and legs and stomach feel like LEAD!I AM GOING TO DIE!!!!

The thing will be fun though, we've got lots of games to play, heh, there's like free time from 2-5 where you have a choice of almost 10 different games and then from 9PM to 9AM, for those who don't plan on sleeping *raises hand* we've got lots of fun stuff planned too!*wink*

Alrighty, i gotta go read Feng Shen Yan Yi now, 600 word book review...*sigh*....maybe i can tell the teacher some lame excuse about thinking i was going to normal chinese next year.....hmmm...good plan, i think she'd believe me too with my sucky chinese, lol.


1 Year Anniversary at 7:13 PM

Saturday, December 20, 2003

Ok, I was an extremist today, for some parts i was pissed like shit, and i do mean like in, kick you in the balls and throw you into a pile of stinking manure pissed. And other times i was really happy, jump for joy happy.

Farewell party planning has been stressful...can't afford to screw it up....arghhhhh....then now i need to buy all the stuff for it tomorrow with TY and maybe Mitch and RL. *sighz*.......

Last training on monday......i'm gonna get fat again.....bleh....

Good part, went to Bettaworld at AMK, and they have a 50% off all bettas, x'mas present :) Got two halfmoons, a royal blue male and turqoise female, the female is rather stressed, so didn't take any pics, but the male, man, that guy just came home and started flaring and playing around his tank, i took some pics. My photography sucks, YES I KNOW!!SHUT UP!! *pouts in a corner*

Yeah, take a look at some of the crappy ones:

The Royal Blue Male

I'll try to put one up on the blog later.

Bad part, got all the stuff, plus two glass tanks, one that you see the male is in, then after i get it safely home, slogging through the rain and manouvering it in a crowded MRT and bus, i place it on the table, and dad comes up, unwraps the cotton wool padding around one, looks at it, and says "Very nice", then proceeds to drop it on the floor and shatter it........

10 bucks down the drain.....fudge......

Lots of rant about, but i'll save it, or else people'll get pissed off and me for pissing them off by writing pissed off blogs and then i'll get even more pissed off and piss more people off then everyone'll get pissed off. there.

1 Year Anniversary at 7:53 PM

Friday, December 19, 2003

AWWWWW!!SICK!!!!!Excuse me while i go hang myself now....i must have been insane to even think of this, hell, maybe i'm just really any case...."MA!!Where's my rope??" Yeah, i'm gonna go kill myself now....cya....

You're Perfect ^^
-Perfect- You're the perfect girlfriend. Which
means you're rare or that you cheated :P You're
the kind of chick that can hang out with your
boyfriend's friends and be silly. You don't
care about presents or about going to fancy
placed. Hell, just hang out. You're just happy
being around your boyfriend.

What Kind of Girlfriend Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

1 Year Anniversary at 8:36 PM

Watched Moulin Rouge on HBO last night, it's a very good show, Nicole Kidman is a very good actress.

The songs are wonderful, especially "Come What May". After watching the show, i had to download it, it's a really really good song, but you wanna sing the guy's part, be prepared to have a very strong and deep voice, not recommended for girls, you get a strong and deep voice and i don't want to know you in this life or the next.

Training was pretty routine, nothing much. Crap man, pressure....need to do all the stuff for the farewell...ARGH!!!!!Dammit, Hanlong and Rilong aren't doing anything!!!Ones literally lame and the other's....just....lame....yah.

Ok, i'm gonna go type out all the stuff and send it to Eng now, bye chaps.

1 Year Anniversary at 4:40 PM

Thursday, December 18, 2003

I am a bad person.......if you wanna know why, go here:

and look at the second album......erm......right, he's not in Singapore right now, so i got time to pack stuff and prepare to run to China when he gets back and sees it. Took it when we went orchard on tuesday.

Well, nothing much today, after training yesterday i came home and went to the gym with my brother, the guy slept till 2PM, jet lag from Ireland, lol.

Yep, now ache.

This morning went JB, my bro forgot to bring his dependant pass, then in the end kena stopped, then must fill in forms, then at the immigration office coming back to singapore in the evening, kena stop again, then my mom talk to the person, then don't know what the hell was going on, then i got pissed and started SMS'ing jingwen, and he told me : "Aiyah, just give them 50 ringgit la, if not then go throw them."

Heh :P

Yeah, then my mom finally got it straightened out, and i stared daggers at my brother, and the bastard just shrugged it off.......kao, wasted like an hour on all the shit......

Got Man U jersey, a pair of sandals, VCDs, and a pair of shoes altogether for less than 100 sing dollars, nice prices in malaysia, everything half price, lol. Ooh, and lots of chewing gum, and some......other stuff.....*wink*

Alrighty, i'm shag, i need to bathe and i'm gonna go for dinner, so night mates.

1 Year Anniversary at 5:35 PM

Tuesday, December 16, 2003

Just watched "Love actually" this afternoon, it was a really good show, but jingwen was being an asshole and just distracting me the entire show through, everytime i tried to concentrate on the show, he cracks some lame shit and i just stare at him and start strangling him and lose my concentration. BUGGER!!!

Yeah, anyway, it was really good, the storyline can get a bit confusing, but it's a good show altogether. A few loose ends that i thought could be tied more neatly together though.

I don't understand why some people tell me they get teary after that wasn't sad....yah...

And the little girl who sang "All i want for christmas is you" had a fantastic voice, if it wasn't dubbed over, she's gonna be a great singer. The little boy fell in love at the age of 11 though.......wth.....

And that guy who went to America!!!I don't believe it man!!!He steps into a bar and hooks up with 3 chicks at once!!!Sheesh, the British are seriously just trying to suan the Americans like shit lah, make the President into a huge egocentric, unfeeling buaya, and the American chicks into sluts....nice British people...

My bro got home today, and i bought this "friends forever" bear for him, but i spent 1 hour painting it and seriously messing it up. Now it's a RAFFLESIAN BEAR!!HAHAHAH! It's got green, black and white stripes, not a bad piece of work i must say. Then, when i finally finish, i go into my sister's room where i think he's watching TV, and the ass is asleep....WAH LAO!!!!Then i placed it on the table so he'll see it when he wakes up. Ooh, and shipped my sister's present to her this morning, she'll probably get it by the end of the week, they break it or it goes missing, i sue their asses off man, the thing was so fricking expensive, i will slap them and give them all concussions, lol.

Ooh, took many gay pics of me and mitch and jingwen today, in the movies. Jingwen was wearing this ULTRA TIGHT shirt that had material that swimming trunks are made out of. It looked pretty gay........yes, and he refused to let me take a picture of it, lol.

I think i got a few though, i'll try to look for them, it's really damn tight lah!The sleeves didn't even reach halfway through his bicep....sheesh, wonder if that was due to the fact that i had 2 ex-classmates and one of their friends over to watch the movie with us. Female ones!Heheh! Ooh, that sneaky little buaya, :P

Aight, gonna go bathe now, chow.

1 Year Anniversary at 5:48 PM

Monday, December 15, 2003

Hmmmm, today was quite fun, Tan taught us Judo self-defence. Quite cool, learnt all the funny funny strikes and slams and slaps. Hmmmm, he made a true statement though, if a judoka decides to slap you, he'd use his wrist, and whack your temple, and you'd get a concussion cos' we're so used to whacking people.....OUCH!! Oh, and Tan used me to demonstrate standing choke. My gosh, his forearms are like the size of my biceps.....he's scary...once he chokes you, say goodbye my friend, there's no escaping.

Joseph has been torturing me, that bugger keeps forcing me to let him throw, then he won't let me throw him cos' he's scared he'll hit his head again, wah lan eh, pissed off.....fudge him man....

Shit, now i need to buy jingwen movie tickets tomorrow, cos' i made this bet with him, if he ate this huge spoonful of the chilli they give with the roast duck, you know, the thick thick lumpy dark coloured one, yeah, i'd treat him to movie. And he really did god....i caught it on video....and he didn't even look different after that. He tells me that he trains by eating chilli boy.

And Mitchell was just being an indecisive ass today, first, he told his maid that he was gonna be home for lunch, then went to S11 with us, but didn't eat anything. And all the time he was complaining to me about lots of stuff and basically just pissing me off. Then, when we finally finished eating, me jmr and xinyang, THEN he decides he wants to eat something, but has no money, so makes me lend him money, and all i have is a big note, in the end must give him to pay, then go to fish shop with jingwen to get some ich-medication cos' his clown loach got ich and he hasn't treated it for 2 weeks, that sadistic moron.Shit....used my last big note...*sob*

Hmmmm, ok, i wanna go look for a big bear for my bro tomorrow, preferably something that says "You rock dude!" or "U Da' MAN!!" or some funny crap like that, yeah, he likes stuff like that, and it'll be cool too. heheh.

Someone suggested pink g-string.....but nah, he's got too many of those already ^_~

Shit, need to spend money again....just blew so much on my sis, then she tells me she's not coming back for christmas....and you hear this long silence on the phone, then bu she de gen ta jiang, later she feel bad, then ruin her holiday...crap man, need to wait till like, sometime next year...BAH!!! That's the bad part about christmas man...all the presents, all the card...all the wallet now looks like the grand canyon....

Jingwen's new introduction for me seems to be "Lincoln likes to grope people!" hmmmm....he's a fun person....i think mine will be "Jingwen is a short person who likes to grope people!" lol :P, wonder how he'd like that, *egrin* then mitchell will be the bamboo who likes to grope people and huanglu will be the china man who likes to grope people!Yay!:D

Ok lah, i'm gonna go now, typed enough, heh.

1 Year Anniversary at 4:31 PM

Sunday, December 14, 2003

Just got back from church an hour ago or so, new Deacons appointed today, then the children put on special item, they did a little play and sang a song. Oh man, i felt very weird when they sang it, very...dunno lah, emotional, heck!!

Anyway, Jingwen just told me that Uchimata literally means Inner Crotch Throw......hmmmm......that's fun, so i've been throwing people by their inner crotches!!!*egrinz*

Atomic Kitten's "If you come to me" is a great song, go download it!!!It sounds really good, lyrics are great too.

SHIT MAN!!Bloody wisdom tooth operation on the 27th, i'm gonna pluck out both wisdom teeth in my bottom jaw THAT ARE STILL IMBEDDED IN THE GUMS!!Cos' they're slanted, and will crowd my front teeth, so need to pluck....*sigh*.....then i won't be able to excercise for at least a week.....wah lao, i can just imagine the blob of fat i'll turn into lah!!!

Oh, and i read Timothy's blog about him "having a girl pressed up against him" during the slow dance, and i was wondering, did he have an urge to throw her ogoshi when he reached behind and grabbed her belt?hmmmm :P

Yeah, cos' Tan is always telling us, if you can grab behind, quick grab and then throw ogoshi, sure ippon! So yeah....heh heh!:D

Okie, saya malam mao makan ketam. Ray'!! That means i'm gonna eat crabs tonight, yeah. I found this really good seafood supplier, two huge indonesian grabs whose claws can probably amputate your finger easily for only 33 bucks. And i had to kill them this morning, it was scary man, because had to undo the knots and strings, and they were free. Then had to turn them upsidedown and hammer this chopstick into their midsections and twist it around to kill them.....yeah.....pretty freaky, I'M A CRAB MURDERER!!!!NO!!!!!*SOB* *SOB* heheh.

Ok lah, i'm gonna go eat my crabs now, cyaz!!

1 Year Anniversary at 6:01 PM

Saturday, December 13, 2003

Aw man, i was sadistic, Tan was being sadistic....sheesh. And he appointed me *noisemaker*, how fun, i had to keep shouting and encouraging and basically going nuts...i think i shouted more in that one training than the scouts do the whole year.....hmmmm....yes, and noisemaker no.2, Ng Jingwen did not make any noise.....

The JC1 girls just came in to suan us lah.....we start training, after half an hour, they come in, start doing grading stuff, it's slack......then, after another half an hour, they leave....and all through we've been killing fun....

Randori, 4 bouts, quite fun, Warren, Kim chuan, the belt guy who led training with Tan, and Rilong.

When we were doing cooldown Mr.Tan asked :"So how was training?Fun?".

Me: "Yeah, damn fun!!You should let the girls try it later!!*insert big grin here*

Mr.Tan: "*thinks for 5 minutes*...Nah, don't think so, you're so fit, they're...hmmm....yeah, don't think they'd make it, *evil laughter*"

Me: "*dead look*....right......."

OOH!OOH!Mr.Tan was sitting on Junming's back and he tatooed some *loves nina* thing on his back. I wonder who's Nina.......hmmmmmm 0.0 I'll put the two pics up there later.

Hey, the com science guys finally came back. Still remember what Mr.Eng said yesterday:"Com science camp???What the hell are they doing there???What a bloody waste of time!!" ;)

Lots of freaky freaky injuries, Mitchell is like.....super suai lor......get knocked down by car....then....lots of funny things happen to him, then now deltoids kena pull out by Joseph. Jingwen another one, dunno who throw him, then his hip/groin muscle got pulled, and it totally screwed up. Then lots of people had minor injuries too...I got my fingertips mutilated, all 10 fingers were bleeding after randori, probably cos' of the kumikata, then Rilong smashed my head on the floor and basically mopped the mats with my there's one cut there...Joseph was just torturing me today, he kept wanting to throw me. But fun though, i gave him a concussion from one of my uchimatas, his head whacked the ground and he went dizzy. THERE'S ONE FOR YA' MITCHY!!:P

Yay, bro's coming back on the 15th, haven't seen him for 3 months, alright, get to catch up on lots of stuff with him!!*cheers*

Hmmmmmm, jmr, thank god i put in feeder fish to test the water in the new tank first, i think there's something in the sand, some chemical or something, they died after approximately 40 hours...huanglu, want a drink?Heh Heh.

Hey, pretty long blog today, that's kewl, gonna have dinner now, cya homies!!

1 Year Anniversary at 6:49 PM

Friday, December 12, 2003

Oh man, i am so was quite tough, the 5 bouts of randori, i dunno lah, wasn't playing at my best, could only throw swee sian a yuko/wazari and only threw ting yong once or twice i think.....shit......

Pt wasn't hard though, everyone only count 5 times of rolling pushups.Did about 80-90 i think??Not sure, not that bad lah.

The head bridging sucked though, i think i broke my neck......72KG on thighs and neck, wth!!!

Then ran 20 rounds around the mats.....then ran sideways 10 rounds......yeah, i think that's it.

Hmmmmmm, took vids of my frontflip and kipup, jingwen's a lousy cameraman, should've gotten mitchell, but he was out buaya'ing somewhere......hmmmmmm :P

J/K lah!!!

Oh, and Joseph sort of pulled mitchell's arm joints out.....Joseph's mad!!He always injures people!!!Bugger!!!

Then had lunch, went and got sand for tank......lugged 20KG of sand looks fantastic though, the lemon cut sides are great.

Anyway, gonna go now, buaiz.....

1 Year Anniversary at 4:52 PM

Thursday, December 11, 2003

Quote from chat with JW:

huma-rhythm says:
huma-rhythm says:
huma-rhythm says:
huma-rhythm says:
huma-rhythm says:
huma-rhythm says:
huma-rhythm says:
Lincoln says:
What's with the maki goto thing?
huma-rhythm says:
go there
huma-rhythm says:
huma-rhythm says:
huma-rhythm says:
huma-rhythm says:
she chio rite....

Hmmmmmm, jmr seems infatuated with her......Ok, fine, she's chio, but don't need to spam me right?He spammed me with the link for like half an hour!!!!My god.....see the girl's trainings, see our trainings, i always wish i was a girl....ALMOST!!!!!But not quite.....I'm not ready to sacrifice some things

Alright, training tomorrow, hype up!!!!HYPE UP!!!!!YEAH!!!!!!!
*beats chest*

*runs around flipping off walls*

*shouts warcries*

*pants for breath*


*passes out*

Hmmmmm, not fun....sometimes Mitchell makes me feel like strangling him.....wait, sometimes?No.....ALL THE TIME!!!Ok, i won't elaborate.....

Hey timmy, how's it going in China, going after that chick you talked about yet?*wink* Hey, you gonna be back for the farewell anot?Eng changed it to 22nd.....ruined all my plans.....*grumble* *grumble*

Should i get a hamster tank?That is the the two new 4 foot tanks, deciding whether i should convert one into a hamster tank rather than a fish'd be cute, little critters running around, and you get to take them out and play with them.....hmmmm, decisions, decisions.

Hmmmmmm, someone suggested i buy my brother a G-string for his person....i won't mention names, but i think you can guess......I think i'll get him sneakers, he needs them in Ireland. Or maybe a watch with his name carved on it.....hmmmm...dunno......

Ok, this sucks, i don't dare to download from kazaa anymore due to the viruses i have gotten, SOMEONE GIVE ME A GOOD SITE TO DOWNLOAD MUSIC FROM!!!!I just got my com back from the repair shop and it's got 0 songs on it, I NEED MUSIC!!!!!!!!!!

Alright, through ranting, gonna go now, cyaz

1 Year Anniversary at 6:16 PM

It's now 1.53AM, i've been trying to get Pan wei bo's:"Ai Shang Wei Lai De Ni" rap part for about half an hour now, and i finally got it....yay!!!It's damn fast!Damn hard to catch, i had to practice so much to get it, and now i'm happy, yay!!!lol

Ok, fine, i'll stop laming, sing it a few more times and go to sleep, nitez ppl!:P

1 Year Anniversary at 12:54 AM

Wednesday, December 10, 2003

Ok, i'm pissed.....i just wrote a super long blog like 1000 words and then just as i was about to click post and publish, my com restarted....freak.....

Ok, now i gotta type it all over again. BLEH!!!!!!

Training is mad, Mr.Tan is mad, but it's fun lah, intensity is good, hell, the Sec. 1's better start improving fast, or next year national schools....*sigh*....
Lemme see, first we had the normal run, then tumbles, handstands(i can hold them now,cool), cartwheels, breakfalls, then we did groundwork excercise, :D, fun. Hmmmm, maybe we should suggest that Mr.Tan add front handsprings, back handsprings, aerials and Pk-rolls to the list one day, that'll be fun. Imagine him saying:"If any of you doesn't get the aerial in 15 minutes, everyone 200 pushups!"


After that, we got left morote uchikomi 5 minutes, then nagekomi 5 minutes, and THEN we had favourite throw uchikomi 5 minutes, and in between them, we had lots of nice stoppages for tekkan, normal pushups, diamond pushups, wide arm pushups, rolling pushups, commando pushups, situps, crunches, cross-situps, crunches, v-ups. Yeah, fun.

YEAH!!I landed front flip, woohoo. And once jingwen reads this he's gonna add some crappy comments about it not being nice, not having air, not having balance etc. etc. but who cares, he's short *evil grin*

Went for lunch with the guys, then took the 410 home, got caught in the rain....walked up to my house...drenched....dripping so wet i could sweep it back....clothes sticking to skin...sheesh, stupid rain.

Basically bummed around the rest of the day, oh, called my bro though, he's in Ireland now, coming back on the 15th, and his b'day is on the 16th, so i need to get him a gift. Man, how come so many people's birthdays one?!I blew so much cash on presents already, my poor wallet.....then still need to get christmas presents, argh!!!!

Ooh, then my auntie came over and brought her beagles, her pair just had a litter of puppies about 4 months ago, 3 of 'em, and they're so cute now!!I took a picture of me holding one of them up, but it's in the other computer...that's screwy....that's a pentium 4....that's at the repair shop now...grrrrrrr!!!!Played with them for about an hour, then they had to go...dang...yeah, so just chatted with mitch about stuff and just slacked around.

Ok, i think i've had enough,

1 Year Anniversary at 8:33 PM

Tuesday, December 09, 2003

Just watched Julius Caesar on Star Movies....very good show...lots of emotions involved, and a great nice plot. The fight scenes were nice too.

It's really sad though.....he worked so hard, expanded rome by more than 100%, but in the end....*sigh*...those who watched the movie already, you know the ending, i think you know what i mean, and those who haven't, i won't spoil it for you ok?^_~

Go catch it, it's a really good show to watch.

Argh....i ache.....a lot....feel like someone reached into my gut and twisted it around....can't stand up from a sitting position without feeling lots of pain...bleh...I'm gonna die for training tomorrow. Well, at least we don't have track again tomorrow, but i think we will on Friday...We should...Mr.Tan's a sadist...

Yep, nothing much going on today, that's it.

1 Year Anniversary at 1:49 PM

Monday, December 08, 2003

Ok,i'm pissed.......stupid computer company people.......i sent my com for repair in the weekend, it came back this afternoon and it's still i gotta send it back AGAIN. Stupid computer company people....i'm gonna do there and make a

Training was quite fun.....during the run i suffocated and my left upper stomach muscle flexed and refused to relax until the pain was excruciating....but yeah,other than that pretty fun.

Sec 1's had like....10 bouts of randori again. I think they're at least improving a bit though. I hope so, they'll need to before June if they wanna win.

I'm getting hyped up about National Schools next year.......I wanna beat Hindarto.....Gonna be really really REALLY tough though...seeing that he beat Tze Ming....wth.....

Ok, had fun with a litter of beagles today, yay, my aunt's dog gave birth 4 months ago and those tykes are SO CUTE!!!!!They're like.....wagging their tails and climbing all over you, man they are cute.Yeah, i'm a sucker for puppies.

Hmmmmm, many people were noticably absent today........seems like the slacker's virus is, planning for the farewell party is not fun.....and hanlong has been quite absent......hmmmmm, ok lah, can't blame him, he gotta take care of his leg. *sigh*, i hope it works out fine, rilong and tingyong and i have been talking about all the stuff we're "GONNA" do but have yet to reach a conclusion. Yes, we're screwed....NOOOO!!!!!!!!!!*sob* *sob*

Okie.....gonna go slack around and chat now, night guys....

1 Year Anniversary at 9:53 PM

Sunday, December 07, 2003

Ok, i don't believe this.........

You represent... kindness.
You represent... kindness.
You're a very gentle, kind, and caring individual.
You truely care about people and are generally
well-liked. Though sometimes you may be
perceived as weak, you truely have a strong
heart and a good desire to help others.

What feeling do you represent?
brought to you by Quizilla

1 Year Anniversary at 7:58 PM

I VILL DRINK YOUR BLOOD, HAHAHAH!!!!Ok, seriously, i always thought being a vampire would be pretty SERIOUSLY!!

You are Form 9, Vampire: The Undying.

"And The Vampire was all that remained on
the blood drowned creation. She attempted to
regrow life from the dead. But as she was
about to give the breath of life, she was
consumed in the flame of The Phoenix and the
cycle began again."

Some examples of the Vampire Form are Hades (Greek)
and Isis (Egyptian).
The Vampire is associated with the concept of
death, the number 9, and the element of fire.
Her sign is the eclipsed moon.

As a member of Form 9, you are a very realistic
individual. You may be a little idealistic,
but you are very grounded and down to earth.
You realize that not everything lasts, but you
savor every minute of the good times. While
you may sometimes find yourself lonely, you
have strong ties with people that will never be
broken. Vampires are the best friends to have
because they are sensible.

Which Mythological Form Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

1 Year Anniversary at 7:47 PM

Ok, i almost died laughing when i saw this one yah?

Season = Summer
You're Most Like The Season Summer ...

Whoa.... Passionate eh ?? Typically you're a fiery,
zesty dominant person. As the hottest season,
you certainly ooze Sex appeal. You have
confidence which draws people to you, and you
have the makings of a good leader.
However sometimes your exterior is stronger then
you are and so you scare people off before they
can get close.

Well done... You're the most memorable of seasons

?? Which Season Are You ??
brought to you by Quizilla

1 Year Anniversary at 7:34 PM

Ok, i'm sure of this one......doh...

You have an entrancing kiss~ the kind that leaves
your partner bedazzled and maybe even feeling
he/she is dreaming. Quite effective; the kiss
that never lessens and always blows your
partner away like the first time.

What kind of kiss are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

1 Year Anniversary at 7:31 PM

Ok, i'm just gonna go mad and post a bunch of 'em K?

You're just the happy go-lucky type. You might have
your pet peeves, but other than that, you're
mainly calm. Blending in with your
surroundings, you're the type of person who
everyone likes. Usually it's you who cracks
jokes at social gatherings - after all,
laughter is the best medicine. Sometimes you
pretend to be stupid, but in all actuality, you
could be the next Einstein.

What Type of Soul Do You Have ?
brought to you by Quizilla

1 Year Anniversary at 7:28 PM


The ULTIMATE personality test
brought to you by Quizilla

Ok, now i feel really gay....

1 Year Anniversary at 7:25 PM

Hmmmm, took this funny test on thespark, personality test, here's the results:

(Dominant Extrovert Abstract Feeler )

Like just 6% of the population you are a PERFORMER (DEAF)--personable, self-assured, and excellent under pressure. You are extroverted and strong-willed, which, in combination means you are good with people and aren't willing to let opportunity pass you by. Congratulations. I'm sure all the peons you've stepped on never saw it coming and didn't feel a thing.

You like being naked.

Anyhow, you have formidable creative talents, and you often following what your heart tells you instead of your logical mind. Your exuberance can earn you many friends and admirers, despite your ambition, or it can intimidate the less confident into keeping their distance. It's also possible you're Madonna.

Right....I like being naked....what the....?!?!?!?!?!

Well, other than that, think it's pretty accurate...Yeah, took a lot of the other tests too, but don't think i wanna publish everything here, maybe someday i'll go make a link and place all the results there....heck, i dunno....I'm too lazy to try, lol.

Training tomorrow, hope i'll be fully well to train tomorrow, track, so fun. We get to train and then do pullups and run our lungs out, yay.:P

Bah, when we saw RGS training that day we felt 5 water breaks during just 2 hour training, then we get.....1.......for a 3 hour training...with

TAN IS BIASED!!!!!ARGH!!!!!!!Hmmm, but then again, i think if he went all out on them the attendance would drop quite drastically.....yeah.....

Cool, J2 black belts coming back to train, we get to receive ass kickings during randori. *cheer*!!

Ok, i'm gonna go eat dinner...bye

1 Year Anniversary at 7:04 PM

Saturday, December 06, 2003

Hmmm, today was pretty cool, Tan still banned me from training, so i just went there and did pushups/situps/half-squats till i went numb....i actually counted how many i did, lol, it was a lot :P

And hmmm, i can do a front flip using the a video of it, but don't know how to post...hmmm...crap, need to work on doing it WITHOUT the springboard now, stupid short people can do it....but hah, i can do a lousy handspring and a kipup and lousy short people cannot!!(I think you know who i'm talking about)

Yes, came home, got caught in the rain, walked home from bus-stop, all wet....most of shirt wet....lucky bag didn't get too wet, digi-cam was in there.

Well, jingwen suggested going to learn wallflip, it's a crazy move....HIGH chance of getting injured and breaking

Ok, gonna go bathe now, i'm all wet....*wave*

1 Year Anniversary at 2:03 PM

Friday, December 05, 2003

Bleh, training in the morning was a bit...screwy...yeah, Mr.Tan told me not to train, but i thought i was ok....well, did the run, warmup, etc. then we moved to groundwork excercises and after the butterfly i felt kinda weird...then doing the bounce, i was so friggin slow, oh man, one of the sec.1's almost caught up with me, wth....

Then i stood up from the bounce, and from there, everything sorta went fuzzy...i think i fell forward and hit someone...i think it was ryan..i'm not sure...then i either crawled or someone dragged me to the side and i was just lying down for about 10 minutes, i saw did not feel very nice...

Then sat up, and head swam....a lot...and then i felt my stomach start constricting and i knew i needed to puke(even though i had nothing to eat for the past 14 hours, hmmm). So, crawl to toilet in a daze, then stand over sink..and kinda lean on tap for the next 5 minutes half-conscious...sheesh....

After that things got better though, felt alright after about half an hour, i mean, i started making fun of jingwen again, when that happens i should be ok...hmmm...

Yeah...then tried some of the movement, etc. then went down, did pullups, wanted to run, but Mr.Tan dragged me out and told me to sit just did pushups until i collapsed, now arms ache, lol.

Yeah, hell, i'm gonna go training again tomorrow, i'm mad, i'm gonna go pump weights, crap lah....muscle turned to fats, i lost like 6KG, what the hell...

On a happy note, yay, i went shopping with mum and she paid for everything!*cheer*. Got a couple of new pants, couple of nice shirts, and some other...neccessities....

Came back and hey, one of my fronts let me pet it on the head, ok, fine, everyone's confused over my fronts right?

Full name:
Cyphotilapia Frontosa, Found in Lake Tanganyika in Congo Basin, Africa
Max size, 55cm
Max age, about 40 years

Yeah, they are very cool fish, yes, fish, take a look at a couple of pics.

There're many different genus, it's basically colour difference and stripe difference, mine are the ones you see in the pic, Mpimbwe. There's lots more.

I love 'em, they cost a bomb, but they're like water puppies, really affectionate, really cute, adorable to watch, and they are BEAUTIFUL.

Yes, ok, i sound really weird right now, i

Well, that's it for tonight, cya guys l8r....

1 Year Anniversary at 11:45 PM

Wednesday, December 03, 2003

Ok, mom forbade me from going for training, i'm pissed.....But hey, i think it was a good thing, because if she didn't, i'd go and lame with jingwen/mitch until about 2-3 and miss Ryan and Joel when they came over at noon.

They're my nephews, very cute little tykes, ryan's almost 5 now and joey's 6 months old.

Here's some pics: notag=1

Anyway, played with joel a lot while ryan messed up my room like crap, Joel is so looks like he's a year old when he's half that age, and he laughs so much!!He'll smile and laugh at the slightest thing!Oooohhh!!

Ok, yeah, they went home about an hour ago, and Ryan's in love with my frontosa too, he always wants to feed 'em when he comes over, heheh.

Yes, well....Church camp tomorrow, i get to bring 14 squealing little children to the zoo, ALRIGHT!!!Yeah, well, hope i can keep 'em from getting lost, hell that's the last thing i want to happen when i'm bringing them out, sheesh.

Alright......that's pretty much it i guess, yeah, i'm gonna go bum around now.

1 Year Anniversary at 2:40 PM

Tuesday, December 02, 2003

Ok, i don't care anymore, i'm still coughing, but to hell with it, i'm going for training on wednesday, ANOTHER DAY OF SLACKING AND I WILL KILL SOMEBODY!!!!!!

*pant* *pant*, yes, all you other guys are gonna catch my flu, but heck....i don't care, lol.

Ok, well, yeah, cya tomorrow!

1 Year Anniversary at 10:41 PM

Hmmmmmm, much better, i think i'm only left with a cough now, but that's going to be the hardest to get rid of i think.

Well, the guy's have been really great, jingwen with his health suggestions(even though they didn't really work) and making me laugh and just making me feel better through the screwed up period. bleh.

Being sick sucks ass, if you ever think you'd rather be sick than go to school, think again man, you would NOT.

Hmmmmm, jingwen, my tank silicone sprung a leak and my mom fell in love with a lemon cut tank, so she's gonna get me a 4 foot lemon cut, she pays, HAH!!*cheer*

Y'know, the ones with the sides rounded, they look cool!

Anyway, yeah......hope to get back to training soon, crap man, all my muscle gone to fat, lost so much weight....wth....*boggle*.

Ok, gonna go play with my neighbour's beagle now, cyaz.

1 Year Anniversary at 11:53 AM

Monday, December 01, 2003

Hmmmmm, seem to be getting better, don't feel as crappy as a few days back, no more fever, but still a bit woozy, hope can train by wednesday.

Bleh, at the rate i'm healing though, it's like the viruses and bacteria in my body are armed with automatic rifles and wearing bullet proof vests and my antibodies and white blood cells are attacking them with sticks and harsh language.....wth.....

Bleh, all the guys are working their butts off at training now and i'm sitting at home blogging......shit, i feel very bad......

Ok, well, maybe Tan will be happy cos' he just got married and not torture them too much and i won't feel so guilty, heck, i'll call one of them later and ask...

Ooh, well, at least i got a bit of good news, Alex said the frontosa has recovered and i can pick it up anytime, yay, ok, i think only jingwen will know what i'm talking about, lol, yeah, when i get it back i'll post pics and then you guys can see too :)

Ok, yeah, i'm gonna something.....yeah....

1 Year Anniversary at 10:49 AM

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