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Lincoln Luk
Raffles Junior College


11/01/2003 - 12/01/2003
12/01/2003 - 01/01/2004
01/01/2004 - 02/01/2004
02/01/2004 - 03/01/2004
03/01/2004 - 04/01/2004
04/01/2004 - 05/01/2004
05/01/2004 - 06/01/2004
06/01/2004 - 07/01/2004
07/01/2004 - 08/01/2004
08/01/2004 - 09/01/2004
09/01/2004 - 10/01/2004
10/01/2004 - 11/01/2004
11/01/2004 - 12/01/2004
12/01/2004 - 01/01/2005
03/01/2005 - 04/01/2005
04/01/2005 - 05/01/2005
05/01/2005 - 06/01/2005
06/01/2005 - 07/01/2005
07/01/2005 - 08/01/2005
08/01/2005 - 09/01/2005
09/01/2005 - 10/01/2005
10/01/2005 - 11/01/2005
11/01/2005 - 12/01/2005
12/01/2005 - 01/01/2006
01/01/2006 - 02/01/2006
02/01/2006 - 03/01/2006
03/01/2006 - 04/01/2006
04/01/2006 - 05/01/2006
05/01/2006 - 06/01/2006
06/01/2006 - 07/01/2006
09/01/2006 - 10/01/2006
10/01/2006 - 11/01/2006
11/01/2006 - 12/01/2006
12/01/2006 - 01/01/2007
03/01/2007 - 04/01/2007
04/01/2007 - 05/01/2007
08/01/2007 - 09/01/2007


Alvin Nat
Grace Lum
Grace Ow
Hong Rui
Huang Lu
Joseph Firmansyah
Ng Jingwen
Joel Maximillian Lau Shen Rong <3 <3 <3 <3
Kelvin Xu
Kuan Fu
Paul Yap
Rachel Heng
Ryan D
Ruth Ngo
Sarah Ooi
Sarah Hew
Shu Fang
Victoria Chin
Wan Chee Mun Chee
Wang Ting

Sunday, November 30, 2003

Ok, now i'm pissed, i shall go copy jingwen and go climb my roof and jump to opposite wait, that wouldn't work, my roof is 26 stories high and the opposite tower is about 10 meters away....hmmmm

I don't seem to be recovering, i dunno, it's like, hanging around....STUPID FLU!Bah! Now i'm getting very pissed and moody....i'm even starting to blame the cat for passing me viruses....Yeah, on the night of my primary school class barbeque this cat came along with a collar, so i picked it up, and when i picked it up, it started struggling like mad, so i was's up with that?Then, i bring it into the light, and wham, there's this huge scrape on it's back, near it's butt, it's like....the skin all scraped off and it's bleeding....yes...gross.

Anyway, so my friends freak out, the guys are all being big sissys and not coming anywhere near it and then one of my friends calls the SPCA to come and pick up the cat, and the operator was like "Is it dead?" What the hell, if it was dead, do you think we'd still call them and get them to pick it up?!?!?!?!*boggle*

So, they say they've only got one driver on this time of the night, and do not call them back to hurry them, only if it runs away then they will cancel the pick-up. Ok fine....

Yes, and all this while, the cat has been freaking and struggling like mad and scratching bloody furrows into my arms and chest and none of the guys will take it cos' they're too scared......******

So, think the SPCA van will go to the front lobby, so i walk up there and sit on the bench and attempt to keep the cat still. Two of my friends accompany me and one of them starts petting the cat hoping to calm it down, and surprisingly, it seems to work. Then, just as i think everything's gonna be peachy, it freaks out again, but the stupid cat didn't even TRY to scratch her, oh no, it turns around and BITES MY HAND!!!Heck, i didn't know cats could turn their heads around so much....

Right there and then, i knew what i should call the cat,(i won't release any names though, i'd like to live past 15)the stupid cat was buaya!What the hell!It's a buaya cat!It lets girls pet it, and when it gets pissed off, it takes it out on me.....nice cat.....

Yes, then the pizza man arrives, cos' my friends ordered pizza and i'm like......watching him go down and thinking...How nice, pizza's here, my friends are paying, and i'm sitting around with a freaked out cat that's probably got it's wound infected and getting

Oh yes, then one of my friends eating a slice of pizza comes to take a look at the cat and the one sitting beside me on the bench steals his toppings to feed the cat, but she doesn't dare to handfeed it, so drops it on my jeans and lets the cat eat it from there.....nice right?Omg......

When the SPCA man FINALLY came, sheesh, the cat was going berzerk and i had been scratched and bitten quite a bit..but amazingly, only two or three of the wounds were actually bleeding, hmmm, thank goodness for a weak cat...

Yes, and then he finally takes the cat away and i get to go back to the BBQ, yay...

So, next day, i get my blood drawn by dad for rabies testing, comes back clean, nice, but i believe the stupid thing passed unseen viruses into my body and helped with the destruction of my immune system.

Tell you what, i'm staying away from stray wasn't a fun experience....

Oh yes, and mom just told me she doesn't want me to go to church because she doesn't want me to pass my flu to other ppl.....crap lah....stupid flu....and i probably can't train tomorrow or even GO to training cos' if i hang around i'll pass them flu.......KAO!!!!!DAMN PISSED!!!!That's it, front flip time!!!!

*climbs to roof*
*attempts to jump to second tower*
*breaks leg*
*groans in pain*

Hmmmmm, that's probably what would happen, only with 26 stories below me, i doubt i'd just break my legs.....yeah......

Ok, i'm gonna go bum around....blehz....

1 Year Anniversary at 8:42 AM

Saturday, November 29, 2003

Sheesh, i still got it, it doesn't seem to be going away....crap lah, hope i recover before monday, i don't wanna miss training!!!!!!!!*sighz*.....

And then last night, i got a fever too, yay!Then mom tried to freeze me to death, sheesh, she wrapped lots of ice in a big towel and started sponging me and i must say, i think i experience a bit of chest was numb for the next 15 minutes, lol.

It truly sucks ass, when i get cold, take ice showers etc. fever gets much better, temperature drops, and then i start coughing my lungs out and sneezing till i get nose bleeds.......then when i get's the other way out, sheesh.......

I feel like a pig, i can't excercise, i sleep like....14 hours a day.....wth.....bleh...

Lucky my dad's a doc. and i know all the medicines in the house already though, or i think i'd be much much worse, at least i spotted it early and took medication, heheh.

Currently taking:

This sea coconut mixture, helps throat
Pipa gao
Cough mixture

Sounds like a list for a cancer patient doesn't it?That's what one of my friends told me, heh heh.

Ok, well, laming jingwen now, i'm going to change the title of my blog, lol

1 Year Anniversary at 5:39 PM

Friday, November 28, 2003

Ok, i have a feeling the smoothies contributed to my cough too, they were super sweet, y'know....the triple berry smoothies at orange julius.

My voice now sounds like two pieces of sandpaper rubbing each other, very hoarse.....very painful, it hurts to swallow....stupid viruses.....Heck, this goes on long enough i won't be able to eat anything and will probably end up looking like Mitchell I.E. Bamboo stick.

Yes, and my father is being very unfeeling this morning and woke me up at 7.00 to help him disassemble a fish tank and bring it to his car. Insensitive person!:)

Ok, just took medicine, feel drowsy again, gonna go lie down.....sheesh, stupid flu....

1 Year Anniversary at 7:57 AM

Thursday, November 27, 2003

Ok, i'm through ranting at Bitchell, i just paid someone to go get a black car and run him down. OOPS, not supposed to say that!*eeps*. Yeah, that stupid pirate, sooner or later he'll be taking templates and selling them at 5 dollars each......

Ooh, and huanglu got pissed off cos' he thinks everyone's copying his template and

Yeah, well, went to this quizme site that's shown at timo's blog and it seems that i'm a dangerous cook in my past life......I was like...HUH?I was Mr.Tan in my past life?!?!?:D Yes, all you judokas will get the joke. For all you other people, go ask them. this nice puppy for elisabeth's birthday, she's my church friend, 8 this year and really cute, so i got her this cute soft toy, yay. You can see it in my album. under toy. Yeah, it's pretty cute.

Well, flu's getting better at least, i don't feel as shitty anymore, but still really weak and drained....stupid flu, screwed up my entire schedule, i can't excercise at all, i tried and i almost died from suffocation, bleh.

Ok, well, i'll nurse myself, gonna try to get some rest before finish planning my church camp, bleh.

1 Year Anniversary at 5:08 PM

Bitchell stole my blog!That bastard!That's it, from now on i'm calling him bitchell!WTH!He didn't even bother to edit anything!!!(*@&#$(@&#($&@(%&(@#^(%.

Anyone feel like coming with me to his house and kicking him in the balls?

Yes, today has been very screwed up, woke up with a flu, had to disassemble and reassemble my phone, something went wrong, and bitchell steals my blog template......Now i gotta go shopping for printing cartridges and presents, bitchell's not getting any christmas present from me this year.


1 Year Anniversary at 1:20 PM

Wednesday, November 26, 2003

Yay, got the new blog up and running, *CHEER!!!!!!!!*:P.
Went over to the body anatomy thing at the expo with jingwen and mitch, jingwen is an was 12 bucks, and it sucked......Hmmmm, wonder if i can get sued for saying that......anyway, yeah, it sucked, big time. Just freaks you out and stuff, they had rather graphic images that caused me phantom pains in some...areas.

Then, we went for snack at this hawkers center, mitchell blew 2.50 on this......tiny bowl of wanton mee, and we were all laughing, lol.

Then, went over to Jingwen's house...kembangan..... Sheesh. He downloaded songs and stuff and we worked on my blog, yay, looks pretty kewl now, *EGO*!:P And jingwen named it

Well, then we opened some message historys that huang lu typed when he was at jmr's house, and we were like....oh my wonder huanglu always ignores us on MSN, he's BUAYA'ING with Char Bor!!LOL!!
It was like, when he talks to us, you see at least one vulgarity in every line, then when you scan through message history...oh man, so guai, LMAO!

Yes, and i saw one that read "Lincoln likes to grope people." And i was like....HUH?!?!?WTH IS THAT?!?!?And jingwen told me he used howard's account to send that to someone and started talking crap about me.......yeah......and i was like "I don't even know her and you tell her i like to grope people?What the hell is wrong with you?!?!?!" Yeah, then i bash his short little head in, short people are irritating.....bah.....ROFL!:D

Yes, and i seem to be getting addicted to blogging....hmmm, yeah, i like to rant, lol.

Ok, that's it for tonight!

1 Year Anniversary at 9:17 PM

Tuesday, November 25, 2003

Oh man, this is like, so goddamn screwed up, my mom's best friend, my auntie Jane, has cancer, and it's her brain and her bones now, so, yeah, she doesn't have much time left on this earch.

It was so.......*sigh*, i dunno, she discovered a lump on her breast, so thought something might be up, went for a checkup, and found that it was cancer. So she went to SGH for treatment, then SARS hit, and they closed all hospitals except for emergency cases, they told her if she wanted treatment, she had to go to a private doctor which is like.....very very expensive, so what the hell, she stopped treatment for at least a month or two! Then, when SARS finally was over and she went and checked again, it had spread to the other breast too, so had to do operations on both, and 2 weeks later, they found cancer in her brain. Now my mom's feeling really bad, cos' she lost contact with her for the past year or so, and she told me that she's really upset because if she had kept close to auntie Jane, once auntie Jane told her about the lump, my dad would've at least been able to arrange for an earlier checkup and treatment and stuff........

Man, it's screwed up, *sigh*, and she's single, lives alone, doesn't have anyone to take care of her, but went out with her and she's still very happy go lucky and smiley, but oh man, she lost so much all gone and her legs are so weak now, wah lao, i felt like shit lah..........

I'm gonna try to spend more time with her, at least try to get to know her better, keep her company, i dunno, at least don't let her be alone with her time left.

Now i'm feeling really bad, it's like, i realised how little time i've been spending with my grandmother, she's got a stroke and can't walk and she basically can only sit at home at day watching TV and just seeing visitors, and i've neglected to go and visit her. Man, i feel low....

Hell, i guess instead of going out and playing the com and chatting with people, wasting my time i should be spending more time on my family, i dunno, just don't feel very comfortable with them. Guess i gotta try though, but when i get comfortable with people, i tend to swear a that isn't such a good idea, lol.

Anyway, got this major headache from the screwy 4's all mitchell's fault, lol, no lah, he only kept me awake till about 12+, then alwyn helped me make my blog and spam my tagboard and celine was just laming away as usual, what the hell?!?She slept at 6am!That's when i wake up for school!She's freaky, yeah. Zhangrui, want intro anot?Rofl :P

Anyway, yeah, timothy's chasing me to finish this blog and give him the URL and talk to him, so yeah, that's it.

Crap, need to blow money on birthday presents again, got 3 birthdays coming up, 2 church friends, and my bro's. Hey, maybe i'll get him something "kinky" lol!!!!

Anyway yeah, that's it.


1 Year Anniversary at 9:38 PM

Oh my god....what the hell, WORD OF ADVICE, do not sleep 4 hours and then try to run macritchie......crap, slept at 4, woke up feeling like shit at 8, and had to struggle and crawl and shout to finish my get to the toilet.

Yeah, died halfway through macritchie, i was like....ooh, how come so many stars at 8.45??In the end had to rest before i ran back home, sad......damn, feel so......lousy....heck, and then i gotta go out in the afternoon with my mom and my auntie, so i don't get to sleep, hurray!!!

Yeah, just came here to rant again, and stupid alwyn spammed my tagboard.....that stupid ma tong. Yeah, his chinese's name's mao tong, so we just call him ma tong.

Ok, niwae, gonna try to catch a bit of sleep after i shower, at least i won't feel THAT dead.

1 Year Anniversary at 10:16 AM

Ok, fine, they finally convinced me to go get a blog, yes, still think it defits the purpose though, anyway, i'll just come here to rant yah?:P

Man, it's 12.45AM and i'm blogging, lol, quite smart.....too bored i guess, watching Southpark the movie at the moment, very funny stuff, but very adult too, lol!

Woke up in the morning, felt like crap, didn't wanna go for training. Wait......that's what i feel every training....hmmmmmm, anyway, i haven't missed a single training the last 2 months or so, proud of it, yay!:P Been running so much, sheesh, even i think i'm crazy.

Lucky training was not.....very......tough?Shall we say, ok, fine, it was slack!SORRY MR.TAN!*Ducks*

Yeah, then we gave Mr.Tan his wedding bears and the happy marriage card, took a video of him opening it up, maybe if i can get off my lazy butt i'll find a way to post it then people can see.....anyway......

Then went out with Mitch to go Orchard with Carolyn and Sarah, yeah, then went home with Mitch and started bumming around again.....bleh.......

OMG, i'm nuts, it's like......1.......and i'm waking up at 8.....and going to run 10K see myself dying halfway through Macritchie, lol.

Yeah, think that's about, my first blog entry!:D

1 Year Anniversary at 12:46 AM

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